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How to disable submit button once it has been clicked?

I have a submit button at the end of the form.

I have added the following condition to the submit button:


But when it moves to the next page, the parameters did not pass and null values are passed.

This is probably not the fault of the calls you show. Please show the full HTML of the form.
Don't use the onclick event of the submit button - use the onsubmit event of the form. Otherwise you won't catch a submission from the keyboard.

Andreas Köberle

You should first submit your form and then change the value of your submit:

onClick="this.form.submit(); this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending…'; "

This is the best answer. Some browsers don't know to submit the form beforehand, and this solution works around that.
onclick should be lowercase
Won't work as expected if HTML5 validation is triggered first.
For me, 'this.disabled=true' prevents back end function from firing, even though it appears after the submit! To get around this I implemented a bool value and if statement to check first or subsequent clicks, and returned false for subsequent.
Working with ASP.NET Update Panel I disabled the Submit behavior. 'OnClick="btnSave_Click" OnClientClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Saving ... Please Wait.';" UseSubmitBehavior="false"'

Probably you're submitting the form twice. Remove the this.form.submit() or add return false at the end.

you should end up with onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending…';"

Careful though as this does not work in IE8 and Chrome...well it works in that it does what the script says to do, but a consequence is that it also disables the submitting of the form.
See @andreaskoberle's answer
for button type=submit tags replace this.value with this.innerText
@Andreas Köberle answer below is better, especially if using any of the ASP.NET frameworks.
its 2022, and this solution works perfectly on Chrome 102.0.5005.115

tested on IE11, FF53, GC58 :

onclick="var e=this;setTimeout(function(){e.disabled=true;},0);return true;"

This should be accepted ; others doesn't send the form
This works great, but how do I change the "value" when clicked?

You need to disable the button in the onsubmit event of the <form>:

<form action='/' method='POST' onsubmit='disableButton()'>
    <input name='txt' type='text' required />
    <button id='btn' type='submit'>Post</button>

    function disableButton() {
        var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
        btn.disabled = true;
        btn.innerText = 'Posting...'

Note: this way if you have a form element which has the required attribute will work.


Disabled HTML forms elements aren't sent along with the post/get values when you submit the form. So if you disable your submit button once clicked and that this submit button have the name attribute set, It will not be sent in the post/get values since the element is now disabled. This is normal behavior.

One of the way to overcome this problem is using hidden form elements.

Frenchi In LA

the trick is to delayed the button to be disabled, and submit the form you can use window.setTimeout('this.disabled=true',0); yes even with 0 MS is working

but what if the user presses the button in that fraction of time ?

Using JQuery, you can do this..

   function() {
      window.location.replace("path to url");

Please don't use alerts for that, they block the page until clicked

If you disable the button, then its name=value pair will indeed not be sent as parameter. But the remnant of the parameters should be sent (as long as their respective input elements and the parent form are not disabled). Likely you're testing the button only or the other input fields or even the form are disabled?


Here's a drop-in example that expands on Andreas Köberle's solution. It uses jQuery for the event handler and the document ready event, but those could be switched to plain JS:

(function(document, $) {

  $(function() {
    $(document).on('click', '[disable-on-click], .disable-on-click', function() {
      var disableText = this.getAttribute("data-disable-text") || 'Processing...';

      if(this.form) {

      this.disabled = true;

      if(this.tagName === 'BUTTON') {
        this.innerHTML = disableText;
      } else if(this.tagName === 'INPUT') {
        this.value = disableText;

})(document, jQuery);

It can then be used in HTML like this:

<button disable-on-click data-disable-text="Saving...">Click Me</button>
<button class="disable-on-click">Click Me</button>
<input type="submit" disable-on-click value="Click Me" />

I like this solution because it follows the 'Don't Repeat Yourself' (DRY) principle. Once the first chunk is added you can re-use it simply by using a class.
Mitch Dempsey

I don't think you need this.form.submit(). The disabling code should run, then it will pass on the click which will click the form.

If you don't put "this.form.submit()" then form will not submit in this case.
i am using if i refresh the page disable gone, how to solve this?
Desarrollo Aplicaciones

Another solution i´ve used is to move the button instead of disabling it. In that case you don´t have those "disable" problems. Finally what you really want is people not to press twice, if the button is not there they can´t do it.

You may also replace it with another button.

function xxxx() {
// submit or validate here , disable after that using below
  document.getElementById('buttonId').disabled = 'disabled';
  document.getElementById('buttonId').disabled = '';

TJ Koblentz

Your question is confusing and you really should post some code, but this should work:

onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending...'; submitForm(); return false;"

I think that when you use this.form.submit() it's doing what happens naturally when you click the submit button. If you want same-page submit, you should look into using AJAX in the submitForm() method (above).

Also, returning false at the end of the onClick attribute value suppresses the default event from firing (in this case submitting the form).


    A better trick, so you don't lose the value of the button is

    function showwait() {

wrap code to show in a div

id=WAIT style="display:none"> text to display (end div)

wrap code to hide in a div

id=BUTTONS style="display:inline"> ... buttons or whatever to hide with onclick="showwait();" (end div)


In my case this was needed.

Disable submit button on form submit

It works fine in Internet Explorer and Firefox without it, but it did not work in Google Chrome.

The problem is that you are disabling the button before it can actually trigger the submit event.

It's generally good practice to show the appropriate code in your answer, instead of just a link.

I think easy way to disable button is :data => { disable_with: "Saving.." } This will submit a form and then make a button disable, Also it won't disable button if you have any validations like required = 'required'.

This behavior seems to be Ruby on Rails specific.
Pierre-David Sabourin

In this working example, the user confirms in JavaScript that he really wants to abort. If true, the button is disabled to prevent double click and then the code behind which updates the database will run.

<asp:button id="btnAbort" runat="server" OnClick="btnAbort_Click" OnClientClick="if (!abort()) {return false;};" UseSubmitBehavior="false" text="Abort" ></asp:button>

I had issues because .net can change the name of the button

function abort() {
    if (confirm('<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="Do you want to abort?" />')) {
        var btn = document.getElementById('btnAbort');
        btn.disabled = true;
        btn.innerText = 'Aborting...'
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

Because you are overriding the OnClick with OnClientClick, even if your validation method succeeds, the code behind wont work. That's why you set UseSubmitBehavior to false to make it work

PS: You don't need the OnClick if your code is in!

Hasan Tuna Oruç

I did the trick. When set timeout, it works perfectly and sending all values.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        document.getElementById('btnSendMail').onclick = function () {
            setTimeout(function () {
                document.getElementById('btnSendMail').value = 'Sending…';
                document.getElementById('btnSendMail').disabled = true;
            }, 850);

people will click several times in 850ms