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Git and nasty "error: cannot lock existing info/refs fatal"


After cloning from remote git repository (at bettercodes) I made some changes, commited and tried to push:

git push origin master

Errors with:

error: cannot lock existing info/refs fatal: git-http-push failed

This case regards already existing repository.

What I did before, was:

git config –global http.sslVerify false git init git remote add [url] git clone change data git commit

At 'bettercodes' I have no access to git log.

I'm using Windows. The detailed error was:

C:\MyWorkStuff\Projects\Ruby\MyProject\>git push origin master
Unable to create branch path
error: cannot lock existing info/refs
fatal: git-http-push failed

I cloned before, then changed the code and committed.

Two possible reasons: a) Another instance of git is running (kill all git processes or reboot) b) .git folder was created as Administrator (try administrator command line for the operation)
For me, I resolved the error by calling git fetch before git pull.
In my case the problem was the cases of the directory name. The branch name was "origin/no-ticket", but in my local dir the name was NO-TICKET so I just renamed it and it worked.


For me this worked (won't change in remote):

git remote prune origin

Since this answer seems to help a lot of people, I dug a little bit into what actually happens here. What this will do is remove references to remote branches in the folder .git/refs/remotes/origin.

So this will not affect your local branches and it will not change anything remote, but it will update the local references you have to remote branches. It seems in some cases these references can contain data Git cannot handle correctly.

I've added some background info, but I must honestly say I don't know exactly why and how this works :)
git remote prune origin work for me. But I have delete all the reference in .git/refs/remotes/origin.
This is exactly what git suggests doing, but I was reluctant to do it because the command sounds like it does something to the remote.
I ran git gc --prune=now
This is the SCARIEST git cmd I have run in a while. (PS: it worked)
Ingo Karkat

You want to try doing:

git gc --prune=now


Is --prune=now the same as --prune=all? If so, the documentation warns that you may lose unanchored objects. If there are unanchored objects you should probably try to reconcile them before pruning.
Life saver, thank you. git pull was stuck with the similar error message.
It helped for "git error:cannot lock ref" exception on fetch. Thanks a lot!
This worked for me. But then I had to keep executing the same command each time I use a git command that deals with remote. git remote prune origin resolved the issue once and for all.
fwiw: git gc: Runs a number of housekeeping tasks within the current repository, such as compressing file revisions... removing unreachable objects which may have been created from prior invocations of git add, packing refs, pruning reflog, rerere metadata or stale working trees... AND prune: Prune loose objects older than date (default is 2 weeks ago, overridable by the config variable gc.pruneExpire). --prune=now prunes loose objects regardless of their age and increases the risk of corruption if another process is writing to the repository concurrently... --prune is on by default.

This happened to me when my git remote ( changed their IP address. The quick fix was to remove and re-add the remote, then everything worked as expected. If you're not familiar with how to remove and re-add a remote in git, here are the steps:

Copy the SSH git URL of your existing remote. You can print it to the terminal using this command: git remote -v

which will print out something like this:

 origin (fetch)
 origin (push)

Remove the remote from your local git repo: git remote rm origin Add the remote back to your local repo: git remote add origin

I've tried everything else, like git gc, git prune, rm 'file with lock error', git update server info, etc. Only this answer worked for me. Sometimes it's like a windows reboot, reboot and it'll work. Same here, just remove and add the repo again, and everything goes fine ;)
After the above procedure, I also needed to tell git to track the remote branch again with e.g.: git branch -u origin/master
This blew away all my remote tracking info in .git/config and didn't actually work.
@ThomasMcLeod it blew away my remote tracking too, but I regain those with git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch> <local_branch> one by one
This one definitely worked best for me. The prune stuff only worked for a few next commands, but after that the nasty problem would come back. This solution really did the trick.

This is what I did to get rid of all the lock ref issues:

git gc --prune=now
git remote prune origin

This is probably what you only need to do too.

