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Postgres manually alter sequence

I'm trying to set a sequence to a specific value.

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq'), 21, true

This gives an error:

ERROR: function setval(unknown) does not exist

Using ALTER SEQUENCE doesn't seem to work either?


How can this be done?


It would appear that setval() has at least two arguments.


The parentheses are misplaced:

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);  -- next value will be 22

Otherwise you're calling setval with a single argument, while it requires two or three.

This is the same as SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21)

What does the last argument "true" means?
true means that the next value will be the number provided + 1, in this case 22. false means that the next value would be the number provided, or 21. By default, setval will behave as if true was chosen. More details:
an advantage of the select setval syntax over alter sequence is that you can use nested queries in it, for example to select max(id) from payments.
@mariotomo that's an excellent point, and one of the easiest ways to ensure you don't accidently introduce a latent bug by setting the sequence number lower than the current max
Erwin Brandstetter

This syntax isn't valid in any version of PostgreSQL:


This would work:


And is equivalent to:

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 22, FALSE);

More in the current manual for ALTER SEQUENCE and sequence functions.

Note that setval() expects either (regclass, bigint) or (regclass, bigint, boolean). In the above example I am providing untyped literals. That works too. But if you feed typed variables to the function you may need explicit type casts to satisfy function type resolution. Like:

SELECT setval(my_text_variable::regclass, my_other_variable::bigint, FALSE);

For repeated operations you might be interested in:

ALTER SEQUENCE payments_id_seq START WITH 22; -- set default
ALTER SEQUENCE payments_id_seq RESTART;       -- without value

START [WITH] stores a default RESTART number, which is used for subsequent RESTART calls without value. You need Postgres 8.4 or later for the last part.

ALTER SEQUENCE [sequence] RESTART WITH (SELECT MAX(col) from table); does not work, whereas SELECT setval('sequence', (SELECT (MAX(col) from table), TRUE); does work. I get a syntax error. (Postgres 9.4)
No subquery allowed in a DDL command ("utility command"). See:
@MitalPritmani: You may need type casts. Consider added instructions above.
@NuclearPeon I think you mean SELECT setval('sequence', (SELECT MAX(col) from table), TRUE); otherwise your parens don't line up.
@dland: Aside: shorter & faster equivalent: SELECT setval('seq', max(col)) FROM tbl; See:

Use select setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);

setval contains 3 parameters:

1st parameter is sequence_name

2nd parameter is Next nextval

3rd parameter is optional.

The use of true or false in 3rd parameter of setval is as follows:

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21);           // Next nextval will return 22
SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);     // Same as above 
SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, false);    // Next nextval will return 21

The better way to avoid hard-coding of sequence name, next sequence value and to handle empty column table correctly, you can use the below way:

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('table_name', 'id'), coalesce(max(id), 0)+1 , false) FROM table_name;

where table_name is the name of the table, id is the primary key of the table

Thank you! Last expression is exactly what I was looking for. It allows me to reserve the sequence values in order to insert by batch afterwards.

select setval('sequence_name', sequence_value)


I don't try changing sequence via setval. But using ALTER I was issued how to write sequence name properly. And this only work for me:

Check required sequence name using SELECT * FROM information_schema.sequences; ALTER SEQUENCE public."table_name_Id_seq" restart {number}; In my case it was ALTER SEQUENCE public."Services_Id_seq" restart 8;

Also there is a page on where describes a way to generate sql script to fix sequences in all database tables at once. Below the text from link:

Save this to a file, say 'reset.sql' SELECT 'SELECT SETVAL(' || quote_literal(quote_ident(PGT.schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(S.relname)) || ', COALESCE(MAX(' ||quote_ident(C.attname)|| '), 1) ) FROM ' || quote_ident(PGT.schemaname)|| '.'||quote_ident(T.relname)|| ';' FROM pg_class AS S, pg_depend AS D, pg_class AS T, pg_attribute AS C, pg_tables AS PGT WHERE S.relkind = 'S' AND S.oid = D.objid AND D.refobjid = T.oid AND D.refobjid = C.attrelid AND D.refobjsubid = C.attnum AND T.relname = PGT.tablename ORDER BY S.relname; Run the file and save its output in a way that doesn't include the usual headers, then run that output. Example: psql -Atq -f reset.sql -o temp psql -f temp rm temp

And the output will be a set of sql commands which look exactly like this:

SELECT SETVAL('public."SocialMentionEvents_Id_seq"', COALESCE(MAX("Id"), 1) ) FROM public."SocialMentionEvents";
SELECT SETVAL('public."Users_Id_seq"', COALESCE(MAX("Id"), 1) ) FROM public."Users";

Salvatore Pannozzo Capodiferro

this worked for me:

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.hibernate_sequence', 3, true);