Photorealistic 3D Rendering of Restaurant Interior Design

150.0 USD

150.0 USD peopleperhour 设计 海外


Hello I am Requesting your expertise in creating a photorealistic interior visualization 3D rendering for a restaurant project I am embarking on.
The restaurant concept revolves around a casual dining experience offering Lebanese cuisine with a twist. I envision a space that exudes relaxation and happiness, achieved through a combination of comfortable seating, greenery, and a verdant atmosphere. The aim is to create an ambiance where customers feel at ease and eager to indulge in the culinary delights offered.
The estimated area for the project is 120 square meters, with approximately 40 square meters allocated for the kitchen area. The remaining space will be dedicated to the dining area, movement space, and incorporation of plants to enhance the ambiance.
It's worth noting that the restaurant's location will be in Egypt, specifically in Cairo.
I am keen on ensuring that the design is not only unique but also cost-effective to implement. This initial phase of the project focuses on creating a photorealistic interior visualization that can be utilized for the restaurant's profile. Once the location is finalized, detailed dimensions will be provided for the implementation of the design in the construction phase.
I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a quotation for your services for this first phase only. The quotation should include the cost of creating the photorealistic 3D rendering of the restaurant interior design as per the specifications provided. The First Phase Deadline are 3 Days.
Thank you for considering my request. I eagerly await the opportunity to collaborate with you on bringing this vision to life.






