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How do I activate a Spring Boot profile when running from IntelliJ?

I have 5 environments:

 - local (my development machine)
 - dev
 - qc
 - uat
 - live
 - staging

I want different application properties to be used for each environment, so I have the following properties files each which have a different URL for the datasource:

 -  (containing common properties)

I am using IntelliJ and running my app using bootRun in the Gradle plugin on my local machine. I will be using deploying the same application war file on all other environments which run Tomcat.

I have tried adding:

to the run configuration under script parameters.

I have tried adding

to the run configuration under VM options.

Neither work. I keep seeing the INFO message on startup say: No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default

If I run my app from the windows command line using

gradle bootRun

but I first set the environment variable


Then everything works.

So my question is, how do I activate my local spring boot profile when running bootRun from IntelliJ ?

Why are you running the application via gradle there? Wouldn't it be 10 times more convenient to use the run configuration? There's a field where you can set the profiles to enable...
I am using the run configuration in IntelliJ, as explained above. It's not working.
No you're not. What I am talking about is the "Spring Boot run configuration" Run -> Edit configuration > New > Spring Boot.
Aah yes, I moved away from Spring Boot run configuration as I needed to expand into in my build.gradle and if I used the Spring Boot run configuration, it didn't seem to work. I'll look into resolving that issue and then perhaps I can simply use the active profile field as you suggested
Using the Spring Boot configuration seems more trouble than its worth. The 'Make' simply copies across the resources and doesn't filter/alter them as per by build script. Then telling it to run the 'build' from gradle instead of 'make' simply causes the run to freeze. If I use bootRun instead, along with my environment entry as per below answer, all works fine.

Brad Parks

I added to VM Options and then re-ran that configuration. It worked perfectly.

This can be set by

Choosing Run | Edit Configurations...

Go to the Configuration tab

Expand the Environment section to reveal VM options

I was stuck in the same situation but for a Maven project. Thanks for the help. We have set the VM option for each and every test file.
It doesn't work for me too. I use gradle and two modules (api and ui)
Doesn't work for me either, also using gradle here.
HI, I have the same issue but this fix does not fix the issue. what is meant here by reran the configuration? is it as just as rerunning the task?
Usually, spring.profiles.include is preferrable, because also disables other profiles. Deactivating default profiles might be undesired.
Daniel Bubenheim

If you actually make use of spring boot run configurations (currently only supported in the Ultimate Edition) it's easy to pre-configure the profiles in "Active Profiles" setting.

Thanks, I'm sure this would work, however I am not using the Spring Boot run configuration, I am using the Gradle run configuration which doesn't have the "Active Profiles" field. My gradle build filters and modifies some of the properties files it copies to the build directory, so I am using the Grade run configuration for this.
As an above answer pointed out: if this isn't working for you, ensure that you're passing in the args in your Application.main() eg Application.class, args );
This feature is supported in the Ultimate edition only.
Thanks @JulienMalige for pointing this out. I will edit my answer.
You can use a comma separate list of them as you would in the cli so for example default, staging. The far right takes highest precedence so for example foo=bar (default) and foo=baz (staging), will result in foo=baz

Spring Boot seems had changed the way of reading the VM options as it evolves. Here's some way to try when you launch an application in Intellij and want to active some profile:

1. Change VM options

Open "Edit configuration" in "Run", and in "VM options", add:

It actually works with one project of mine with Spring Boot v2.0.3.RELEASE and Spring v5.0.7.RELEASE, but not with another project with Spring Boot v2.1.1.RELEASE and Spring v5.1.3.RELEASE.

Also, when running with Maven or JAR, people mentioned this:

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=dev


java -jar XXX.jar

(See here: how to use Spring Boot profiles)

2. Passing JVM args

It is mentioned somewhere, that Spring changes the way of launching the process of applications if you specify some JVM options; it forks another process and will not pass the arg it received so this does not work. The only way to pass args to it, is:

mvn spring-boot:run"..."

Again, this is for Maven.

3. Setting (application) env var

What works for me for the second project, was setting the environment variable, as mentioned in some answer above: "Edit configuration" - "Environment variable", and:


The env var should actually be SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE.
I added it in "Run configuration" of IDEA "VM options" like "" and it works. Maybe another form like urs is used system-wide in system properties?
If you're adding it to ~/.profile or similar, you have to use SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE -- likely only works as an argument on the command line.
Ah.. so you mean the same as I suspected; real system env not just the application env. OK I make an edit.
This answer is very concise and complete

Tested with IntelliJ Community edition 2021.x

You can create Multiple configurations, one each for a specific profile, In my case below, I have created a dev config with dev profile environment variable.

Goto Run > Edit Configuration Choose the configuration you want to edit, in the left under Application. On the right side > Under Environment Variable, update example (observer:- the variable should be without -D flag) Save the changes and Run the Spring boot app with the same configuration.

Note:- You can also create a new configuration or copy existing in step 2 above, using the option available in the same panel.

This answer worked for me, I'm using the gradle bootRun configuration on Spring Boot 2.4.2 and the other answers would not change my active profile. Thanks!
emerson moura

Try add this command in your build.gradle

So for running configure that shape:

doesn't work for me

For Spring Boot 2.1.0 and later you can use

mvn spring-boot:run,bar

In your commandline will be spring-boot:run
with spring-boot:run this is the answer

I ended up adding the following to my build.gradle:

bootRun {
  environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: environment.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE ?: "local"

test {
  environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: environment.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE ?: "test"

So now when running bootRun from IntelliJ, it defaults to the "local" profile.

On our other environments, we will simply set the 'SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE' environment variable in Tomcat.

I got this from a comment found here:

Hubert Ströbitzer

A probable cause could be that you do not pass the command line parameters into the applications main method. I made the same mistake some weeks ago.

public static final void main(String... args) {, args);

Thanks for the reply and suggestion, however I am passing the arguments in.
This actually fixed my problem. For some reason when I created the project using Gradle, it didn't auto-generate my Application class so did it by hand from memory. Missed the args step, and so the "Active Profiles" box in the run configuration didn't work -- I had to manually pass in in the VM options box.
Ryan Wibawa

I use the Intellij Community Edition. Go to the "Run/Debug Configurations" > Runner tab > Environment variables > click button "...". Add: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE = local

Nikos Hidalgo

In my case I used below configuration at VM options in IntelliJ , it was not picking the local configurations but after a restart of IntelliJ it picked configuration details from IntelliJ and service started running.

Pedro Barbosa

So for resuming...

If you have the IntelliJ Ultimate the correct answer is the one provided by Daniel Bubenheim

But if you don't, create in Run->Edit Configurations and in Configuration tab add the next Environment variable:


And to execute the jar do:

java -jar XXX.jar


Try this. Edit your build.gradle file as followed.

ext { profile = project.hasProperty('profile') ? project['profile'] : 'local' }

Amrit Malla

You can try the above way to activate a profile


Here are 2 ways

Using gradle project property

In build.gradle, add

    if (project.hasProperty('profiles')) {
        environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: profiles
    } else {
        def profiles = 'dev'
        environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: profiles

In intellij gradle configuration, change the value "test" in "-Pprofiles" as appropriate to environment you want to run

Using environment property

Follow answer by @Hubert

And configure the run configuration as


Set under program arguments.

I have removed the quotes from my question above. I am not actually using quotes, I was just trying to show exactly what I was putting into the run configuration fields
you mean VM options!
This answer is very misleading as program arguments won't be recognized by the application!
This answer will not work, as mentioned by other folks, it should be under VM Options in IntelliJ Idea and not in the program arguments