More about git gc command here:

More about git remote prune here:

akansh tayal

Running command git update-ref -d refs/heads/origin/branch fixed it.

That command did the trick for me as well, although my remote branch ref was slightly different: git update-ref -d refs/remotes/origin/my_branch
This worked for me, it appears this was a case sensitivity issue. There were two branches with the same name that were pushed to origin by another git user, one had all lower case and one that was title case.
This fixed it... Caused by 2 branches with same name different cases.

What worked for me was:

Remove .git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/branch Remove .git/refs/remotes/origin/branch Run git gc --prune=now

More about git gc command here:

Worked like a charm. If anyone is facing issue with the file/folder name branch then it is actually referring to all the branch name files/folders. I hope this helps!
It'll be great if you add documentation links too. like for gc command

I fixed this by doing the following

git branch --unset-upstream
rm .git/refs/remotes/origin/{branch}
git gc --prune=now
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/{branch} {branch}
#or git push --set-upstream origin {branch}
git pull

This assuming that your local and remote branches are aligned and you are just getting the refs error as non fatal.

Dharmesh Mansata

Before pull you need to clean your local changes. following command help me to solve.

git remote prune origin

and then after

git pull origin develop

Hopes this helps!

it doesn't solve the issue for me. Still get the same error
@AfonsoSchulzAlbrecht I needed to do the solution provided by emirc
Stephen Rauch

I had this issue because I was on a branch that had a similar name to an upstream branch. i.e. the upstream branch was called example-branch and my local branch was called example-branch/backend. The solution was changing the name of my local branch like so:

git branch -m <new name goes here>

Had a similar problem. Had an upstream branch "questlines/layout" and a local branch "questlines" (Using Gitkraken). Just renamed "questlines" to "questlines/bugfix" and it worked as it did before.
Zsolt Botykai

This is probably resolved by now. But here is what worked for me.

Location: If locked repository is on the server-side: ssh to your git repository on the server. Login as user which has permissions to modify the repository and navigate to the repository on your server. If locked repository is local only: Open the git console and navigate to the repository directory. Run this command: git update-server-info Fix the permissions on your (remote or/and local) repository if you have to. In my case I had to chmod to 777 and chown to apache:apache Try to push again from the local repository: git push


This sounds like a permissions issue - is it possible you had two windows open, executing with separate rights? Perhaps check ownership of the .git folder.

Perhaps check to see if there is an outstanding file lock open, maybe use lsof to check, or the equivalent for your OS.


This is how it works for me.

look up the Apache DAV lock file on your server (e.g. /var/lock/apache2/DAVlock) delete it recreate it with write permissions for the webserver restart the webserver

Even faster alternative:

look up the Apache DAV lock file on your server (e.g. /var/lock/apache2/DAVlock) Empty the file: cat /dev/null > /var/lock/apache2/DAVlock restart the webserver

This was my issue. Thanks for the post. I ran the remove and permissions all in one shot. #> rm DAVLock; touch DAVLock; chown www-data.www-data DAVLock; chmod 755 DAVLock; service apache2 restart

In my case a branch was moved to a subdirectory and the directory was called as the branch. Git was confused by that. When I deleted the local branch (in SourceTree just with right click delete) everything worked as usual.


As a reference for Visual Studio Code (vscode, code) (and possibly other IDEs)

I had to do command: Git: Fetch (Prune)

Command line alternative should be: git fetch --prune

Then restart the whole IDE.

And to give some perspective I will quote BitBucket's docks:

What’s the Difference Between Git Prune, Git Fetch --prune, and Git Remote Prune? git remote prune and git fetch --prune do the same thing: delete the refs to branches that don't exist on the remote. This is highly desirable when working in a team workflow in which remote branches are deleted after merge to main. The second command, git fetch --prune will connect to the remote and fetch the latest remote state before pruning. It is essentially a combination of commands: git fetch --all && git remote prune The generic git prune command is entirely different. As discussed in the overview section, git prune will delete locally detached commits.


