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Optional param in vuejs router

I need to route to a certain component in two ways - one with a param, one without. I have searched for optional params and somehow can't find much info.

So my route:

    path: '/offers/:member',
    component: Offers,
    name: 'offers',
    props: true,
    meta: {
        guest: false,
        needsAuth: true

When I call it with the param programmatically, all is fine

this.$router.push({ path: /offers/1234 });

However I also need to call it via nav like this

<router-link to="/offers">Offers</router-link>

The offers component accepts the prop

props: ['member'],

And component used as such

<Offers :offers="data" :member="member"></Offers>

Now the ugly way I've managed to get it working is duplicating the route and making one of them not take props:

    path: '/offers',
    component: Offers,
    name: 'offers',
    props: false,
    meta: {
        guest: false,
        needsAuth: true

It actually works, but i'm not happy with it - also in dev mode vuejs is warning me [vue-router] Duplicate named routes definition: { name: "offers", path: "/offers" }

Surely there's a way to do optional param in the component call :member="member" ?

Jacob Goh

Just adding a question mark ? will make it optional.

    path: '/offers/:member?',

It works for Vue Router 2.0 onward.


Would love if this was in the guide!
Thanks, this is very helpful. Wish this was clearly mentioned in the guide.
This also works if the param is not at the end. path: /:lang?/home will be executed for /home as well as /es/home. (With Vue-Router 4.0.3, i havent tried other versions.)
This is a great answer, especially since it's nowhere to be found in vue routers documentation.
Fantastic, I still can't find this in the officel Vue router docs.

For advanced routes matching patterns the manual says :

vue-router uses path-to-regexp as its path matching engine, so it supports many advanced matching patterns such as optional dynamic segments, zero or more / one or more requirements, and even custom regex patterns. Check out its documentation for these advanced patterns, and this example of using them in vue-router.

path-to-regexp page/manual =>

Riza Khan

Additionally, you can also send different params, from where you call your route.

    name: 'ComponentName',
    params: { member: {}, otherParams: {} }

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