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How to list all versions of an npm module?

In order to see all the versions of a node module [webpack], I have executed below command in windows command prompt

npm view webpack versions

This command only displays first 100 versions and later displays "331 more" text.

How will I be able to list all versions?

See here for listing all node…
This npm ls --depth=0 will list all local modules as name@version. `
Or globals: npm -g ls --depth=0.
Possible duplicate of npm view get more items

Sumeet Kumar Yadav

Usually I do this if I want to see all versions

npm view webpack versions --json

Leaving off the --json flag formats it a bit nicer on my machine.
@Niek.. depends .. do you want incomplete for long lists, or json which gives you all.
The best answer!

This is pretty much the same but won't list alpha or beta releases

npm show webpack@* version

what is the difference between npm show npm view and npm info ?
@AkinHwan Nothing. They are all aliases of the same thing
Yeah but requires shell-escaping. It should have been instead: npm show 'webpack@*' version
This prints versions indefinitely, even alpha versions, not sure why but maybe it's that wildcard.

with yarn its just yarn info react-dnd versions, you can leave versions off for a lot of other info


you can view the available versions of any package using npm show <package_name> versions

for webpack use npm show webpack versions