In my case after getting this message I did the checkout command and was given this message:

Your branch is based on 'origin/myBranch', but the upstream is gone.
  (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup)

After running this command I was back to normal.


Run git fetch --all before git pull. That should solve the problem.



You might need to edit your ~/.netrc file:

Original answer:

Why did you disable ssl? I think this might have to do with you not being able to push via https. I'd set it back and try to push again:

git config –global http.sslVerify true


I had a typical Mac related issue that I could not resolve with the other suggested answers.

Mac's default file system setting is that it is case insensitive.

In my case, a colleague obviously forgot to create a uppercase letter for a branch i.e.

testBranch/ID-1 vs. testbranch/ID-2

for the Mac file system (yeah, it can be configured differently) these two branches are the same and in this case, you only get one of the two folders. And for the remaining folder you get an error.

In my case, removing the sub-folder in question in .git/logs/ref/remotes/origin resolved the problem, as the branch in question has already been merged back.

I had the same problem on Windows. Someone created a second branch with the same name but different case. I had to delete one of the two branches on the git server for it to work.
Using mac too and removing the folder didn't fix the issue, changing the upper case in folder name (branch name before the / in the refs/remotes folder) to lower has resolved the issue for me
Ivan Danilov

Check that you (git process actually) have access to file .git/info/refs and this file isn't locked by another process.

How do you check that?

I had this problem, when I was trying to create a new feature branch that contained name of the old branch, e.g. origin - branch1 and I wanted to create branch1-feature. It wasn't possibble, but branch1/feature was already.


Aside from the many answers already supplied to this question, a simple check on the local repo branches that exist in your machine and those that don't in the remote, will help. In which case you don't use the

git prune

command as many have suggested.

Simply delete the local branch

git branch -d <branch name without a remote tracking branch by the same name>

as shown in the attached screenshot using -D to force delete when you are sure that a local branch does not have a remote branch tracked.

Marc Wäckerlin

I had the same error message, root cause was a rewrite of the history (branch renaming).

That worked for me:

git remote prune origin



Case 1: Let check branches from git-server if they are duplicated or not.

Example: two branches below are duplicated:

    - upper_with_lower
    - UPPER_with_lower

---> Let consider removing one of them.

Case 2: The branch you are pushing are duplicated with other branch.


In my case I had to manually delete old tags which had been removed on remote.

Arsen Khachaturyan

In my case, it was connected with the branch name that I had already created.

To fix the issue I've created a branch with the name that for certain shouldn't exist, like:

git checkout -b some_unknown_branch

Then I've cleared all my other branches(not active) because they were just unnecessary garbage.

git branch | grep -v \* | grep -v master | xargs git branch -D

and then renamed my current branch with the name that I've intended, like:

git checkout -m my_desired_branch_name

andrew pate

If you are in the fortunate position of having no local work to commit/push and time to get coffee, you could simply delete your local copy of the repo and re-clone


I got this issue when I tried to create a branch that starts with a current branch. I had a branch named develop and I tried to create a branch called develop/myFeature.


I had a similar issue that totally confused me. I had a local branch named test and was trying to fetch and checkout remote branch named test/some-changes.

Fix was just to remove a stale test branch, and I could fetch and checkout the remote one.


In case of, the solution is more poetic - the only problem may be in rights assigned to the project members. Simple members don't have write rights! Please make sure that you have the Moderator or Administrator rights. This needs to be set at at the project settings by an Administrator, of course.


I saw this error when trying to run git filter-branch to detach many subdirectories into a new, separate repository (as in this answer).

I tried all of the above solutions and none of them worked. Eventually, I decided I didn't need to preserve my tags all that badly in the new branch and just ran:

git remote remove origin
git tag | xargs git tag -d
git gc --prune=now
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached -qr --ignore-unmatch -- . && git reset -q $GIT_COMMIT -- apps/AAA/ libs/xxx' --prune-empty -- --all