Wordpress theme

120.0 GBP

120.0 GBP peopleperhour 技术与编程 海外


Hi all,
I have a website designed using wordpress, all good except the theme is not sending emails from the theme, example: when new registrate enrolls or clicking on forget password.








I'm in need of a unique Microsoft Teams application that computes the cost of everyone's time during a meeting. This value per hour will be manually set by the meeting host. It should then display a running tally in the corner of the meeting for all to see. Here are the key features: 1. Compatibility: The app should work seamlessly on all devices: desktop computers, mobile phones, and tablets. 2. Currency Setting: I would like the ability to switch between different currencies within the app settings. 3. Automatic Conversion: crucially, the application should automatically convert the dollar figure based on user preferences. Ideal candidates for this job should have a strong background in software development, particularly with Microsoft Teams applications. Experience with currency conversion features would be a plus. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a fully-functional, user-friendly application that fits these needs. Other Notes - The characters would be semi transparent in the corner of th emeeting. It could have an option to change the character color brighter as the cost of the meet increases. - It would rely on a manual entry for an assumed value of everyones time on the call (ie $100/hr), and then automatically detect the number of people on the call to multiply by. - it would update at a chosen time interval (10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes) - it would be an optional add on application - ability to chart the spend rate on a meeting after it is over Intent is for those who call meetings to keep them focussed on adding value to the organization, and bring to everyones attention on the call the value of each others time. Its not to discourage communication, but rather keep meetings focussed on adding value,
160.0 USD 技术与编程 peopleperhour 海外