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Correct modification of state arrays in React.js

I want to add an element to the end of a state array, is this the correct way to do it?

this.setState({ arrayvar:this.state.arrayvar });

I'm concerned that modifying the array in-place with push might cause trouble - is it safe?

The alternative of making a copy of the array, and setStateing that seems wasteful.

I think you can use react immutability helpers. see this:
setState in state array check my solution.<br/> <br>


The React docs says:

Treat this.state as if it were immutable.

Your push will mutate the state directly and that could potentially lead to error prone code, even if you are "resetting" the state again afterwards. For example, it could lead to that some lifecycle methods like componentDidUpdate won’t trigger.

The recommended approach in later React versions is to use an updater function when modifying states to prevent race conditions:

this.setState(prevState => ({
  arrayvar: [...prevState.arrayvar, newelement]

The memory "waste" is not an issue compared to the errors you might face using non-standard state modifications.

Alternative syntax for earlier React versions

You can use concat to get a clean syntax since it returns a new array:

  arrayvar: this.state.arrayvar.concat([newelement])

In ES6 you can use the Spread Operator:

  arrayvar: [...this.state.arrayvar, newelement]

Can you provide an example of when a race condition would occur?
@Qiming push returns the new array length so that won’t work. Also, setState is async and React can queue several state changes into a single render pass.
@mindeavor say you have an animationFrame that looks for parameters in this.state, and another method that changes some other parameters on state change. There could be some frames where the state has changed but not reflected in the method that listens for the change, because setState is async.
@ChristopherCamps This answer does not encourage calling setState twice, it shows two similar examples of setting state array without mutating it directly.
An easy way to treat a state array as immutable these days is: let list = Array.from(this.state.list); list.push('woo'); this.setState({list}); Modify to your style preferences of course.
David Hellsing

Easiest, if you are using ES6.

initialArray = [1, 2, 3];

newArray = [ ...initialArray, 4 ]; // --> [1,2,3,4]

New array will be [1,2,3,4]

to update your state in React

  arrayvar:[...this.state.arrayvar, newelement]

Learn more about array destructuring

Append or prepend is quite straightforward. What about search and replace? For example array of objects. I need to update one object searching by id?
Your questions doesn't concern the OP question directly
@ChanceSmith: it is needed in StateLess answer too. Do not depend in state update on the state itself. Official doc:…
@RayCoder log and check the value of arrayvar, looks like it is not array.
David Hellsing

The simplest way with ES6:

this.setState(prevState => ({
    array: [...prevState.array, newElement]

Sorry, in my case i want to push an array into array. tableData = [['test','test']] After pushed my new array tableData = [['test','test'],['new','new']]. how to push this @David and @Ridd
@Johncy If you would like to get [['test','test'],['new','new']] try: this.setState({ tableData: [...this.state.tableData, ['new', 'new']]
this.setState({ tableData: [...this.state.tableData ,[item.student_name,item.homework_status_name,item.comments===null?'-':item.comments] ] }); It inserts the new array two times this.state.tableData.push([item.student_name,item.homework_status_name,item.comments===null?'-':item.comments]); It achieves the desired thing i want. but its not the correct way i think.

React may batch updates, and therefore the correct approach is to provide setState with a function that performs the update.

For the React update addon, the following will reliably work:

this.setState( state => update(state, {array: {$push: [4]}}) );

or for concat():

this.setState( state => ({
    array: state.array.concat([4])

The following shows what,output as an example of what happens if you get it wrong.

The setTimeout() invocation correctly adds three items because React will not batch updates within a setTimeout callback (see

The buggy onClick will only add "Third", but the fixed one, will add F, S and T as expected.

class List extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      array: []

    setTimeout(this.addSome, 500);

  addSome = () => {
        update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["First"]}}));
        update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["Second"]}}));
        update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["Third"]}}));

  addSomeFixed = () => {
      this.setState( state => 
        update(state, {array: {$push: ["F"]}}));
      this.setState( state => 
        update(state, {array: {$push: ["S"]}}));
      this.setState( state => 
        update(state, {array: {$push: ["T"]}}));

  render() {

    const list =, i) => {
      return <li key={i}>{item}</li>

    return (
      <div className='list'>
        <button onClick={this.addSome}>add three</button>
        <button onClick={this.addSomeFixed}>add three (fixed)</button>

ReactDOM.render(<List />, document.getElementById('app'));

Is there really a case where it happens ? If we simply do this.setState( update(this.state, {array: {$push: ["First", "Second", "Third"]}}) )
@Albizia I think you should find a colleague and discuss it with them. There is no batching issue if you are making only one setState call. The point is to show that React batches updates, so yes... there is really a case, which is what you can find in the JSBin version of the above code. Almost all of the answers in this thread fail to address this, so there will be a lot of code out there that sometimes goes wrong
state.array = state.array.concat([4]) this mutates the previous state object.
@EmileBergeron Thank you for your persistence. I eventually looked back and saw what my brain was refusing to see, and checked the docs, so I'll edit.
Good! It's really easy to get wrong as immutability in JS is non-obvious (even more so when dealing with the API of a library).

If you are using functional components in React

const [cars, setCars] = useState([{
  name: 'Audi',
  type: 'sedan'
}, {
  name: 'BMW',
  type: 'sedan'


const newCar = {
  name: 'Benz',
  type: 'sedan'

const updatedCarsArray = [, newCar];



As @nilgun mentioned in the comment, you can use the react immutability helpers. I've found this to be super useful.

