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Using braces with dynamic variable names in PHP

I'm trying to use dynamic variable names (I'm not sure what they're actually called) But pretty much like this:

for($i=0; $i<=2; $i++) {
    $("file" . $i) = file($filelist[$i]);


The return is null which tells me it's not working. I have no idea what the syntax or the technique I'm looking for is here, which makes it hard to research. $filelist is defined earlier on.

Don't! There is never a good reason to use them. They are, effectively, just an untidy array. Use a proper array instead.
Alright I'm sorry, I just went back and picked an answer for each question I've asked so far. Good thing it's only 7 :P
And Quentin, why are they bad practice?? There must be a reason they exist alongside arrays I'd think
@user1159454 — They are a disorganised mess without all the tools that can be applied to arrays available to them. They exist for ancient legacy reasons and crazy edge cases.
Crazy edge cases may be exactly why someone would want to ask this question.


Wrap them in {}:

${"file" . $i} = file($filelist[$i]);

Working Example

Using ${} is a way to create dynamic variables, simple example:

${'a' . 'b'} = 'hello there';
echo $ab; // hello there

Is it also possible to create dynamic arrays with the same logic?
I have the same doubt of @dtakis, can you help us? If possible, please take a look at this question.
Jut a warning if you are using this to include a variable (the most useful way IMHO) don't forget to use double quotes. ${'fixedTime$i'} = $row['timeInstance']; gives you a not very useful $fixedTime$i instead of $fixedTime1, $fixedTime2 etc. (Fortunately spotted it almost straight away.)
John Slegers


In PHP, you can just put an extra $ in front of a variable to make it a dynamic variable :

$$variableName = $value;

While I wouldn't recommend it, you could even chain this behavior :

$$$$$$$$DoNotTryThisAtHomeKids = $value;

You can but are not forced to put $variableName between {} :

${$variableName} = $value;

Using {} is only mandatory when the name of your variable is itself a composition of multiple values, like this :

${$variableNamePart1 . $variableNamePart2} = $value;

It is nevertheless recommended to always use {}, because it's more readable.

Differences between PHP5 and PHP7

Another reason to always use {}, is that PHP5 and PHP7 have a slightly different way of dealing with dynamic variables, which results in a different outcome in some cases.

In PHP7, dynamic variables, properties, and methods will now be evaluated strictly in left-to-right order, as opposed to the mix of special cases in PHP5. The examples below show how the order of evaluation has changed.

Case 1 : $$foo['bar']['baz']

PHP5 interpetation : ${$foo['bar']['baz']}

PHP7 interpetation : ${$foo}['bar']['baz']

Case 2 : $foo->$bar['baz']

PHP5 interpetation : $foo->{$bar['baz']}

PHP7 interpetation : $foo->{$bar}['baz']

Case 3 : $foo->$bar['baz']()

PHP5 interpetation : $foo->{$bar['baz']}()

PHP7 interpetation : $foo->{$bar}['baz']()

Case 4 : Foo::$bar['baz']()

PHP5 interpetation : Foo::{$bar['baz']}()

PHP7 interpetation : Foo::{$bar}['baz']()

A good answer to a dubious topic. I'm really glad i don't have to debug such code.
best answer since it just answers the question without being judgemental
Yeah, we just had some trouble with some legacy code aswell. Production was PHP5.5, Dev environment was PHP7. I am favouriting this question.
Joakim Johansson

Try using {} instead of ():

${"file".$i} = file($filelist[$i]);

from phpNET manual $price_for_monday = 10; $price_for_tuesday = 20; $today = 'tuesday'; $price_for_today = ${ 'price_for_' . $today}; echo $price_for_today; // will return 20

I do this quite often on results returned from a query..


// $MyQueryResult is an array of results from a query

foreach ($MyQueryResult as $key=>$value)

Now I can just use $MyFieldname (which is easier in echo statements etc) rather than $MyQueryResult['MyFieldname']

Yep, it's probably lazy, but I've never had any problems.

Have you ever tried to use extract() function of PHP?
handy one-liner for DB result sets: foreach($row as $k=>$v){$$k=$v}

Tom if you have existing array you can convert that array to object and use it like this:

$r = (object) $MyQueryResult;
echo $r->key;

Vildan Bina

Try using {} instead of ():

${"file".$i} = file($filelist[$i]);


i have a solution for dynamically created variable value and combined all value in a variable.

    for($i=1; $i<=4; $i++){
        $a = $_POST['a'.$i];
        $r .= $a;
    echo $r;


I was in a position where I had 6 identical arrays and I needed to pick the right one depending on another variable and then assign values to it. In the case shown here $comp_cat was 'a' so I needed to pick my 'a' array ( I also of course had 'b' to 'f' arrays)

Note that the values for the position of the variable in the array go after the closing brace.

${'comp_cat_'.$comp_cat.'_arr'}[1][0] = "FRED BLOGGS"; ${'comp_cat_'.$comp_cat.'_arr'}[1][1] = $file_tidy; echo 'First array value is '.$comp_cat_a_arr[1][0].' and the second value is .$comp_cat_a_arr[1][1];