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How do I install Python 3 on an AWS EC2 instance?

I'm trying to install python 3.x on an AWS EC2 instance and:

sudo yum install python3

doesn't work:

No package python3 available.

I've googled around and I can't find anyone else who has this problem so I'm asking here. Do I have to manually download and install it?

Possibly yes, it may not yet be available for Amazon Linux (or clarify if you're using a different OS).
possible duplicate of Installing python3 on RHEL
Hi, yes it's the 'standard' Amazon Linux OS. Happy to manually install but there are a few things missing ( and I thought it best to check before spending time messing about :)
@BMW the answer you linked to was helpful but not enough to get it working on its own.
Now i can run on Amazon Linux 2 AMI. sudo yum install python3.


If you do a

sudo yum list | grep python3

you will see that while they don't have a "python3" package, they do have a "python34" package, or a more recent release, such as "python36". Installing it is as easy as:

sudo yum install python34 python34-pip

This seems to be the simpler answer. Did AWS update their packages between when @Jake_Howard posted an answer and you did?
To use pip3 add the following symbolic link # ln -s /usr/bin/pip-3.4 /usr/bin/pip3
sudo yum install python34 doesn't work for me. It says No package python34 available.
@SohanShirodkar you may have been unlucky and just caught a new release -- their September release moved to python35 ... here's where you can see the newest releases:
In 2018, sudo yum install python36 is also available. also don't forget to install latest pip: python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip and then you can python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv for a virtual env. ref:
Nick T

Note: This may be obsolete for current versions of Amazon Linux 2 since late 2018 (see comments), you can now directly install it via yum install python3.

In Amazon Linux 2, there isn't a python3[4-6] in the default yum repos, instead there's the Amazon Extras Library.

sudo amazon-linux-extras install python3

If you want to set up isolated virtual environments with it; using yum install'd virtualenv tools don't seem to reliably work.

virtualenv --python=python3 my_venv

Calling the venv module/tool is less finicky, and you could double check it's what you want/expect with python3 --version beforehand.

python3 -m venv my_venv

Other things it can install (versions as of 18 Jan 18):

[ec2-user@x ~]$ amazon-linux-extras list
  0  ansible2   disabled  [ =2.4.2 ]
  1  emacs   disabled  [ =25.3 ]
  2  memcached1.5   disabled  [ =1.5.1 ]
  3  nginx1.12   disabled  [ =1.12.2 ]
  4  postgresql9.6   disabled  [ =9.6.6 ]
  5  python3=latest  enabled  [ =3.6.2 ]
  6  redis4.0   disabled  [ =4.0.5 ]
  7  R3.4   disabled  [ =3.4.3 ]
  8  rust1   disabled  [ =1.22.1 ]
  9  vim   disabled  [ =8.0 ]
 10  golang1.9   disabled  [ =1.9.2 ]
 11  ruby2.4   disabled  [ =2.4.2 ]
 12  nano   disabled  [ =2.9.1 ]
 13  php7.2   disabled  [ =7.2.0 ]
 14  lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2   disabled  [ =10.2.10_7.2.0 ]

"Topic python3 has end-of-support date of 2018-08-22" this is not supported anymore
@zenbeni did the default system Python get bumped to Python 3?
@NickT python3-3.7.2-4.amzn2.0.1.x86_64 is actually installed through 'yum install python3' you don't use amazon linux extras anymore for python
I'm mildly confused why this keeps getting upvotes (4 in the last month) if it's now obsolete.

Here are the steps I used to manually install python3 for anyone else who wants to do it as it's not super straight forward. EDIT: It's almost certainly easier to use the yum package manager (see other answers).

