Development Partnership

150.0 EUR

150.0 EUR peopleperhour 技术与编程 海外


My previous developer was unable to complete my project,, within the intended timeline and budget. There are 14 minor known issues to resolve mainly relating to image insertion.
The site utilizes Gtranslate for multilingual capabilities across language-specific subdomains (e.g. ./fr, ./es) and is modeled after the largely completed companion site,, which employs the Avada framework. Regrettably, my prior contractor elected to use Elementor for the EU version without my approval. I have some Avada experience, but none in Elementor.
I am now seeking a developer with whom I can partner long-term to tackle tasks beyond my technical abilities. Presently, there exists a list of minor outstanding items requiring completion for which I am prepared to provide specifications and negotiate a guaranteed delivery date. Moving forward, I aim to establish an hourly rate for continued support, whereby you resolve any issues that emerge and help expand my knowledge along the way.
Experience with search engine optimization would prove valuable, as the .com site currently leverages Squirrly yet optimization efforts on the .eu version remain in early stages. Additionally, the .com site integrates a single Brevo account connected to multiple forms, but reattaching Brevo to the .eu variant may necessitate alterations to form interactions.
Lastly, I am interested in your perspective on leveraging artificial intelligence to its fullest potential within the system. For instance, permitting users to input questions and receive relevant product suggestions.






