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How do I update the password for Git?

I'm using BitBucket with Xcode and Git for version control, and recently I changed all of my passwords (thanks Adobe!).

Unsurprisingly, I'm no longer able to push my local commits to my repository on BitBucket (Authentication failed for 'https://______.git'), but I'm forgetting how to update the cached password on my iMac. Somehow I've been unable to find it on Google or Stack Overflow, though it seems to me it should be rather straightforward...

It's probably stored in your OS X keychain (the password store)
Could be in your .git/config file, if your username/password are just stored with the git url.

Paul Solt

To fix this on macOS, you can use

git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

A username and password prompt will appear with your next Git action (pull, clone, push, etc.).

For Windows, it's the same command with a different argument:

git config --global credential.helper wincred

On Mac OS 10.12.2 and when I did the above - checked and double checked that I entered it correctly - and nothing happened.
@b_dubb It might not do anything until the next time you reach out (push, pull,fetch) then you will be prompted for credentials.
@user2782001 I was using the osxkeychain helper, running the mac command did nothing. I suspect that if someone was not using the helper before, changing the configuration to use the helper, it would see that a password had not been entered for that remote, it would prompt, and everything would be fine the first time. Subsequent changes of the configuration would not prompt. The answer below worked for me.
Does not work on windows. Doesn't prompt for the new password
Just a friendly reminder not to use --global if you have different accounts for different repos

None of the other answers worked for me on MacOS Sierra 10.12.4

Here is what I had to do:

git config --global --unset user.password

Then run your git command (ex. git push) and reenter your username and password.

This was the proper method that worked for me (on mac)
This do nothing for me on Windows. After this command I've tried to push, and it was successful, so the password is still available for git
Worked for me on Win 10. Password prompt popped up and didn't need to go to Control Panel
Worked on Win10. Firstly I used command from this answer and later simply git pull - Windows popup appeared prompting for a password. Thanks!
Works also on linux
Imran Javed

In Windows 10 with Git

Remove/update related Credentials stored in Windows Credentials in >>Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Credential Manager

This was indeed the way. For users that have to work with the Dutch version of the OS: credentials ---> referentiebeheer
This was the simplest solution. All you need to do is edit. Thanks.
Btw, the path for me was Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager but best is to type Credential to jump right in.
Thanks a lot! Save my day.
My preferred method for opening anything on Windows, is to tap the Windows key and type the name of the thing in, and then press enter when it pops up in the search results. It's a lot faster and easier than navigating through explorer as suggested.

The only way I could modify my git password was to go to Credential Manager in Windows (Windows Key + type 'credential') and edit the git entry under Windows Credentials 🡒 Generic Credentials. Note: Not listed alphabetically

The question was asked for macOS
@Saikat and yet, many of us with the same question for windows end up finding this SO question. It's almost as if the question itself while tagged macos isn't OS specific!
This was the only answer that worked for me on Win 10
You can just remove rather than edit, and you'll be prompted on the next push/pull
It works perfectly
Julián Martínez

I had the same problem, and the accepted answer didn't help me because the password wasn't stored in the keychain. I typed:

git pull

Then console asked me for my new password.

I tried like this only but still credential pop is displaying, instead of reset password
It worked for me, but I had to reset captcha first. Thank you.

In windows 10 as mentioned above by @Imran Javed you can find Generic Credentials at :

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Credential Manager --> Windows Credentials

find your git server and than you can update password by clicking edit button.

@halxinate which operating system you use ? This is for windows 10.
This was the only solution that worked for me on Windows 7
There is no git related generic credentials on my computer while I use git commit, push, pull everyday. Then how can we update the password? Please suggest. Thanks.

For Mac

If you have multiple remote repositories (Github, Bitbucket, Job, etc.)

1) run in the project directory

git config --unset user.password

2) run remote git command (ie. git push or git pull)

Git will prompt you to reenter your and user.password for this repository

Or you can do it globally if you have only one remote repository

git config --global --unset user.password


If you are MAC user then you can open KeyChain Access Application from finder and then look for your account listed there. Just click on it and update your password. Now give a try and things will fall in place.

link for reference: Updating your credentials via Keychain Access

This is what worked for me! It allows us to update the password from one repo. Some of the other suggestions on this page will effect everything that git touches.
This worked for me as well
This should be the right answer for mac users, this is how mac manages passwords
Dan Leonard

None of the other answers worked for me on MacOS Big Sur 11.3.1

I had Two-Factor Authentication enabled on Github, this makes is so you will fail when entering your username and password even when they are correct.

