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使用 PyCharm 终端参数进行调试

I have been using PyCharm for a bit so I am not an expert.

How I normally ran my programs was with the terminal like so: -t input1 -t1 input2

I was wondering how can I debug this?

For other programs I wrote, I did not have any arguments so debugging was simply setting break points and pressing debug.


Menu: Run -> Edit configurations -> "+" (add new config) -> Python.

Script name:

If you need to debug a script from installed packages, such as tox, you can specify the full path too. For example: Script name: /home/your_user/.envs/env_name/bin/tox

Above /home/your_user/.envs/env_name is a path to virtual environment containing tox package.

Script params: -t input1 -t1 input2

You seem to be pretty good at using PyCharm I have another question if you dont mind helping =D…
@DrumM not sure I understand you. Can you clarify and give an example what you're trying to do ?
easy: like you would do on a command line, adding variables to it: e.g.: ./ $LIST_OF_FILES It's just a pain in the *** if the list of files you want to test, you always have to change the config...
@DrumM - there is a tick to open confuguration screen on each launch. That's one option. Option 2: get output of your shell command inside python app you're debugging. Option 3: specify the facilitator as the launch app. It will gather required data and then run the code you're trying to debug
Note that arguments with spaces in them should be wrapper in double quotes, not single quotes. This tripped me up for a little bit.
Jebaseelan Ravi

Just the image wise representation of answer

step 1: Click on the Run menu click Edit configuration

Select + in top right corner and select python

Provide the name ,absolutepath of the script/ select the script by clicking three dots(green marker, script paramters and python interpreter

In case its not clear, the parameter 1 and parameter 2 are not place holders but actual values.

It was almost correct but just needed little correction with full script path.

Menu: Run->Edit configurations->"+" (add new config)->Python.

Script name: path + /

Script params: -t input1 -t1 input2