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How do I scale a stubborn SVG embedded with the <object> tag?

I have some SVG files that specifies width and height as well as viewbox like this:

<svg width="576pt" height="432pt" viewBox="0 0 576 432" > ...

but how to display them in the browser at a size I decide? I want them smaller and have tried:

<object width="400" data="image.svg"></object>

but then I get visible scrollbars.

It works if I change the SVG files to set width and height to 100% instead, but I want to decide the size in the HTML regardless of what sizes are used in the SVG file. Is this possible ?

I'm confused, the last sentence reads like the solution you're searching for? Set SVG width/height to 100%/100% leaves it up to the HTML to define the area to draw it in?
The problem is that I have found no way to change this in the library which I use to generate the svg files. And it would make sense to me if I could override this from html. So basically I wonder if there is another solution than to change the svg files.


You can add "preserveAspectRatio" and "viewBox" attributes to the <svg> tag to accomplish this.

Open the .svg file in an editor and find the <svg> tag. in that tag, add the following attributes:

preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
viewBox="0 0 {width} {height}"

Replace {width} and {height} with some defaults for the viewBox. I used the values from the "width" and "height" attributes of the SVG tag and it seemed to work.

Save the SVG and it should now scale as expected.

I found this information here:

#protip all you need to add it this preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
@samccone: It seems that just preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" wasn't enough for me. I also needed to provide a viewBox as mentioned in the answer. Pity!
You can also do preserveAspectRatio="none" if you want to stretch the svg out in arbitrary ways.
Don't fall for the same issue as i did: "viewbox" != "viewBox" :)
In addition, I had to set the actual width and height attributes to 100% as this answer stated.

None of the answers given here worked for me when I asked this back in 2009. As I now had the same issue again I noticed that using the <img> tag and width together with an svg works fine.

<img width="400" src="image.svg">

This is so much simpler than the other options! In case anyone's curious, here's a table of which browsers can handle SVG's in <img> tags.
This may be best path if there are no hyperlinks in SVG, otherwise, img is insufficient, and one still must use alternative like embed.
When you use <img> you lose all interactivity with links, javascript, etc.
Minor: The img element should be self closed, i.e. <img width="400" src="image.svg"/>.
@JanAagaard: It is not required to close the img tag except in XHTML.

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="img/logo.svg">
   <img src="img/logo.svg" alt="Browser fail" />

img/logo.svg ...

   viewBox="0 0 640 80"
   version="1.1" />

This setup worked for me.

This actually works quite well! The really important thing is to actually define viewBox="0 0 640 80". Apparently if this is not defined, you cannot really scale it or let CSS scale it for you by using e.g. width: 100% etc.
this works! tks, i needed to load svg into object to access contentDocument instead of 'img' tag

You can reach into the embedded svg using JavaScript:

var svg = document.getElementsByTagName('object')[0].\

Since your svg already has a viewBox, Firefox should scale the 576 pixel width in the viewBox to the 400 pixel width in your document. Other svgs might benefit from a new viewBox derived from the advertised width and height (these are often the same numbers). Other browsers might benefit from different svg tweaks.

This gave me: Security error: attempted to read protected variable
Is the svg hosted on the same domain as your web page?
It was not (localhost to external) so thats probably it, however I ended up using my answer below as it was simpler.
Andrew Swift

I encountered a problem where iOS on an iPad would not correctly resize SVG images in a <object> tag.

The CSS style would increase or decrease size of the <object> container, but the image inside of it would not be modified (on iPad, iOS 7).

The SVG images were exported from Adobe Illustrator, and the solution turned out to be replacing the width and height in this:

<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="481.89px" height="294.843px" viewBox="0 0 481.89 294.843" 
enable-background="new 0 0 481.89 294.843"


width="100%" height="100%"

I needed to use the <object> tag because the <img> tag does not currently support embedding bitmapped images in SVG's.

This is the correct answer especially if you have inline SVG and do not use
Lorenz Lo Sauer

Set the missing viewbox and fill in the height and width values of the set height and height attributes in the svg tag Then scale the picture simply by setting the height and width to the desired percent values. Good luck. You can set a fixed aspect ratio with preserveAspectRatio="x200Y200 meet, but it's not necessary


   preserveAspectRatio="x200Y200 meet"
   viewBox="0 0 350 350"
   inkscape:version="0.48.0 r9654"


Just use CSS to make the browser resize the SVG! Like so: <object style="width:30%"> See for more details. I just also tried it locally with an SVG that has its width and height given in "pt". It works well in Firefox.


Let see. I had to refresh my memory on SVG, I haven't used it much these years.

From what I found today, it seems that if you specify dimension of objects without units, they have a fixed size (in pixels, I think). Apparently, then, there is no way to resize them when you resize the SVG (it only change the viewport/canvas size).

Unless, as pointed out, you specify the size of the SVG in percentage OR specify a viewBox (eg. viewBox="0 0 600 500").

Now, if you have no way to change the exported SVG, you are out of luck, I fear. What library do you use?

The svg backend in matplotlib. I have tried functions like set_figwidth(val) but it does not seem to work, but I am not very familiar with this library so I might be looking at the wrong functions.
Dieter Gribnitz

Here is a PHP solution using QueryPath based on Jim Keller's answer.

Once QueryPath is loaded just pass your svg script to the function.

function scaleableSVG($svg){
    $qp = qp($svg, 'svg');
    $width = $qp->attr('width');
    $height = $qp->attr('height');
    $qp->attr('preserveAspectRatio', "xMinYMin meet");
    $qp->attr('viewBox', "0 0 $width $height");
    return $qp->html();