Note, you'll probably want to do sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' before doing this otherwise pip won't install.

tar zxvf Python-3.4.2.tgz
cd Python-3.4.2
sudo yum install gcc
./configure --prefix=/opt/python3
sudo yum install openssl-devel
sudo make install
sudo ln -s /opt/python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3
python3 (should start the interpreter if it's worked (quit() to exit)

To use pip3 also link it with sudo ln -s /opt/python3/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip3.
@xpmatteo - which bit is wrong? Is it just a step or the approach that you object to?
@Jake_Howard It is not true that the only way is to manually install Python3. That is certainly an option, but you can also do yum install python35 as others have mentioned. If you would kindly amend your answer I will remove my downvote :)
@xpmatteo - re-worded the answer to remove the incorrect phrase. For posterity: at the time of asking the question and posting the original answer, I wasn't aware of the ability to use yum with a specific version of python3 (see other answers), or these packages weren't available at the time of original writing.
Worked for me! This days you can use 3.7.2 instead of 3.4.2
Mike D

EC2 (on the Amazon Linux AMI) currently supports python3.4 and python3.5.

sudo yum install python35
sudo yum install python35-pip

Props for this answer! Python3 is not python3 on AWS instances by default. Very frustrating to swap between Ubuntu and AWS Linux when working!
This works and you can confirm if 3.5 is the latest you have with this command sudo yum list | grep python3 and to once you've installed confirm by typing pythono3 --version - yes python3 as python will return v2.

As of Amazon Linux version 2017.09 python 3.6 is now available:

sudo yum install python36 python36-virtualenv python36-pip

See the Release Notes for more info and other packages

pip3 is not linked, so if you want to use it, sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip-3.6 /usr/bin/pip3
-s /usr/bin/pip-3.6 /usr/bin/pip3 failed for me so I ended up using pip-3.6 install xyz
Sairam Krish

Amazon Linux now supports python36.

python36-pip is not available. So need to follow a different route.

sudo yum install python36 python36-devel python36-libs python36-tools

# If you like to have pip3.6:
curl -O
sudo python3

This is the easiest way that works in 2020 of all the others.
This does not work on Amazon Linux 2 - python36 and all other related packages are held in amazon-linux-extras now and don't install the expected packages which others may have as dependencies.

As @NickT said, there's no python3[4-6] in the default yum repos in Amazon Linux 2, as of today it uses 3.7 and looking at all answers here we can say it will be changed over time.

I was looking for python3.6 on Amazon Linux 2 but amazon-linux-extras shows a lot of options but no python at all. in fact, you can try to find the version you know in epel repo:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel

yum search python | grep "^python3..x8"

python34.x86_64 : Version 3 of the Python programming language aka Python 3000
python36.x86_64 : Interpreter of the Python programming language

Unfortunately the only version it shows anymore now is python34.x86_64, they must've removed python36.x86_64 which is quite annoying.
Saurav Bhowmick

Check the packages available

A> amazon-linux-extras

Find the required python package with version from the list

B> sodo amazon-linux-extras enable python

C> sudo yum clean metadata && sudo yum install python


Adding to all the answers already available for this question, I would like to add the steps I followed to install Python3 on AWS EC2 instance running CentOS 7. You can find the entire details at this link.

First, we need to enable SCL. SCL is a community project that allows you to build, install, and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system default packages.

sudo yum install centos-release-scl

Now that we have SCL repository, we can install the python3

sudo yum install rh-python36

To access Python 3.6 you need to launch a new shell instance using the Software Collection scl tool:

scl enable rh-python36 bash

If you check the Python version now you’ll notice that Python 3.6 is the default version

python --version

It is important to point out that Python 3.6 is the default Python version only in this shell session. If you exit the session or open a new session from another terminal Python 2.7 will be the default Python version.

Now, Install the python development tools by typing:

sudo yum groupinstall ‘Development Tools’

Now create a virtual environment so that the default python packages don't get messed up.

mkdir ~/my_new_project
cd ~/my_new_project
python -m venv my_project_venv

To use this virtual environment,

source my_project_venv/bin/activate

Now, you have your virtual environment set up with python3.

Bhanuka Gajanayake

try this

sudo yum install python34 python34-pip

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Pruthvi Chitrala

Here is the one command to install python3 on Amazon linux ec2 instance:

$sudo yum install python3 -y

$python3 --version

Python 3.7.6

Light Bringer

On Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu, use apt. Check the apt repository for the versions of Python available to you. Then, run a command similar to the following, substituting the correct package name:

sudo apt-get install python3

On Red Hat and derivatives, use yum. Check the yum repository for the versions of Python available to you. Then, run a command similar to the following, substituting the correct package name:

sudo yum install python36

On SUSE and derivatives, use zypper. Check the repository for the versions of Python available to you. Then. run a command similar to the following, substituting the correct package name:

sudo zypper install python3