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Get file version in PowerShell

How can you get the version information from a .dll or .exe file in PowerShell?

I am specifically interested in File Version, though other version information (that is, Company, Language, Product Name, etc.) would be helpful as well.


Since PowerShell 5 in Windows 10, you can look at FileVersionRaw (or ProductVersionRaw) on the output of Get-Item or Get-ChildItem, like this:

(Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Lsasrv.dll).VersionInfo.FileVersionRaw

It's actually the same ScriptProperty from my Update-TypeData in the original answer below, but built-in now.

In PowerShell 4, you could get the FileVersionInfo from Get-Item or Get-ChildItem, but it would show the original FileVersion from the shipped product, and not the updated version. For instance:

(Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Lsasrv.dll).VersionInfo.FileVersion

Interestingly, you could get the updated (patched) ProductVersion by using this:

(Get-Command C:\Windows\System32\Lsasrv.dll).Version

The distinction I'm making between "original" and "patched" is basically due to the way the FileVersion is calculated (see the docs here). Basically ever since Vista, the Windows API GetFileVersionInfo is querying part of the version information from the language neutral file (exe/dll) and the non-fixed part from a language-specific mui file (which isn't updated every time the files change).

So with a file like lsasrv (which got replaced due to security problems in SSL/TLS/RDS in November 2014) the versions reported by these two commands (at least for a while after that date) were different, and the second one is the more "correct" version.

However, although it's correct in LSASrv, it's possible for the ProductVersion and FileVersion to be different (it's common, in fact). So the only way to get the updated Fileversion straight from the assembly file is to build it up yourself from the parts, something like this:

Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Lsasrv.dll | ft FileName, File*Part

Or by pulling the data from this:


You can easily add this to all FileInfo objects by updating the TypeData in PowerShell:

Update-TypeData -TypeName System.IO.FileInfo -MemberName FileVersionRaw -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {
   [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($this.FullName) | % {
      [Version](($_.FileMajorPart, $_.FileMinorPart, $_.FileBuildPart, $_.FilePrivatePart)-join".") 

Now every time you do Get-ChildItem or Get-Item you'll have a FileVersionRaw property that shows the updated File Version ...

And to make this the equivalent of Lars' accepted answer, just use (Get-Command C:\Path\YourFile.Dll).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion
I am intrigued about the Get-Command applied to a dll file. Could you elaborate about its effect ?
Warning The FileVersionInfo.FileVersion is a string representation that may not be up to date. You should look at FileVersionInfo.FileMajorPart, FileMinorPart, FileBuildPart, FilePrivatePart. See GetFileVersionInfo() returns wrong file's version information
@Jaykul To clarify my earlier comment/question: the original answer demonstrates how to get the ProductVersion in PowerShell through some interesting convolutions, because ProductVersion may be more indicative than FileVersion. The original answer makes no mention of the VersionInfo.ProductVersion property, possibly because the answer pre-dates it. Is (Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Lsasrv.dll).VersionInfo.ProductVersion a newer simpler way to get the same ProductVersion information as documented in the answer? I don't really trust Microsoft to use the term ProductVersion consistently.
@Tydaeus It's not new. You can look it up on docs and see how far back it goes (.NET 1.1) 😏. My answer mentions ProductVersion, but the version we're calculating with all that ScriptProperty code is the real FILE Version, not the ProductVersion. They are sometimes the same, but not always. 😔 And unfortunately, every real-world example I come up with changes in the next service release of Windows 😉…
Ian Kemp

Since PowerShell can call .NET classes, you could do the following:


Or as noted here on a list of files:

get-childitem * -include *.dll,*.exe | foreach-object { "{0}`t{1}" -f $_.Name, [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($_).FileVersion }

Or even nicer as a script:

See @Jaykul for a solution that does not require a .NET object. IMHO Jaykul's response should have been selected as the answer :)
Although the other answers give shorter commands, all of the ones I tried print out too much info and truncate the file path to "...". The 2nd command in this answer gives just what you need, works for a directory of files, and is formatting in a way that it's easy to see how to modify it to return other info. Just change the .LegalCopyright in the command to .FileVersion.
This is the correct version for .NET EXEs. Jaykul's answer doesn't get the same version.
That's actually not right. Look at get-item C:\Windows\System32\ubpm.dll | % VersionInfo | fl * -force and compare the FilePrivatePart to the last part of the FileVersion. The FileVersion shows what originally shipped, and not the patched version. This command, on the other hand, shows the patched version number: (get-command C:\Windows\System32\ubpm.dll).Version
A better example would be the recently patched C:\Windows\System32\Lsasrv.dll ... but the truth is that (Get-Command ... ).Version returns the ProductVersion not the FileVersion, and sometimes that matters. So for a full solution that actually returns the updated FileVersion, check out the Update-TypeData example in my answer below.

