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Java Generics With a Class & an Interface - Together

I want to have a Class object, but I want to force whatever class it represents to extend class A and implement interface B.

I can do:

Class<? extends ClassA>


Class<? extends InterfaceB>

but I can't do both. Is there a way to do this?


Actually, you can do what you want. If you want to provide multiple interfaces or a class plus interfaces, you have to have your wildcard look something like this:

<T extends ClassA & InterfaceB>

See the Generics Tutorial at, specifically the Bounded Type Parameters section, at the bottom of the page. You can actually list more than one interface if you wish, using & InterfaceName for each one that you need.

This can get arbitrarily complicated. To demonstrate, see the JavaDoc declaration of Collections#max, which (wrapped onto two lines) is:

public static <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> T
                                           max(Collection<? extends T> coll)

why so complicated? As said in the Java Generics FAQ: To preserve binary compatibility.

It looks like this doesn't work for variable declaration, but it does work when putting a generic boundary on a class. Thus, to do what you want, you may have to jump through a few hoops. But you can do it. You can do something like this, putting a generic boundary on your class and then:

class classB { }
interface interfaceC { }

public class MyClass<T extends classB & interfaceC> {
    Class<T> variable;

to get variable that has the restriction that you want. For more information and examples, check out page 3 of Generics in Java 5.0. Note, in <T extends B & C>, the class name must come first, and interfaces follow. And of course you can only list a single class.

This is helpful. It's worth mentioning that the class must come first, you cannot say ''.
How do you do the same for T should either extend a class OR implement an interface?
@RagunathJawahar: You cannot get too open-ended about this. You have to have some boundaries, and one of them is knowing in advance where you'll have interfaces and where you'll have classes, and how you'll use inheritance. You pretty much have to know for a type parameter if it will be a class or an interface.
The first line of your answer says to "have your wildcard look something like this." There is no ? in that expression, so is it really a "wildcard"? I ask because I can't get the whole "extending two things at once" concept to work when the type parameter really is a wildcard.
Yeah, it's not really a wildcard and you can't do what the OP asked for with a wildcard. You can do what the OP wanted, effectively, just not with a wildcard.
Aleksandr Dubinsky

You can't do it with "anonymous" type parameters (ie, wildcards that use ?), but you can do it with "named" type parameters. Simply declare the type parameter at method or class level.

import java.util.List;
interface A{}
interface B{}
public class Test<E extends B & A, T extends List<E>> {
    T t;

Why aren't wildcards allowed? i.e. I don't see why this shouldn't be valid: ArrayList list; And then if you pulled an element out of the list, you could assign it to a variable of type ClassA or of type InterfaceB
Replacing the wildcard with a variable is a great technique! But it doesn't always work. For example, Java does not allow names type variables in annotation value types, while it does allow wildcards.

Here's how you would do it in Kotlin

fun <T> myMethod(item: T) where T : ClassA, T : InterfaceB {
    //your code here