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如何用 Capybara 填充隐藏字段?

I've already found that when I want to set value to text field, text area or password field, I can use id, name or label as something in fill_in something, :with => some_value. However such approach fails when I try to set value to <input type="hidden"> field (and I want to do it because those are normally filled client-side scripts which I test separately). How could I set such a hidden field with Capybara? Is it possible?


<input id='offer_latitude' name='offer[latitude]' type='hidden'>
<input id='offer_longitude' name='offer[longitude]' type='hidden'>


describe "posting new offer" do
  it "should add new offer" do
    visit '/offer/new'
    fill_in 'offer[latitude]', :with => '11.11'
    fill_in 'offer[longitude]', :with => '12.12'
    click_on 'add'


1) posting new offer should add new offer
   Failure/Error: fill_in 'offer[latitude]', :with => '11.11'
     cannot fill in, no text field, text area or password field with id, name, or label 'offer[latitude]' found
normally a person can't fill in a hidden field, so therefor capybara doesn't fill them in. see!topic/ruby-capybara/… for more discussion. But normally you either populate it on the server or use javascript..
@Doon's comment is very true. If you want to inspect/alter hidden input, most probably you're using wrong tool. Capybara is designed to test whole application in various scenarios, not to test your JS components. Checkout Jasmine or Chai. However there are situations where it's sensible, for example filling HTML5 inputs which are polyfilled in incompatible browsers. Polyfills often hide proper input and insert additional markup.

Chris Peters

You need to locate the hidden field and set its value. There are a couple ways, this is probably the simplest

find(:xpath, "//input[@id='my_hidden_field_id']").set "my value"

If you're executing a client_side script in production, you could just tell capybara to run it with a javascript-compliant driver


Yes, XPath did the job. You have a typo near @, it should rather be find(:xpath, "//input[@id='my_hidden_field_id']").set "my value"
CSS matchers worked fine for me as well find("#my_hidden_field").set("my value")
FWIW, this no longer works for me as of Capybara 2.7.1. Fixed by passing visible: false to the #find method.
@RyanDlugosz - page.execute_script definitely still works, even with Capybara's new constraints on clicking hidden/invisible DOM elements.
Works Perfect with skalee and ryan-dlugosz comments combined: find("#my_hidden_field", visible: false).set("my value")
Luis D Urraca

There are many ways to achieve the same result. The one I like the most is:

first('input#id.class', visible: false).set("your value")

first('input#id.class', visible: false).set('your value')
Thanks. Updated my response.
Considering that the id is unique you can go with find('#id').set("value")
visible: false found it, but I am getting this error on set() .. Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError)
page.execute_script("document.getElementById('some_id').value = #{some_value}")

If you're using poltergeist/phantomjs as a driver and jquery isn't working for ya, there's always good old fashioned js:

page.execute_script("document.getElementById('#some-id').value = 'some-value'");

Use evaluate_script only when you're interested in returned value (and it's not an object). execute_script is better in this situation.
Nice answer, but jQuery is working with poltergeist/phantomjs.
Probably your id is 'some-id', not '#some-id'.
Kevyne Santos

This is what worked for me

find_field(id: 'your_hidden_field_id', type: :hidden).set('Field value here')




