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Difference between "and" and && in Ruby?

What is the difference between the && and and operators in Ruby?

the Tin Man

and is the same as && but with lower precedence. They both use short-circuit evaluation.

WARNING: and even has lower precedence than = so you'll usually want to avoid and. An example when and should be used can be found in the Rails Guide under "Avoiding Double Render Errors".

It would be a good idea to specify that one should usually use &&, while and should be used for very specific cases only.
From Andrew Marshall's link: "Another way of thinking about and is as a reversed if statement modifier: next if widget = widgets.pop becomes widget = widgets.pop and next. That's a great way of putting it, really made it "click" in my head. (And or is like a reversed unless modifier.)
Combine this answer with the details of tadman's answer and you get the whole picture.
Avdi updated his take on when to use and vs. &&. Basically use 'and' and 'or' for control flow because of their lower precedence.…
Andrew Marshall

The practical difference is binding strength, which can lead to peculiar behavior if you're not prepared for it:

foo = :foo
bar = nil

a = foo and bar
# => nil
# => :foo

a = foo && bar
# => nil
# => nil

a = (foo and bar)
# => nil
# => nil

(a = foo) && bar
# => nil
# => :foo

The same thing works for || and or.

a = foo and bar and (a = foo ) && bar proves that and has lower precedence than &&.
i don't get it: what is "foo and bar" meant to return?
a = foo and bar is equivalent to (a = :foo) and nil. Since the assignment returns a logically true value (:foo) then the second part evaluates, which fails, returning nil.
Andrew Grimm

The Ruby Style Guide says it better than I could:

Use &&/|| for boolean expressions, and/or for control flow. (Rule of thumb: If you have to use outer parentheses, you are using the wrong operators.)

# boolean expression
if some_condition && some_other_condition

# control flow
document.saved? or!

Actually the guide now says to avoid and/or completely, and they might have a point. Often their usage in control flow could be more obviously written with if/unless operators anyway (e.g.! unless document.saved?)
@akostadinov in case you weren't trolling: the Ruby Style guide isn't written by the creators of Ruby. Ruby was created by Yukihiro Matsumoto and others, while the Ruby Style Guide was mainly by Bozhidar Batsov.
@AndrewGrimm, thanks, good to know. Sorry for trolling but I'm sincerely confused with some aspects of ruby reality. One thing is sure - every ruby project needs strict style policies to keep the codebase maintainable.
Gabe Kopley

|| and && bind with the precedence that you expect from boolean operators in programming languages (&& is very strong, || is slightly less strong).

and and or have lower precedence.

For example, unlike ||, or has lower precedence than =:

> a = false || true
 => true 
> a
 => true 
> a = false or true
 => true 
> a
 => false

Likewise, unlike &&, and also has lower precedence than =:

> a = true && false
 => false 
> a
 => false 
> a = true and false
 => false 
> a
 => true 

What's more, unlike && and ||, and and or bind with equal precedence:

> !puts(1) || !puts(2) && !puts(3)
 => true
> !puts(1) or !puts(2) and !puts(3)
 => true 
> !puts(1) or (!puts(2) and !puts(3))
 => true

The weakly-binding and and or may be useful for control-flow purposes: see .

"unlike ||, or has lower precedence than =" it makes more sense, thanks!
the Tin Man

and has lower precedence than &&.

But for an unassuming user, problems might occur if it is used along with other operators whose precedence are in between, for example, the assignment operator:

def happy?() true; end
def know_it?() true; end

todo = happy? && know_it? ? "Clap your hands" : "Do Nothing"

# => "Clap your hands"

todo = happy? and know_it? ? "Clap your hands" : "Do Nothing"

# => true

Thank you, but how is the precedence of "and" different from "&&"?
@BKSpurgeon See here for a ordered list of operator precedence in Ruby.
the Tin Man

and has lower precedence, mostly we use it as a control-flow modifier such as if:

next if widget = widgets.pop


widget = widgets.pop and next

For or:

raise "Not ready!" unless ready_to_rock?


ready_to_rock? or raise "Not ready!"

I prefer to use if but not and, because if is more intelligible, so I just ignore and and or.

Refer to "Using “and” and “or” in Ruby" for more information.

Kevin Ng

I don't know if this is Ruby intention or if this is a bug but try this code below. This code was run on Ruby version 2.5.1 and was on a Linux system.

puts 1 > -1 and 257 < 256
# => false

puts 1 > -1 && 257 < 256
# => true

@JakubArnold Sarcasm is never helpful. Examples sometimes are.
@BobRodes It wasn't a sarcasm. There are 7 answers, 6 of which already have examples.
@JakubArnold I still found this example helpful.
I'm getting odd results as well. v1 = true and false p v1 # => app.rb: true, IRB: false v2 = true && false p v2 # => app.rb: false, IRB: false puts 1 > -1 && 257 < 256 # => app.rb: false, IRB: false
Dheeraj Maheshwari

and checks only first condition and gives result on other hand && strongly checks both conditions and gives logical result.