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Can't find @Nullable inside javax.annotation.*

I want use @Nullable annotation to eliminate NullPointerExceptions. I found some tutorials on the net, I noticed that this annotation comes from the package javax.annotation.Nullable; but when I import it a compilation error is generated: cannot find symbol

Jared Burrows

You need to include a jar that this class exists in. You can find it here

If using Maven, you can add the following dependency declaration:


and for Gradle:

dependencies {
  testImplementation ''

Why is Google (especially its findbugs artifact) providing types that belong to the javax package? Isn't there an artifact with a javax-prefixed groupId that provides this type?
@AndrewSwan it seems that the author chose the groupId of because it was being hosted on Google's code hosting solution
Google-findbugs is the reference implementation of the jsr305, thus they are kind of allowed to use the javax-packageName I guess.
Still relevant for swagger generator
I am receiving this error since I upgraded my IntelliJ. damn it.

The artifact has been moved from net.sourceforge.findbugs to



If you are using Gradle, you could include the dependency like this:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile group: '', name: 'jsr305', version: '3.0.0'

I tried , and got error: Could not find method compile() for arguments [{, name=jsr305, version=3.0.0}] on org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler_Decorated@7b35fdf2.
@kamal with the above example, it is generally assuming you have applied the 'java' (or other) plugin that has already created the compile configuration.
Unable to import javax.annotation.Nullable; I have jsr250-api-1.0.jar in my classpath. I even tried updating maven pom <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>jsr305</artifactId> <version>3.0.0</version> </dependency> Eclipse gave errors: Missing artifact Failure to transfer
It finally worked jsr305-3.0.1.jar - some eclipse cp issue. Yes finally it compiles after external jar import into eclipse
Because the jar is not needed at runtime, use compileOnly group... instead of just compile group...

JSR-305 is a "Java Specification Request" to extend the specification. @Nullable etc. were part of it; however it appears to be "dormant" (or frozen) ever since (See this SO question). So to use these annotations, you have to add the library yourself.

FindBugs was renamed to SpotBugs and is being developed under that name.

For maven this is the current annotation-only dependency (other integrations here):


If you wish to use the full plugin, refer to the documentation of SpotBugs.

Janis Peisenieks

In case someone has this while trying to compile an Android project, there is an alternative Nullable implementation in So take care which package you've referenced in your imports.


If anyone has this issue when building a Maven project created in IntelliJ IDEA externally, I used the following dependency instead of the answer:


Using this will allow the project to build on IntelliJ IDEA and by itself using Maven.

You can find it here.

beware that org.jetbrains:annotations:15.0 provides @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable not @javax.annotation.Generated. This could be a problem in case you use some code generators as openapi-generator-maven-plugin.
Jay Dangar

you can add latest version of this by adding following line inside your

implementation group: '', name: 'jsr305', version: '3.0.2'

John Tribe

I am using Guava which has annotation included:

(Gradle code )

compile ''

Including Guava for just for this would be overkill, and to be avoided due to their poor versioning and tendency to make backwards-incompatible changes.
@Matthew Read Guava shouldn't be avoided. There are features that aren't in plain Java - immutable collections(well it is in java >=9, but this one is better), mapMakers, splitters ....and so on. I think that adding guava brings good stuff. Maybe it is overkill just for this, but still it is better than using "findbugs"or "jetbrains" annotations.
I agree that Guava can be useful for other things, but that doesn't mean that it makes sense to bring in a large library for something tiny. is named poorly, but it is the official reference implementation.

In the case of Android projects, you can fix this error by changing the project/module gradle file (build.gradle) as follows:

dependencies { implementation '' }

For more informations, please refer here.

Dinushika Rathnayake

For gradle build I used compile('') . In case of test can use testCompile('').