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Python strings and integer concatenation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Making a string out of a string and an integer in Python [duplicate] (6 answers) Closed 5 years ago.

I want to create a string using an integer appended to it, in a for loop. Like this:

for i in range(1, 11):
  string = "string" + i

But it returns an error:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

What's the best way to concatenate the string and integer?

Shouldnt it be range(1,10)`?
Your question is unclear. What is it the output you want to get? string = "string10"? string = "string1string2string3string4string5string6string7string8string9string10"? Ten different variables?
@stephan: +1, but it should be range(1,11) :)
@Tim: maybe even range(11) looking at the comment...
@michele Any chance you can change the accepted answer on this question? Backticks are deprecated and should not be used.

Peter Mortensen


The method used in this answer (backticks) is deprecated in later versions of Python 2, and removed in Python 3. Use the str() function instead.

You can use:

string = 'string'
for i in range(11):
    string +=`i`
print string

It will print string012345678910.

To get string0, string1 ..... string10 you can use this as YOU suggested:

>>> string = "string"
>>> [string+`i` for i in range(11)]

For Python 3

You can use:

string = 'string'
for i in range(11):
    string += str(i)
print string

It will print string012345678910.

To get string0, string1 ..... string10, you can use this as YOU suggested:

>>> string = "string"
>>> [string+str(i) for i in range(11)]

if i input this: 47, then why do i get this in my string:u'47'
This answer is outdated. Backticks are outdated and have been removed in Python 3. See this question for more details. The other answers to this question are better solutions.
@RogerFan, yeah right! Don't know, how my answer got this many upvotes o_o Didn't expect this!
Backticks are the equivalent of the repr() function, not str(). For non-integer values, the repr() and str() results can differ significantly.
in Python3, you can use f-strings like this: string = f'{str}{number}'
for i in range (1,10):

To get string0, string1 ..... string10, you could do like

>>> ["string"+str(i) for i in range(11)]
['string0', 'string1', 'string2', 'string3', 'string4', 'string5', 'string6', 'string7', 'string8', 'string9', 'string10']

Am I missing something to get a downvote?
It's still worth mentioning that backticks are equivalent to repr(), not str().
Bastien, Thanks for the note, but I think I don't put it back again.
Mmh, I tried to remove my vote (just a test), and then vote again; the vote is suppressed but I can't upvote it anymore... ("Your vote is now locked in unless this answer is edited")
@Bastien, yeah, there is 5 minutes window to undo up/downvotes, but once its over, its stuck and can't do different vote until next edit. I think thats by-design
Eric Leschinski
for i in range[1,10]: 
  string = "string" + str(i)

The str(i) function converts the integer into a string.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
string = 'string%d' % (i,)

you only need to use a list for formatting when you have more than one format specifier, otherwise, it's ugly :)
That's not a list, that's a tuple. And you also need it if the single item to be formatted is itself a tuple.
Peter Mortensen
for i in range(11):
    string = "string{0}".format(i)

You did (range[1,10]):

a TypeError since brackets denote an index (a[3]) or a slice (a[3:5]) of a list,

a SyntaxError since [1,10] is invalid, and

a double off-by-one error since range(1,10) is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], and you seem to want [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

And string = "string" + i is a TypeError since you can't add an integer to a string (unlike JavaScript).

Look at the documentation for Python's new string formatting method. It is very powerful.

(Correction: If you do range={(1,10): "foo"}, then range[1,10] is in fact a syntactically valid expression.)
Peter Mortensen

You can use a generator to do this!

def sequence_generator(limit):
    """ A generator to create strings of pattern -> string1,string2..stringN """
    inc  = 0
    while inc < limit:
        yield 'string' + str(inc)
        inc += 1

# To generate a generator. Notice I have used () instead of []
a_generator  =  (s for s in sequence_generator(10))

# To generate a list
a_list  =  [s for s in sequence_generator(10)]

# To generate a string
a_string =  '['+ ", ".join(s for s in sequence_generator(10)) + ']'

Peter Mortensen

If we want output like 'string0123456789' then we can use the map function and join method of string.

>>> 'string' + "".join(map(str, xrange(10)))

If we want a list of string values then use the list comprehension method.

>>> ['string'+i for i in map(str,xrange(10))]
['string0', 'string1', 'string2', 'string3', 'string4', 'string5', 'string6', 'string7', 'string8', 'string9']


Use xrange() for Python 2.x.

Use range() for Python 3.x.

Perhaps link (non-naked) to documentation for all those functions? (But without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the answer should appear as if it was written today.)
Peter Mortensen

I did something else.

I wanted to replace a word, in lists of lists, that contained phrases.

I wanted to replace that string / word with a new word that will be a join between string and number, and that number / digit will indicate the position of the phrase / sublist / lists of lists.

That is, I replaced a string with a string and an incremental number that follow it.

myoldlist_1 = [[' myoldword'], [''], ['tttt myoldword'], ['jjjj ddmyoldwordd']]
    No_ofposition = []
    mynewlist_2 = []
    for i in xrange(0, 4, 1):
        mynewlist_2.append([x.replace('myoldword', "%s" % i + "_mynewword") for x in myoldlist_1[i]])
        if len(mynewlist_2[i]) > 0:


Jemshit Iskenderov

Concatenation of a string and integer is simple: just use


If it is so simple, perhaps explain (here or in the answer) why the previous seven answers weren't? E.g., did something change with later versions of Python?