Online Print Advert Builder for View Publishing

200.0 GBP

200.0 GBP peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
25 days ago


Objective:To create an interactive online tool that allows users to build print advertisements by entering business details, main body copy, and uploading a photo and logo. The tool should display a real-time preview of the advert and provide the functionality to submit the final design as a PDF.
Key Features:
1. User Interface:• A visually appealing, user-friendly form layout.
Sections for entering:• Business details (name, contact information, address, etc.)• Main body copy for the advert
Upload functionality for:• Business logo• Photo/image related to the advert
2. Real-Time Preview:• Dynamic preview area beside or below the form fields.• Instant update of the advert as the user types or uploads images.• Accurate representation of how the final advert will look.
3. PDF Generation and Submission:• A "Submit" button that finalizes the advert.• Conversion of the final advert preview into a high-resolution PDF file.• Option to download the PDF and/or send it directly to our team.
Technical Requirements:
Frontend:• Responsive design to accommodate various screen sizes.• Use of modern web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React/Vue.js/Angular).
Backend:• Server-side scripting for handling form submissions and PDF generation (Node.js, Python, PHP).• Integration with a PDF generation library (jsPDF, PDFKit, or similar).
File Handling:• Secure file upload handling with validation for image types and sizes.• Temporary storage for uploaded images and logos.
Preview Rendering:• Real-time rendering of the advert based on form inputs.• Ensure high fidelity and performance in the preview.
Security and Compliance:• Data protection and privacy compliance (GDPR, etc.).• Secure storage and handling of user data.
Design Specifications:
Form Layout:• Clean, modern, and intuitive design.• Clearly labeled fields and sections.• Error handling and user guidance (tooltips, inline validation messages).
Advert Template:• Pre-designed template for the advert.• Consistent font styles, sizes, and color schemes to match View Publishing’s branding.• Placeholder for business details, body copy, logo, and photo.
Deliverables:• Fully functional online advert builder tool.• Source code and documentation.• User manual or guide for using the tool.
Please provide a detailed proposal including timeline, cost estimate, and any previous relevant work examples. We look forward to collaborating with you on this project to enhance our services at View Publishing.

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