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Undo scaffolding in Rails

Is there any way to 'undo' the effects of a scaffold command in Rails?

8 revs, 7 users 47%

First, if you have already run the migrations generated by the scaffold command, you have to perform a rollback first.

rake db:rollback

You can create scaffolding using:

rails generate scaffold MyFoo 

(or similar), and you can destroy/undo it using

rails destroy scaffold MyFoo

That will delete all the files created by generate, but not any additional changes you may have made manually.

dont forget to rake db:rollback before you destroy your scaffold. This will destroy/drop the table if there is no other migration except the scaffold's migration before it.
In some cases there are still leftover files that were not deleted from the scaffold. Check your version control, e.g. git status and/or git diff, to see if the destroy command missed anything.
If you ran rake db:migrate did some other migrations after that then it makes sense to create a migration to destroy the table before "destroying" the scaffold. so do something like rails g migration DropMyFoos and then open the migration file and add code for dropping the table. Run this migration and then run the destroy scaffold.
Also keep in mind that it will remove the view folder for my_foo, even if you have extra files there.
Travis Pessetto

Rishav Rastogi is right, and with rails 3.0 or higher its:

rails generate scaffold ...
rails destroy scaffold ...

@femi The table was made with rake. The best way to remove it is running rake db:rollback before rails destroy scaffold or if it is not the last one you did rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20080906120000 you can find the number before its name in db/migrate

You can undo whatever you did with

rails generate xxx


rails destroy xxx

For example this applies generators to migration, scaffold, model...etc

Sudhanshu Arya

If you just want to see the files a generator will create you can pass the generator --pretend or -p option.

Kick Buttowski

Best way is :

destroy rake db:  rake db:rollback

For Scaffold:

rails destroy scaffold Name_of_script


for first time, you can check you database migration if you have generate scaffold. you must destroy them to clean up your database

rake db:rollback


rails d scaffold

rails d scaffold <scaffoldname>

Also, make sure you undo the migration you made either by rollback or to a particular version.

Arslan Ali

To generate scaffolding :

rails generate scaffold xyz

To revert scaffolding :

rails destroy scaffold xyz


Rails destroy name

rake db:rollback

first rollback (if you migrated), then destroy the scaffold
Amit Suroliya

For generating scaffold in rails -

rails generate scaffold MODEL_GOES_HERE

For undo scaffold in rails -

rails destroy scaffold MODEL_GOES_HERE

Also shortcuts rails g and rails d.
Bhargav Mehta

you need to roll back migrations too after destroying scaffold too

rails destroy scaffold 'scaffoldname'
rake db:rollback

Manish Shrivastava

So, Process you should follow to undo scaffolding in rails 4. Run Command as below:

rails d scaffold FooBar rake db:rollback if you_had_run_rake db:migrate after creating above scaffold?

That's it!



use this

rails d scaffold MODEL_NAME

rake db:rollback

Chutipong Roobklom

Recommend rollback First ,type in your Terminal.

rake db:rollback

Add destroy scaffold (the 'd' stands for 'destroy')

rails d scaffold name_of_scaffold

Enjoy your code.

Shoaib Malik

First you will have to do the rake db:rollback for destroy the table if you have already run rake db:migrate and then you can run

rails d scaffold Model


you need to rollback the migrations first by doing rake db:rollback if any And then destroy the scaffold by

rails d scaffold foo

Balaji Ravichandran

Yes, the scaffold itself and all the things that amalgamate it.

The destroy command is the opposite of generate and will undo one. Just pass it the name the same way did with generate and it'll be scrubbed from your project:

rails generate scaffold posts title:string content:text
rails destroy scaffold posts title:string content:text

nitanshu verma

To generate the scaffold:

rails generate scaffold abc

To revert this scaffold:

rails destroy scaffold abc

If you have run the migration for it just rollback

rake db:rollback STEP=1

Ray Lee

provider another solution based on git

start a new project

rails new project_name
cd project_name

initialize git

git init
git commit -m "initial commit"

create a scaffold

rails g scaffold MyScaffold
rake db:migrate

rollback the scaffold

rake db:rollback
git reset --hard
git clean -f -d


rails [option] scaffold scaffold_name


g    generate
d    destroy

If you do

rails g  scaffold myFoo

Then reverse it back using

rails d scaffold MyFoo

Akshit Thakur Ak

To generate:

rails g scaffold post
rake db:migrate

To delete:

rake db:rollback
rails d scaffold post

BIlal Khan

When we generate scaffold, following files will be created:

Command: rails generate scaffold Game

Files created:

>       invoke  active_record
>       create    db/migrate/20160905064128_create_games.rb
>       create    app/models/game.rb
>       invoke    test_unit
>       create      test/models/game_test.rb
>       create      test/fixtures/games.yml
>       invoke  resource_route
>        route    resources :games
>       invoke  inherited_resources_controller
>       create    app/controllers/games_controller.rb
>       invoke    erb
>       create      app/views/games
>       create      app/views/games/index.html.erb
>       create      app/views/games/edit.html.erb
>       create      app/views/games/show.html.erb
>       create      app/views/games/new.html.erb
>       create      app/views/games/_form.html.erb
>       invoke    test_unit
>       create      test/controllers/games_controller_test.rb
>       invoke    helper
>       create      app/helpers/games_helper.rb
>       invoke      test_unit
>       create        test/helpers/games_helper_test.rb
>       invoke    jbuilder
>       create      app/views/games/index.json.jbuilder
>       create      app/views/games/show.json.jbuilder
>       invoke  assets
>       invoke    coffee
>       create      app/assets/javascripts/
>       invoke    scss
>       create      app/assets/stylesheets/games.css.scss
>       invoke  scss
>       create    app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss

If we have run the migration after this then we have to rollback the migration first as the deletion of scaffold will remove the migration file too and we will not able to revert that migration.

Incase we have run the migration:

rake db:rollback

and after this we can safely remove the scaffold by this commad.

rails d scaffold Game

This command will remove all the files created by the scaffold in your project.


Any time you run rails g, you can reverse it by running rails d (destroy) to remove what you've generated. If you have already run rake db:migrate, you will need to run rake db:rollback before destroying :)

Manoj Kumar

Case 1: If you run only this command to generate scaffold -

rails generate scaffold MODEL_NAME FIELD_NAME:DATATYPE

Ex - rails generate scaffold User name:string address:text

but till now you did not run any command for migration like

rake db:migrate

then you should need to run only this command like -

rails destroy scaffold User name:string address:text

Case 2: If you already run(Scaffold and Migration) by below commands like -

rails generate scaffold User name:string address:text

rake db:migrate 

Then you should need to run first rollback migration command then destroy scaffold like below -

rake db:rollback

rails destroy scaffold User name:string address:text

So In this manner, we can undo scaffolding. Also we can use d for destroy and g for generate as a shortcut.

Ayaz Ahmad Tarar
rails g scaffold MyFoo 

for generating and

rails d scaffold MyFoo

for removing

And no need to mention the attributes, it that correct? Thanks