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How do I use /deep/ or >>> or ::v-deep in Vue.js?

So, I've read here that in Vue.js, you can use /deep/ or >>> in a selector in order to create style rules that apply to elements inside of child components. However, attempting to use this in my styles, whether in SCSS or in plain old CSS, doesn't work. Instead, they are sent to the browser verbatim, and therefore have no effect. For example:


<style lang="css" scoped>
.autocomplete >>> .autocomplete-input 
// ...

generated css:

<style type="text/css">
.autocomplete >>> .autocomplete-input[data-v-2bda0c9a]

what I want:

<style type="text/css">
.autocomplete[data-v-2bda0c9a] .autocomplete-input

My webpack configuration pertaining to vue-loader looks like this:

// ...
    test: /\.vue$/,
    loader: "vue-loader",
    options: {
        loaders: {
            scss: "vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader"
// ...

So my question is, how do I get this >>> operator to work?

I've already found this answer, but I'm doing exactly that and it doesn't work...

@connexo The Vue Loader itself supports a scoped modifier for CSS that is not related to the defunct native-to-CSS scoped modifier.
@connexo @RoyJ removing the scoped attribute and the >>> operator does indeed make the style rule work, but it's less than optimal. As Roy J pointed out, this scoped attribute has nothing to do with the W3C.
Did you get this working? With <style scoped>, >>> should work (.autocomplete >>> .autocomplete-input) and with <style lang="scss" scoped>, /deep/ should work (.autocomplete /deep/ .autocomplete-input) (tested with nuxt 1.4 / vue 2.5)
deep-selectors this should useful


Vue 2

The following also works in Vue 3 but is deprecated.

Sass:   Use ::v-deep

::v-deep .child-class {
    background-color: #000;

Not using Sass:   Use >>>

>>> .child-class {
    background-color: #000;

With either syntax, the <style> tag for this component must be scoped:

<style scoped>

Vue 3 (Updated 7/14/2022)

In Vue 3, the ::v- prefix is now deprecated and we no longer need >>>. We can use the unified :deep selector whether using Sass or not, but now it's recommended to use parentheses with the selector.

Use :deep(.child-class)

:deep(.child-class) {
    background-color: #000;

This also works in Vue 2.7 (final Vue 2 release)

Vue 3 new selectors

Additionally, in Vue 3, there is a new feature for components with a <slot> that enables styling passed slot content.

Slot content   Use :slotted(.child-class)

:slotted(.slot-class) {
    background-color: #000;

And lastly, in Vue 3, there is a new feature to register global styles even from a scoped component:

Global styles   Use :global(.my-class)

:global(.my-class) {
    background-color: #000;

With any syntax, the <style> tag for this component must be scoped:

<style scoped>


In Vue 2:

The /deep/ syntax is deprecated

Use ::v-deep with Sass, use >>> without Sass

In Vue 3:

::v-deep .child-class is deprecated in favor of :deep(.child-class)

The ::v- prefix is deprecated in favor of :

The >>> syntax is deprecated

The /deep/ syntax is deprecated

There are new :slotted and :global selectors

With every version/syntax, the <style> tag for this component must be scoped:

<style scoped>

FWIW, Vue 2.7 now seems to also recommend :deep(.child-class) instead of ::v-deep .child-class
@PedroLamas Thanks, can you please link to where you've seen this? I don't see it in the Release Notes
I experienced it myself when I changed my project (Fluidd) Vue version from 2.6.x to 2.7.x, and when running it started to show warnings about that change!
@PedroLamas - I made a note of this fact where it's mentioned. If they update the Vue 2 docs to say this is recommended, then maybe I can change it again.
Satyam Pathak

Avoid using /deep/ and instead use ::v-deep

Any scoped component's css can be changed by using deep selector but sooner /deep/ will get deprecated

Vue Github reference -

Use ::v-deep in this case,and avoid deprecated /deep/

Reference - Deep Selector

Just inspect class of the rendered element which you want to modify using devtools in chrome or any browser console.

Then, In you consuming component, modify it

<style scoped>
::v-deep .custom-component-class {
   background: red; //

I have also just discovered that /deep/ breaks the build using Babel 7, so in Sass ::v-deep becomes the only option

I've successfully used /deep/ in Vue's scoped SCSS stylesheets with this structure:

.parent-class {
  & /deep/ .child-class {
    background-color: #000;

Edit: /deep/ is being deprecated, if it no longer works for you please refer to the other answer that explains ::v-deep

Please check the other answers "/deep/" is being deprecated!
Brian Scramlin

Though it is not found in the Documentation, the answer is that the component you are attempting to reach cannot be the root component. Wrap your single component in a <div> and it should work using ::v-deep on scoped scss as others have explained.

Kristiyan Tsvetanov

For me, the only thing that worked was

<style scoped>.  // sass and scss didn't work
  >>> .deep-selector {

I agree: this is a nice and short answer that works in all use-cases. It's also the only one currently mentioned in the vue-loader docs.
وحید فریادرس

::v-deep usage as a combinator has been deprecated. Use :deep() instead.

:deep(.child-class) {
    background-color: #000;

How to use it with multiple classes ?

I solved this problem by adding

options: { styleIsolation: 'shared' }, // add this methods: { yourFunc1 () { } } .pet-info{ ::v-deep .title { width: 51px !important; background-color: red !important } }

Config this in the components like the methods, it's the same level like methods.

It's work for the uniapp / mpvue (WeChat mini-program) project. This config doesn't exist in vueJs

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