Build Data Streaming Application

300.0 USD

300.0 USD peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
477 days ago


We are looking for a developer who can build a streaming application which will read live data being received into an excel file and stream this data out to a connected application(websocket).
The data is updating in real time within an excel file(via RTD and DDE). The data needs to be exported into a websocket in real-time with near 0 latency.
The application developed should be scaleable and able to handle large volumes of data.
It cannot have latency beyond 0.5 seconds under any condition as the data is time sensitive. The application architecture has to be light and stable and neither the excel nor the websocket should get overloaded or busy.
It has to be deployed on a public server((cloud) so that the data can be consumed as required by client apps (server deployment is part of the task).
It is not necessary to use any specific technology stack, as long as the result is as required i.e. developed application is handling the incoming data without problems and is streaming out the data without any delays in the required format - json/csv are acceptable.
Having experience of a similar task is highly desirable.
Being able to deliver within a swift and committed time frame is essential.
In house developers are available to provide further scope and details, as well as assess results immediately.

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