From the docs:

Simple push

var initialArray = [1, 2, 3];
var newArray = update(initialArray, {$push: [4]}); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]

initialArray is still [1, 2, 3].

The React immutability helpers are described as deprecated in the documentation. should now be used instead.
This answer and this comment is the real thing, and I appreciate taking time to write it in such a concise way - both of you. immutability-helper expresses this concern and has lot of thoughts and code in this direction.

Currently so many people facing problem to update the useState hook state. I use this approach to update it safely and wanted to share it here.

This is my state

const [state, setState] = useState([])

Suppose I have a object name obj1 and I want it to append in my state. I will suggest to do it like this

setState(prevState => [...prevState, obj1])

This will safely insert the object at the end and also keep the state consistency

THIS is the correct way to update a state when its new value depends on the previous one. Docs: If the next state depends on the current state, we recommend using the updater function form: setState((state) => ..., see -- State updates do NOT happen immediately, so when using the original state variable, some updates may get overwritten by new ones.
Harshan Morawaka

If you are using functional component please use this as below.

const [chatHistory, setChatHistory] = useState([]); // define the state

const chatHistoryList = [...chatHistory, {'from':'me', 'message'}]; // new array need to update
setChatHistory(chatHistoryList); // update the state

mate, I was strugling for 12hrs had no clues what was going on, you saved my life
@HiệpNguyễn nice

For added new element into the array, push() should be the answer.

For remove element and update state of array, below code works for me. splice(index, 1) can not work.

const [arrayState, setArrayState] = React.useState<any[]>([]);

// index is the index for the element you want to remove
const newArrayState = arrayState.filter((value, theIndex) => {return index !== theIndex});

push mutates the array, which is an anti-pattern in React.
Ian Smith

Here's a 2020, Reactjs Hook example that I thought could help others. I am using it to add new rows to a Reactjs table. Let me know if I could improve on something.

Adding a new element to a functional state component:

Define the state data:

    const [data, setData] = useState([
        { id: 1, name: 'John', age: 16 },
        { id: 2, name: 'Jane', age: 22 },
        { id: 3, name: 'Josh', age: 21 }

Have a button trigger a function to add a new element

    // pass the current state data to the handleAdd function so we can append to it.
    onClick={() => handleAdd(data)}>
    Add a row
function handleAdd(currentData) {

        // return last data array element
        let lastDataObject = currentTableData[currentTableData.length - 1]

        // assign last elements ID to a variable.
        let lastID = Object.values(lastDataObject)[0] 

        // build a new element with a new ID based off the last element in the array
        let newDataElement = {
            id: lastID + 1,
            name: 'Jill',
            age: 55,

        // build a new state object 
        const newStateData = [...currentData, newDataElement ]

        // update the state

        // print newly updated state
        for (const element of newStateData) {
            console.log('New Data: ' + Object.values(element).join(', '))


What if instead of adding, I wanted to remove an element from the array?
@Ken what kind of array are you working with? Your array object should have a built in remove function built in. You'd trigger the removal and then update the state.

Since you are not allowed to mutate the state directly, you cannot simply push an item to an array.

state = {
      value: '',
      list: ['a', 'b', 'c'],

  list: [...this.state.list, newelement]


  onAddItem = () => {
    // not allowed AND not working
    this.setState(state => {
      const list = state.list.push(state.value);
      return {
        value: '',

know more

In the second statement you will loose "value" key. What you should do instead is only update the list keeping the prev state: setState({...state, list: [...state.list, newelement]})

this will work to solve this problem.


What I do is update a value outside the state and do a forceupdate(), the less stuff managed by react the better since you have more control over what is updated. Also creating a new array for every update may be too expensive if the updates are fast

Your answer could be improved by including a minimal, reproducible example.
Rajnikant Lodhi

I am trying to push value in an array state and set value like this and define state array and push value by map function.

 this.state = {
        createJob: [],
    } => {
                this.setState({totalAmount:this.state.totalAmount += _.your_API_JSON.price})
                this.state.createJob.push({ id: _._id, price: _.your_API_JSON.price })
                return this.setState({createJob: this.state.createJob})

Andrzej Sydor

I was having a similar issue when I wanted to modify the array state while retaining the position of the element in the array

This is a function to toggle between like and unlike:

    const liker = (index) =>
        setData((prevState) => {
            prevState[index].like = !prevState[index].like;
            return [...prevState];

as we can say the function takes the index of the element in the array state, and we go ahead and modify the old state and rebuild the state tree

This is mutating the previous state, which is an anti-pattern in React.
@EmileBergeron how can we modify the element in the state while retaining the position without breaking the react rules?
Fernando Alcantara
//get the value you want to add
const valor1 =;

//add in object 
        const todo = {

//now you just push the new value into the state

//prevlista is the value of the old array before updating, it takes the old array value makes a copy and adds a new value

setValor(prevLista =>{
return prevLista.concat(todo) })


This worked for me to add an array within an array

this.setState(prevState => ({
    component: prevState.component.concat(new Array(['new', 'new']))

Mesut Akcan
//------------------code is return in typescript 

const updateMyData1 = (rowIndex:any, columnId:any, value:any) => {

    setItems(old =>, index) => {
        if (index === rowIndex) {
        return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, old[rowIndex]), { [columnId]: value });
    return row;

Hamid Hosseinpour

This code work for me:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(json => {
    this.setState({mystate: this.state.mystate.push.apply(this.state.mystate, json)})

still, you mutate state directly
And fails to update the component's state correctly since .push returns a number, not an array.