Here is what I had to do:

git config --global --unset user.password

Then run your git command (ex. git push) and enter your username. For the password you need to generate a Personal Access Token.

Go to select the Developer Settings on the right. Select Personal Access Token Generate new token. Copy the generated token and use it as the password in terminal.

This worked for two-factor authentication scenario.
Could you add the source for your quote at the end?
Shravan Ramamurthy

running git config --global --unset user.password followed by any git command would prompt you to enter username and password.

git config --global --unset user.password
git push (will prompt you for the password)
git status (will not prompt for password again)

Well, calling the command git push (or pull) just gave me authentication error and access denied. Did not prompt me
This answer doesn't cover anything that isn't covered by Derek's.

In my Windows machine, I tried the solution of @nzrytmn i.e., Control Panel>Search Credentials>Select "ManageCredentials">modified new credentials under git option category corresponding to my username. And then,

Deleted current password:

git config --global --unset user.password

Added new password:

git config --global --add user.password "new_password"

And It worked for me.

Did not work for me. I have resolved the issue as described here:
Warning: this stores an UNENCRYPTED password in ~/.gitconfig.

If your credentials are stored in the credential helper, the portable way to remove a password persisted for a specific host is to call git credential reject:

$ git credential reject


$ git credential reject

After that, to enter your new password, type git fetch.

warning: invalid credential line: ? fatal: unable to read credential from stdin
That worked for me under Windows 10, other methods not. This should be probably the correct answer.
It worked for me! Thanks a lot!
Its working in Mac too
Indeed, this is the most portable and correct of all answers and should be the main answer to this question. It also worked for me under Linux. Thanks.

Given the new token authentification requirement from August 13 2021, this may be what you are looking for:

Generate a new access token

Update the token used to access your repo

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin https://[TOKEN][USER]/[REPO]
git push

This solution worked for me, none of those above did, I want to specify that USER is not the username that u use to access to ur github account, but the user of REPO
Yes. This is the only solution that worked for me. One command one should run first is: git remote -v so that one can see the existing [USER] and [REPO] parameters.
If the name of your personal access token is "token" and token value is "123" then [TOKEN] = token:123 . For[USER]/[REPO], copy the URL that points at your repository - everything after "https://".

There is such a confusion on this question, as there is way too much complexity in this question. First MacOS vs. Win10. Then the different auth mechanisms.

I will start a consolidated answer here and probably need some help, if I do not get help, I will keep working on the answer until it is complete, but that will take time.

Windows 10: |

|-- Run this command. You will be prompted on next push/pull to enter username and password:
|      git config --global credential.helper wincred (Thanks to @Andrew Pye)

` MacOS:

|-- 1. Using git config to store username and password:
|  git config --global --add user.password
|---- 1.1 first time entry
|  git config --global --add user.password <new_pass>
|---- 1.2 password update
|  git config --global --unset user.password
|  git config --global --add user.password <new_pass>
|-- 2. Using keychain:
|  git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
|---- 2.1 first time entry
|  Terminal will ask you for the username and password. Just enter it, it will be 
|  stored in keychain from then on.
|---- 2.2 password update
|  Open keychain, delete the entry for the repository you are trying to use. 
|  (git remote -v will show you)
|  On next use of git push or something that needs permissions, git will ask for 
|  the credentials, as it can not find them in the keychain anymore.

I updated your formatting tried to add the reference to Andrew Pye, but couldn't find something. Reformatting Renhuais comment: running git config --global --unset user.password and then git push origin master will ask you for username and password. Put that into the answer too?
Peter Mortensen

I was pushing into the repository for the first time. So there was no HEAD defined.

The easiest way would be to:

git push -u origin master

It will then prompt for the password, and once you enter that it will be saved automatically, and you will be able to push.

if i push from local to my remote server then which password i have to use ? Is this my remote server credential password or other ?
@Fawwad It's the password for the remote repository.
My remote server is not It is my dedicated server where i installed Git.
i understand how this would help you push the first time, but how this would help to update the saved password.
@Fawwad it doesn't matter what you're using. You still need to give the credentials that provide write access to the repository to which you want to write.
Raphael Pinel

If you are using github and have enabled 2 factor authentication, you need to enter a Personal access token instead of your password

First reset your password:

git config --global --unset user.password

Then, log to your github account, on the right hand corner, click on Settings, then Developer Settings. Generate a Personal access token. Copy it.

git push

The terminal will prompt you for your username: enter your email address.

