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Retrieve a single file from a repository

What is the most efficient mechanism (in respect to data transferred and disk space used) to get the contents of a single file from a remote git repository?

So far I've managed to come up with:

git clone --no-checkout --depth 1 && cd bar && git show HEAD:path/to/file.txt

This still seems overkill.

What about getting multiple files from the repo?

Aaw. I would love it if there was a built in way to do the equivalent of "cat-remote" and "tag-remote".
I have this same problem I want to have the same license file in 2 repos; edit the file in 1 repo then have it auto update the copy in the other repo.


In git version this seems to work to export a single file from a remote

git archive --remote=ssh://host/pathto/repo.git HEAD | tar xO

This will cat the contents of the file

... Except it doesn't work on GitHub. Dang. :(
This doesn't seem to yield the raw file but rather a tar file with just a single file.
@FrerichRaabe just add ` | tar -x` to the command. git archive --remote=ssh://host/pathto/repo.git HEAD | tar -x cat
You can use tar -xO to output to STDOUT for piping, e.g. && git archive --remote=ssh://host/pathto/repo.git HEAD "$FILE" | tar -xO "$FILE"
Exactly the answer I was looking for, but I get "fatal: Operation not supported by protocol." in response from Git. Argh.

Following on from Jakub's answer. git archive produces a tar or zip archive, so you need to pipe the output through tar to get the file content:

git archive --remote=git:// HEAD:path/to/directory filename | tar -x

Will save a copy of 'filename' from the HEAD of the remote repository in the current directory.

The :path/to/directory part is optional. If excluded, the fetched file will be saved to <current working dir>/path/to/directory/filename

In addition, if you want to enable use of git archive --remote on Git repositories hosted by git-daemon, you need to enable the daemon.uploadarch config option. See

If it is a text file and we want to save it to another part it is gut to use: | tar -xO > ~/destfile.ext
does it work with specific commit? (i.e. one specifies both specific file and commit)
Yes. Replace HEAD with the commit ID that you want to use. HEAD is an alias that refers to either the currently checked out commit (if applicable) or the tip of the default branch. I wrote the above answer years ago and learned this morning that GitHub doesn't support git archive, so that makes it a lot less useful.
Looks like the best answer to me. Add a v as another option to tar -x doesn't hut. Also it may be good to note that it works also for a specific folder, not only a single file : git archive --remote=git:// HEAD path/to/folder/ | tar -xv
Jakub Narębski

If there is web interface deployed (like gitweb, cgit, Gitorious, ginatra), you can use it to download single file ('raw' or 'plain' view).

If other side enabled it, you can use git archive's '--remote=<URL>' option (and possibly limit it to a directory given file resides in), for example:

$ git archive --prefix=path/to/ HEAD:path/to/ |  tar xvf -

Note: the example was not tested!
For your own repositories you need to specifically enable upload-archive if using git-daemon (git:// style urls) with git config daemon.uploadarch true on the remote repository. By default git daemon disables remote archive with "fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: ..."
+1 The git archive approach was my first try - but then I noticed that requiring tar on the client machine wasn't exactly convenient for Windows users. We ended up fetching from our local cgit server. It works, but it's not as fast as I'd like it to be (and it still requires running unix2dos or similiar on Windows machines since we store files with Unix line endings in the Git repository).
@FrerichRaabe Use -o Also see --format= option.
For what it's worth, it doesn't look like this works on GitHub hosted repositories. See and!topic/github/z8vLHcX0HxY

Not in general but if you are using Github:

For me wget to the raw url turned out to be the best and easiest way to download one particular file.

Open the file in the browser and click on "Raw" button. Now refresh your browser, copy the url and do a wget or curl on it.

wget example:

wget '' -O

Curl example:

curl '' > savedFile.txt

This is the easiest solution, and works for any raw txt one could find. curl > savedFile.txt
wget example doesn't work, curl example does though.
Works just fine for me. Did you put your url in quotes on the commandline ?
this does not preserve git history
The solution is asked for Git, the answer endorses Github is git and is nowheere related to git. It's based on additional APIs offered by a prominent git solution provider!

To export a single file from a remote:

git archive --remote=ssh://host/pathto/repo.git HEAD | tar -x

This will download the file to your current directory.

If you want the contents of the file exported to STDOUT:

git archive --remote=ssh://host/pathto/repo.git HEAD | tar -xO

You can provide multiple paths at the end of the command.

Evan Carroll

It looks like a solution to me:

git show HEAD~4:index.html > local_file

where 4 means four revision from now and ~ is a tilde as mentioned in the comment.

Make sure to notice that is it NOT the 'minus sign' '-' between 'HEAD' and '4', but the 'tilde' '~'. Apparently I haven't read the git docs well enough, or my glasses need updating ;-)
This doesn't seem to get the file from a remote repository though, like the OP needs.
Or: git show HEAD:./my_other_file > local_file if the file isn't in your root dir:)
Kind request for all downvoters - please explain and clarify what's not OK - we are here to learn and share :)
@MichalStefanow: Mike Weller has it; specifically, this doesn't work on a remote repository. You need a local clone at the very least, even if you then have remotes set up on it.

I use this

$ cat ~/.wgetrc
check_certificate = off

$ wget
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 11339 (11K) [text/plain]
Saving to: `grunt.js'

Works for me even without wgetrc tweaks: wget
My message is more helpful: ERROR: Certificate verification error for unable to get local issuer certificate. To connect to insecurely, use '--no-check-certificate'.
This works for public repositories only. For private repositories you need authentication.
Mac didn't have wget, so I used curl but I had to use curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' > outfile otherwise it does not download if the file has already been downloaded
Willem van Ketwich

A nuanced variant of some of the answers here that answers the OP's question:

git archive \
  HEAD path/to/file.txt | tar -xO path/to/file.txt > file.txt

This does not work, github does not support git archive.
Err.. git is used for more than just GitHub
You explicitly set --remote to a github URL in your answer though ;-)
Thanks for the feedback. Have amended the answer accordingly.
Richard Lalancette

It seems to me the easiest way to use the following:


Thank you, simple indeed. To get rid of '?raw=true' at the end of saved file one can use: -O your-file-name at the end of the command above.

