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How can I resolve "Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages" error?

When I run composer update I receive some wired output.

Here is my composer.json look like.

    "name": "laravel/laravel",
    "description": "The Laravel Framework.", "keywords": ["framework", "laravel"],
    "license": "MIT",
    "repositories": [{
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "4.3.*"
    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "4.2.*", 
        "laravelbook/ardent": "dev-master as 2.4.0", 
        "zizaco/entrust": "dev-master", 
        "sebklaus/profiler": "dev-master", 
        "doctrine/dbal": "dev-master"
    "autoload": {
        "classmap": [
            "app/database/migrations", "app/database/seeds", "app/tests",
    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
            "php artisan clear-compiled", 
            "php artisan optimize"
        "post-update-cmd": [
            "php artisan clear-compiled", 
            "php artisan optimize"
        "post-create-project-cmd": [
            "php artisan key:generate"
    "config": {
        "preferred-install": "dist"
    "minimum-stability": "stable"

How do I fix that ?

Hey, please exchange the composer.json image with the text content of composer.json. This allows problem reproduction and editing of that file in order to help you. Thanks.
@JensA.Koch. I wish I could.That what I intend to do in the beginning. StackOverflow stop me from posting a lot of code for a low rep people like me. I'm sorry guys - I wish I don't have that restriction.
Ah, right. My fault, didn't take your points into account. Will upvote so you get some more...

Gufran Hasan

Run this command:

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs


composer update --ignore-platform-reqs

Worked like a charm! Thank you!
Usefull when using docker.
Any disadvantage of using this?
Awesome, this command worked as expected.
This needs an explanation

Your software dependencies have an incompatible version conflict.

At the same time you want to install any Laravel 4.2.x version, and "zizaco/entrust" from its master branch. And that master branch requires at least Laravel 5.0 (roughly speaking).

The problem comes from the dependency on branches. It's likely that the package zizaco/entrust once was using Laravel 4.2 in its master branch, and that you were able to install your dependencies at that day. But the very moment this branch gets updated with an incompatible version requirement, you will never ever be able to run composer update and get updated dependencies.

Always use tagged versions! Ideally you use a relaxed version requirement that allows for compatible updates. This should be expressed as a tilde-two-number version requirement: ~1.2 would install a version 1.2.0 and up (like 1.2.99 or 1.2.100), and also 1.3 and up. If you need a certain patch release: Caret-three-number version ^1.2.10 will install 1.2.10 or up, also 1.3 and up.

Using this version requirement instead of dev-master will allow you to use released versions instead of the unstable state in the master branch, and allows you to address the most recent version that still works with Laravel 4.2. I guess that would be zizaco/entrust version 1.3.0, but version 1.2 would also qualify. Go with "zizaco/entrust": "~1.2".

The key answer to this post is "zizaco/entrust": "~1.2"
It would be helpful to know what part of the error message made you think that Laravel 5.0 was required by zizaco/entrust.
Well, if I remember correctly I was looking at the mentioned library and saw the requirements in it's composer.json. And I probably paraphrased what I saw because there was no explicit requirement, but some components of it. In the error message, you see that illuminate/support ^5.0 is required by zizaco/entrust, and if you know that "Laravel" and "Illuminate" are basically the same thing, the conclusion should be correct.

I am facing the same issue. I am using 'Lumen' microservice framework. I recently resolved the same issue by installing two packages:-

sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstring, sudo apt-get install php7.0-xml or sudo apt-get install php-xml

After installing this, you need to execute this command:- composer update

Hope, it will resolve the issue. I work on my system.

People should never use composer update in production, this may cause problems. composer install is the right command to install. I downvoted you but I'm upvoting because 1 and 2 are correct.
In my situation installing php-gd did the trick. Composer didn't mention this anywhere in the failure output even with the verbose (-vvv) flag on.
I'm working on Ubuntu 20.04. Only running this command was sufficient: sudo apt-get install php-xml

I use Windows 10 machine working with PHP 8 and Lavarel 8 and I got the same error, I used the following command :-

composer update --ignore-platform-reqs

to update all the packages regardless of the version conflicts.

Vivek Maru

The simplest solution is adding --ignore-platform-reqs flag.

If you are running composer install or composer update use it with --ignore-platform-reqs flag


composer install --ignore-platform-reqs


composer update --ignore-platform-reqs

And this should do the trick!

Estus Flask

Were those dev-masters added automatically? Avoid them as unnecessary version constraints, for 'any suitable version' use "*", or "@dev" if you don't mind dev packages. My guess is that Entrust is the potential troublemaker.

Also, "minimum-stability": "stable" imposes additional constraints, and

"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true

is more conflict-free, consider it a rule of thumb.

The problem is the usage of unstable dev versions. Blindly allowing them (even if preferring stable) is the key to an unmaintainable mess.
@Sven The answer addresses the problem directly, which is dev-master constraint. It doesn't state that loose version constraints are good - they will probably result in a mess, and this is on developer's conscience. The fact that the answer isn't opinionated about tagging doesn't make it wrong. I Thanks for a downvote, by the way. That's quite ethical to downvote neighbouring answers.
I agree this answer is correct based on what was asked. It also worked for me. Voted up!

I solved the same issue setting 'laravel/framework' dependency version from "^8.0" to "^7.0".

After that running composer update --ignore-platform-reqs simply worked


As of today, the latest Laravel framework version is 7.10. So how did your dependency went up to 8.0?
not sure honestly since I’m pretty new with Laravel. It was a brand new installation with messing with the composer.json file
Sarthak Raval

I am facing the same issue in Laravel v8.49.0 (PHP v8.0.6). Using Composer through install packages I recently resolved the same issue by installing two packages:-

composer create-project laravel/laravel myapp

Composer Update

composer update --ignore-platform-reqs


composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

Check Start Server

php artisan serve

server started and get "No Application Encryption Key Has Been Specified" check this
Tahir Yasin

Add "barryvdh/laravel-cors": "^0.7.3" at the end of require array inside composer.json

Save composer.json and run composer update

You are done !

People should never use composer update to install dependencies. It should use composer install. Composer update will update all dependencies and that could be catastrophic.

I solved the same error, by adding "zizaco/entrust": "*" instead of the "zizaco/entrust": "~1.2".

Robert Yeomans

You must be in the correct directory so cd into it, then: composer update --ignore-platform-reqs if you have previous installed composer as Vivek M suggests. My problem was wrong directory. cd into: xampp/htdocs/laravelProjects/laravelP1


I encountered this problem in Laravel 5.8, what I did was to do composer require for each library and all where installed correctly.

Like so:

instead of adding it to the composer.json file or specifying a version:

composer require msurguy/honeypot: dev-master

I instead did without specifying any version:

composer require msurguy/honeypot

I hope it helps, thanks

Oleg Nurutdinov
"config": {
  "platform": {
    "ext-pcntl": "7.2",
    "ext-posix": "7.2"

Hassan Elshazly Eida

If you are using php ^8.0

open list of available php versions

   sudo update-alternatives --config php

switch to on of the older versions above PHP 7.2, select one of them then update composer

composer update

reza sabzi nejad

Install the following according to the PHP version installed on your system:

sudo apt-get install php8.0-curl php8.0-gd php8.0-xsl php8.0-dom

Finally try again to create the laravel project with composer

composer create-project laravel/laravel myProject

Simon Njenga


The error is happening because your project folder is owned by the root user.


Change ownership to the currently signed in user and not the root user. If you only have root as the sole user, create another user with root privileges.

$ sudo chown -R current_user /my/project/directory/


$ composer install


Just activate the curl in the php.ini file




and then composer install

I'm not quite sure what activating php_curl.dll will do for a version mismatch (Laravel 4.x vs Laravel 5.x). Can you explain how this would solve the question?
I was having the problem described above, so I activated the curl and the problem was solved. I believe that the composer or laravel uses this php extension to download the packages. In my case it would not be exactly incompatible of the laravel packages, it would just be a difficulty for the composer to download the packages.

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