At the password prompt, enter the personal access token instead.

Luthfi Rahman

do these steps in Terminal:

Delete current password saved in your Mac git config --global --unset user.password Add your new password by using this command, replace with your new password: git config --global --add user.password

This way your password does get saved in history, and anyone who runs the history command can see it as plain text. To prevent it you can add an extra space before the command or run this command 'history -d 1234' with the right line ID afterwards

you can change password through command line in 2 places, following would edit credentials to connect the repo

git config --edit 

The credentials also can be changed at global using global parameter like below

 git config --global --add user.password "XXXX"

or set the credentials helper with

git config --global credential.helper wincred

but if you have repo level credentials set the use the first command

git config --edit


my password was good in github desktop preferences but wrong in the .git/config file

for me the only working solution was to manually edit the file: .git/config

that contains this line:

url =

change password to the GOOD password because it was an older one for me

shaurya airi

I was able to change my git password by going to Credential Manager in Windows and deleting all the git entries under Windows Credentials 🡒 Generic Credentials.

When doing a git pull or git push, windows will ask for the new user/password itself.

Ian Samz

For MacOS based on the new rule to use password tokens from August 13 2021.

I tried all other terminal based answers but none worked.

Simply head to Keychain Access Search for github Right click on all github related items, including vs-code, Delete all items

Peter Mortensen

I would try to delete my account in Keychain Access and then run git clone again. Git will ask me for a new password.

This is what I chose to do. I had multiple github accounts stored in the Keychain. I chose to delete them all. Successfully pushed my local branch.
not a good answer. Re-cloning is way too much for this simple task

on mac BigSur 11.2.3 I updated the credentials in the key chain then I ran the command below.

git credential-osxkeychain erase

I had to do this because no other solution in this thread worked for me after changing to token auth for github. github kept stating repository not found. If this does not work try to combine this with the other commands for mac in this thread.

Exactly what I was looking for. Source for this is:…

Just clone one of your existing repos, this will prompt you for new credentials: e.g.

git clone

(where is an address of one of your existing repos)


Tried everything but nothing worked. Then the following did work.

Before any of the above steps, lock and unlock the keychain again coz sometimes it sorta gets stuck. Install the GitHub Desktop — it helps.

How do you do that?
chill appreciator

For those who are looking for how to reset access to the repository. By the example of GitHub. You can change your GitHub profile password and revoke all "Personal access tokens" in "Settings -> Developer settings" of your profile. Also you can optionally wipe all your SSH/PGP keys and OAuth/GitHub apps to be sure that access to the repository is completely blocked. Thus, all the credential managers, on any system will fail at authorisation and prompt you to enter the new credentials.


Following steps can resolve the issue .....

Go to the folder ~/Library/Application Support/SourceTree Delete the file {Username} Restart Sourcetree Try to fetch, password filed appear, give your new password Also can run git fetch command in terminal and need to type password Done


None of the command line options from within terminal worked for me. Ultimately, I just opened up keychain manually, searched for 'git' under 'All Items', found an entry there and deleted it. That did it! Next time I tried a git pull from the terminal and it prompted me for new creds.

In Visual Studio Code, the terminal command's did not do anything for me. Opening KeychainAccess (not Keychain) searching and deleting the entry fixed the problem. When using BitBucket, search for bitbucket instead of git.

For MAC users, using git GUI (Works for Sourcetree, may work for others as well). Would like to add a small remark to Derek's answer. The original suggestion:

$ git config --global --unset user.password

should be followed by a push/pull/fetch BUT it might not work when done from the GUI. The %100 working case would be to do the very first consecutive prompt-triggering git command from console. Here is an example:

Locate to your git repository root directory Type in $ git config --unset user.password Proceed with a git commend of your choice in terminal e.g.: $ git push

Then it will ask you to provide the new passoword.

Alhamza Alnaimi

In this article, they explain it in a very easy way but basically, we just need to execute a git remote set-url origin "https://<yourUserName><yourRepo>" and next time you do a git pull or a git push you will have to put your password.