If you repository supports tokens (for example GitLab) then generate a token for your user then navigate to the file you will download and click on RAW output to get the URL. To download the file use:

curl --silent --request GET --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: replace_with_your_token' \
'' --output /tmp/bar.sql


I solved in this way:

git archive --remote=ssh:// BranchName /path-to-file/file_name | tar -xO /path-to-file/file_name > /path-to-save-the-file/file_name

If you want, you could replace "BranchName" for "HEAD"


If no other answer worked (i.e. restrictive GitLab access), you can do a "selective-checkout" by:

git clone --no-checkout --depth=1 --no-tags URL git restore --staged DIR-OR-FILE git checkout DIR-OR-FILE

Although this solution is 100% git compliant and you can checkout a directory, it's not disk nor network optimal as doing a wget/curl on a file.


For single file, just use wget command.

Then, the browser will open a new page with url start with

just enter the command in the terminal:


A while the file will put in your folder.

Yep, this also works nice within Python, or other programming languages, with a REST-funcionality. For example for downloading modules from different repositories..
Shayki Abramczyk

If your Git repository hosted on Azure-DevOps (VSTS) you can retrieve a single file with Rest API.

The format of this API looks like this:{organization}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/items?path={pathToFile}&api-version=4.1?download=true

For example:{organization}/_apis/git/repositories/278d5cd2-584d-4b63-824a-2ba458937249/items?scopePath=/MyWebSite/MyWebSite/Views/Home/_Home.cshtml&download=true&api-version=4.1

It requires api token, doesn't it?
Depends how you run the api

This is specific for git repos hosted on GitHub

Try the 'api' command of Github's command line app, gh, to make an authenticated call to Github's 'get repository contents' endpoint.

The basic command is:

$gh api /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/<path_to_the_file>

As an added bonus, when you do this from inside a directory that contains a clone of the repo you're trying to get the file from, the {owner} and {repo} part will be automatically filled in.

The response will be a JSON object. If the indeed points to a file, the JSON will include a 'size', 'name', several url fields to access the file, as well as a 'content' field, which is a base64 encoded version of the file contents.

To get the file contents, you can curl the value of the "download_url", or just decode the 'content' field. You can do that by piping the base64 command, like this:

$gh api /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/<path-to-the-file> --jq '.content' | base64 -d


I use curl, it works with public repos or those using https basic authentication via a web interface.

curl -L --retry 20 --retry-delay 2 -O -u USER:PASSWORD

I've tested it on github and bitbucket, works on both.

work also on gitlab and gitea !

Yisrael Dov's answer is the straightforward one, but it doesn't allow compression. You can use --format=zip, but you can't directly unzip that with a pipe command like you can with tar, so you need to save it as a temporary file. Here's a script:



function usage {
    echo "usage: $BASENAME <remote-repo> <file> ..."
    exit 1

[ 2 -gt "$#" ] && { usage; }


git archive -9 --remote=$REPO HEAD $FILES -o $TMPFILE
unzip $TMPFILE

This works with directories too.

Oliver Pearmain

Github Enterprise Solution



curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" ${URL} > "${FILE_PATH}"

You can create a personal access token by going to https:///settings/tokens and hitting "Generate new token" button.
Hmm, we have automations that are given a username and password, which are used to authenticate to multiple systems that use the same SSO, so I was hoping for a way to automate generating a token given a username & password.

The following 2 commands worked for me:

git archive --remote={remote_repo_git_url} {branch} {file_to_download} -o {tar_out_file}

Downloads file_to_download as tar archive from branch of remote repository whose url is remote_repo_git_url and stores it in tar_out_file

tar -x -f {tar_out_file}.tar extracts the file_to_download from tar_out_file


If you want to get a file from a specific hash + a remote repository I've tried git-archive and it didn't work.

You would have to use git clone and once the repository is cloned you would have then to use git-archive to make it work.

I post a question about how to do it more simpler in git archive from a specific hash from remote


for bitbucket directly from browser (I used safari...) right-click on 'View Raw" and choose "Download Linked File":

Christopher Shroba

If you don't mind cloning the entire directory, this small bash/zsh function will have the end result of cloning a single file into your current directory (by cloning the repo into a temp directory and removing it afterwards).

Pro: You only get the file you want

Con: You still have to wait for the whole repo to clone

git-single-file () {
        if [ $# -lt 2 ]
                echo "Usage: $0 <repo url> <file path>"
        TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
        git clone $1 $TEMP_DIR
        cp $TEMP_DIR/$2 .
        rm -rf $TEMP_DIR

This answer may help make sparse clone, that is without overhead.

If your goal is just to download the file there's a hassle-free application called gget:

gget 'hugo_extended_*_Linux-ARM.deb'

The above example would download single file from hugo repository.

Hector Llorens

Related to @Steven Penny's answer, I also use wget. Furthermore, to decide which file to send the output to I use -O .

If you are using gitlabs another possibility for the url is:

wget "https://git.labs.your-server/your-repo/raw/master/<path-to-file>" -O <output-file>

Unless you have the certificate or you access from a trusted server for the gitlabs installation you need --no-check-certificate as @Kos said. I prefer that rather than modifying .wgetrc but it depends on your needs.

If it is a big file you might consider using -c option with wget. To be able to continue downloading the file from where you left it if the previous intent failed in the middle.