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Renaming columns for PySpark DataFrame aggregates

I am analysing some data with PySpark DataFrames. Suppose I have a DataFrame df that I am aggregating:


This will give me:

group                SUM(money#2L)
A                    137461285853
B                    172185566943
C                    271179590646

The aggregation works just fine but I dislike the new column name SUM(money#2L). Is there a way to rename this column into something human readable from the .agg method? Maybe something more similar to what one would do in dplyr:

df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(sum_money = sum(money))


Although I still prefer dplyr syntax, this code snippet will do:

import pyspark.sql.functions as sf


It gets verbose.

For anyone else that has copy-pasted this alias part but don't see it taking affect, pay attention to your parentheses. alias('string') exists inside the agg, otherwise you're aliasing the entire DataFrame not only the column.

withColumnRenamed should do the trick. Here is the link to the pyspark.sql API.

  .withColumnRenamed("SUM(money)", "money")

The alias is a good pointer, but this is the correct answer - there are good reasons to use the dictionary within agg at times and it seems the only way to "alias" an aggregated column is to rename it.
thank you! prefer withColumnRenamed over alias. Why? because divide and conquer works better than overloaded brain.
lego king

It's simple as:

 val maxVideoLenPerItemDf = requiredItemsFiltered.groupBy("itemId").agg(max("playBackDuration").as("customVideoLength"))

Use .as in agg to name the new row created.

As of PySpark 2.4.0, the .as('new_name') should be .alias('new_name').

I made a little helper function for this that might help some people out.

import re

from functools import partial

def rename_cols(agg_df, ignore_first_n=1):
    """changes the default spark aggregate names `avg(colname)` 
    to something a bit more useful. Pass an aggregated dataframe
    and the number of aggregation columns to ignore.
    delimiters = "(", ")"
    split_pattern = '|'.join(map(re.escape, delimiters))
    splitter = partial(re.split, split_pattern)
    split_agg = lambda x: '_'.join(splitter(x))[0:-ignore_first_n]
    renamed = map(split_agg, agg_df.columns[ignore_first_n:])
    renamed = zip(agg_df.columns[ignore_first_n:], renamed)
    for old, new in renamed:
        agg_df = agg_df.withColumnRenamed(old, new)
    return agg_df

An example:

gb = (df.selectExpr("id", "rank", "rate", "price", "clicks")
 .agg({"rank": "mean",
       "*": "count",
       "rate": "mean", 
       "price": "mean", 
       "clicks": "mean", 

>>> gb.columns

>>> rename_cols(gb).columns

Doing at least a bit to save people from typing so much.

Very useful and timely. I was just about to ask the same question. It would be nice if you could specify a new column name within the agg dict (within Spark I mean).
@EvanZamir thanks! I might try and do a simple PR in spark for that.
You can simply rename by df = df.toDF(*newColumnNames), whereby newColumnNames holds all column names of the DataFrame (df) :)
df = df.groupby('Device_ID').agg(aggregate_methods)
for column in df.columns:
    start_index = column.find('(')
    end_index = column.find(')')
    if (start_index and end_index):
        df = df.withColumnRenamed(column, column[start_index+1:end_index])

The above code can strip out anything that is outside of the "()". For example, "sum(foo)" will be renamed as "foo".

just watch out for columns without parentheses, they will be removed alltogether, such as the groupby var. Can add a if/continue check. I had a single variable that was my groupby var, so just checked for that.
Sivasankar Boomarapu
import findspark

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('test').getOrCreate()
data = [(1, "siva", 100), (2, "siva2", 200),(3, "siva3", 300),(4, "siva4", 400),(5, "siva5", 500)]
schema = ['id', 'name', 'sallary']

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema)
| id| name|sallary|
|  1| siva|    100|
|  2|siva2|    200|
|  3|siva3|    300|
|  4|siva4|    400|
|  5|siva5|    500|

**df.agg({"sallary": "max"}).withColumnRenamed('max(sallary)', 'max').show()**


While the previously given answers are good, I think they're lacking a neat way to deal with dictionary-usage in the .agg()

If you want to use a dict, which actually might be also dynamically generated because you have hundreds of columns, you can use the following without dealing with dozens of code-lines:

# Your dictionary-version of using the .agg()-function
# Note: The provided logic could actually also be applied to a non-dictionary approach
df = df.groupBy("group")\
        , "...":  "..."

# Now do the renaming
newColumnNames = ["group", "money", "..."] # Provide the names for ALL columns of the new df
df = df.toDF(*newColumnNames)              # Do the renaming

Of course the newColumnNames-list can also be dynamically generated. E.g., if you only append columns from the aggregation to your df you can pre-store newColumnNames = df.columns and then just append the additional names.
Anyhow, be aware that the newColumnNames must contain all column names of the dataframe, not only those to be renamed (because .toDF() creates a new dataframe due to Sparks immutable RDDs)!


.alias and .withColumnRenamed both work if you're willing to hard-code your column names. If you need a programmatic solution, e.g. friendlier names for an aggregation of all remaining columns, this provides a good starting point:

grouping_column = 'group'
cols = [F.sum(F.col(x)).alias(x) for x in df.columns if x != grouping_column]

Tim Gottgetreu

Another quick little one liner to add the the mix:

    .select(*(col(i).alias(i.replace("(",'_').replace(')','')) for i in df.columns))

just change the alias function to whatever you'd like to name them. The above generates sum_money, sum_moreMoney, since I do like seeing the operator in the variable name.