'dir' is an alias for Get-ChildItem which will return back a System.IO.FileInfo class when you're calling it from the filesystem which has VersionInfo as a property. So ...

To get the version info of a single file do this:

PS C:\Windows> (dir .\write.exe).VersionInfo | fl

OriginalFilename : write
FileDescription  : Windows Write
ProductName      : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Comments         :
CompanyName      : Microsoft Corporation
FileName         : C:\Windows\write.exe
FileVersion      : 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)
ProductVersion   : 6.1.7600.16385
IsDebug          : False
IsPatched        : False
IsPreRelease     : False
IsPrivateBuild   : False
IsSpecialBuild   : False
Language         : English (United States)
LegalCopyright   : © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LegalTrademarks  :
PrivateBuild     :
SpecialBuild     :

For multiple files this:

PS C:\Windows> dir *.exe | %{ $_.VersionInfo }

ProductVersion   FileVersion      FileName
--------------   -----------      --------
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\bfsvc.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\explorer.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\fveupdate.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\HelpPane.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\hh.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\notepad.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\regedit.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\splwow64.exe
1,7,0,0          1,7,0,0          C:\Windows\twunk_16.exe
1,7,1,0          1,7,1,0          C:\Windows\twunk_32.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\winhlp32.exe
6.1.7600.16385   6.1.7600.1638... C:\Windows\write.exe


I realise this has already been answered, but if anyone's interested in typing fewer characters, I believe this is the shortest way of writing this in PS v3+:

ls application.exe | % versioninfo

ls is an alias for Get-ChildItem

% is an alias for ForEach-Object

versioninfo here is a shorthand way of writing {$_.VersionInfo}

The benefit of using ls in this way is that you can easily adapt it to look for a given file within subfolders. For example, the following command will return version info for all files called application.exe within subfolders:

ls application.exe -r | % versioninfo

-r is an alias for -Recurse

You can further refine this by adding -ea silentlycontinue to ignore things like permission errors in folders you can't search:

ls application.exe -r -ea silentlycontinue | % versioninfo

-ea is an alias for -ErrorAction

Finally, if you are getting ellipses (...) in your results, you can append | fl to return the information in a different format. This returns much more detail, although formatted in a list, rather that on one line per result:

ls application.exe -r -ea silentlycontinue | % versioninfo | fl

fl is an alias for Format-List

I realise this is very similar to xcud's reply in that ls and dir are both aliases for Get-ChildItem. But I'm hoping my "shortest" method will help someone.

The final example could be written in long-hand in the following way:

Get-ChildItem -Filter application.exe -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {$_.VersionInfo} | Format-List

... but I think my way is cooler and, for some, easier to remember. (But mostly cooler).


I prefer to install the PowerShell Community Extensions and just use the Get-FileVersionInfo function that it provides.

Like so:

Get-FileVersionInfo MyAssembly.dll

with output like:

ProductVersion   FileVersion      FileName
--------------   -----------      --------
1.0.2907.18095   1.0.2907.18095   C:\Path\To\MyAssembly.dll

I've used it against an entire directory of assemblies with great success.

Peter Mortensen

Just another way to do it is to use the built-in file access technique:

(get-item .\filename.exe).VersionInfo | FL

You can also get any particular property off the VersionInfo, thus:

(get-item .\filename.exe).VersionInfo.FileVersion

This is quite close to the dir technique.

(get-item \\"$computerName"\"C$\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\VPDN_LU.exe").VersionInfo.FileVersion worked for me. I needed to add a computer name from a loop.

This is based on the other answers, but is exactly what I was after:

(Get-Command C:\Path\YourFile.Dll).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion

I am intrigued about the Get-Command applied to a dll file. Could you elaborate about its effect (before even calling for the property FileVersionInfo) ?
dll files contain FileVersionInfo just as exe files do. Applying this command to the path will get the file version info!

Peter Mortensen

I find this useful:

function Get-Version($filePath)
   $name = @{Name="Name";Expression= {split-path -leaf $_.FileName}}
   $path = @{Name="Path";Expression= {split-path $_.FileName}}
   dir -recurse -path $filePath | % { if ($_.Name -match "(.*dll|.*exe)$") {$_.VersionInfo}} | select FileVersion, $name, $path

Adam Haile

As EBGreen said, [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo(path) will work, but remember that you can also get all the members of FileVersionInfo, for example:


You should be able to use every member of FileVersionInfo documented here, which will get you basically anything you could ever want about the file.


Here an alternative method. It uses Get-WmiObject CIM_DATAFILE to select the version.

(Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_DataFile -Filter "Name='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe'" | Select-Object Version).Version

using a share path with spaces in the name, I got "The property 'Version' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists."