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Idiom for iterating "between each consecutive pair of elements" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How can I print a list of elements separated by commas? (33 answers) How can I check if I'm on the last element when iterating using foreach syntax [duplicate] (6 answers) Closed 6 years ago.

Everyone encounters this issue at some point:

for(const auto& item : items) {
    cout << item << separator;

... and you get an extra separator you don't want at the end. Sometime it's not printing, but, say, performing some other action, but such that consecutive actions of the same type require some separator action - but the last doesn't.

Now, if you work with old-school for loops and an array, you would do

for(int i = 0; i < num_items; i++)
    cout << items[i];
    if (i < num_items - 1) { cout << separator; }

(or you could special-case the last item out of the loop.) If you have anything that admits non-destructive iterators, even if you don't know its size, you can do:

for(auto it = items.cbegin(); it != items.cend(); it++) {
    cout << *it;
    if (std::next(it) != items.cend()) { cout << separator; }

I dislike the aesthetics of the last two, and like ranged for loops. Can I obtain the same effect as with the last two but using more spiffy C++11ish constructs?

this one

for(const auto& item : items) {
    cout << item;
} and_between {
    cout << separator;
If you wanted to take a page from the functional programming book, you can always use the accumulate method, although this tends to be overkill a lot of the time
C++ does not have algorithmic join. This is a huge shame.
@KevinW., fold is not going to help you - it will apply operation for every element, including the first and the last.
@SergeyA if you notice, the c++ implementation of accumulate takes in 3 arguments in addition to the joining method, so you just join from the second element to the last element and have the first element as the base element. It would work just fine this way. In fact, separating something with a delimiter is literally one of the examples in the link.
@SergeyA: I agree you can't call std::accumulate when your container is empty, but one element should be just fine (the single element gets passed as init, and begin == end initially, resulting in no folds)


My way (without additional branch) is:

const auto separator = "WhatYouWantHere";
const auto* sep = "";
for(const auto& item : items) {
    std::cout << sep << item;
    sep = separator;

This is of course the more obvious, simpler and cleaner way
Ridiculously concise and elegant. The type of code I hope to write one day.
Yes, it's simple and clever. I can well imagine to use this method the next time I have this kind of task. But then, it comes at the cost of introducing an additional (mutable) variable and assigning a value to it at every iteration.
If somebody was using this in a context where separator needed to be an std::string instead of a char const*, directly transplanting this pattern would incur expensive copy each iteration. That could be avoided as follows: also have an empty constant std::string, make sep a pointer to that first, output *sep, and finally make sep a pointer to separator before the next iteration.
Ben Voigt

Excluding an end element from iteration is the sort of thing that Ranges proposal is designed to make easy. (Note that there are better ways to solve the specific task of string joining, breaking an element off from iteration just creates more special cases to worry about, such as when the collection was already empty.)

While we wait for a standardized Ranges paradigm, we can do it with the existing ranged-for with a little helper class.

template<typename T> struct trim_last
    T& inner;

    friend auto begin( const trim_last& outer )
    { using std::begin;
      return begin(outer.inner); }

    friend auto end( const trim_last& outer )
    { using std::end;
      auto e = end(outer.inner); if(e != begin(outer)) --e; return e; }

template<typename T> trim_last<T> skip_last( T& inner ) { return { inner }; }

and now you can write

for(const auto& item : skip_last(items)) {
    cout << item << separator;


For skip_last that works with ranged-for, a Bidirectional iterator is needed, for similar skip_first it is sufficient to have a Forward iterator.

@SergeyA: Means that an input list of zero elements creates an output of zero elements, instead of breaking.
@SergeyA: Of course that's guaranteed, has been ever since the first time C was standardized. See [conv.prom] for the current C++ wording: " A prvalue of type bool can be converted to a prvalue of type int, with false becoming zero and true becoming one."
OP wants a join in fact, not skipping last element. (just the last separator should be kept).
@SergeyA: Sure, it is not the only way to solve concatenation without trailing separator. OP has an X-Y problem. But the question that OP asked, "for each except the last", is interesting and useful, and this answer provides that.
@einpoklum: You could make a good argument that ranged-for in general is used more for reading than updating... yet the Standard committee chose to allow write access to the elements (not to the container) and leave it up to the programmer to choose read-only access (by-value iteration variable, or const reference) or write (non-const reference). My solution preserves that feature.

Do you know Duff's device?

int main() {
  int const items[] = {21, 42, 63};
  int const * item = items;
  int const * const end = items + sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]);
  // the device:
  switch (1) {
    case 0: do { cout << ", ";
    default: cout << *item; ++item; } while (item != end);

  cout << endl << "I'm so sorry" << endl;
  return 0;


Hopefully I didn't ruin everyone's day. If you don't want to either then never use this.

(mumble) I'm so sorry ...

The device handling empty containers (ranges):

template<typename Iterator, typename Fn1, typename Fn2>
void for_the_device(Iterator from, Iterator to, Fn1 always, Fn2 butFirst) {
  switch ((from == to) ? 1 : 2) {
    case 0:
      do {
    case 2:
        always(*from); ++from;
      } while (from != to);
    default: // reached directly when from == to

Live test:

int main() {
  int const items[] = {21, 42, 63};
  int const * const end = items + sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]);
  for_the_device(items, end,
    [](auto const & i) { cout << i;},
    [](auto const & i) { cout << ", ";});
  cout << endl << "I'm (still) so sorry" << endl;
  // Now on an empty range
  for_the_device(end, end,
    [](auto const & i) { cout << i;},
    [](auto const & i) { cout << ", ";});
  cout << "Incredibly sorry." << endl;
  return 0;

It's not foreach but doing something for each element. A loop's a loop, most of the time.
I could've lived a long and blissful life without ever knowing of this. Thank you.
I did know about Duff's device, but many thanks for showing that it applies here. It is an elegant tool for a more civilized age... ok, maybe a less-civilized age.
The funniest thing is that the boolean flag approach effectively is optimized into the device by gcc.
What not a simple goto?
James Adkison

I don't know of any special idioms for this. However, I prefer to special case the first and then perform the operation on the remaining items.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
    std::vector<int> values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

    std::cout << "\"";
    if (!values.empty())
        std::cout << values[0];

        for (size_t i = 1; i < values.size(); ++i)
            std::cout << ", " << values[i];
    std::cout << "\"\n";

    return 0;

Output: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"

Exactly the same reaction here; also fits well in any language that can head and tail a list.
Important to note that that loop can be written as for( const auto& item : skip_first(values) )... in order to meet the requirements of the question.
@einpoklum Yes, thank you. I fixed the typo.
@BenVoigt: Is skip_first a (hypothetical) function that we'd have to define, or is there a C++ function that does what would be needed?
@R_Kapp: I was busy writing it, see my answer.
Matteo Italia

Typically I do it the opposite way:

bool first=true;
for(const auto& item : items) {
    if(!first) cout<<separator;
    first = false;
    cout << item;

You need an if/else to make that work
@BenVoigt, why? It works perfectly well without else in this case. However, it has an unpleasant branch on every iteration - in extreme cases can be a performance hit (can't imagine any real ones, though).
@SergeyA: well predicted branches are essentially free (and this one is perfectly predicted after a few iterations), I wouldn't worry about it.
first will never go false
@Deduplicator, I tested it on Clang and gcc. gcc completely removes the flag altogether - just orders jmps to make sure it is called only once, but clang goes by the book, checking it on every iteration (puts in register in my test, though).

I like plain control structures.

if (first == last) return;

while (true) {
  std::cout << *first;
  if (first == last) break;
  std::cout << separator;

Depending on your taste, you can put the increment and test in a single line:

while (true) {
  std::cout << *first;
  if (++first == last) break;
  std::cout << separator;

A step further, and this would have been written in assembly.
sudo rm -rf slash
int a[3] = {1,2,3};
int size = 3;
int i = 0;

do {
    std::cout << a[i];
} while (++i < size && std::cout << ", ");


1, 2, 3 

The goal is to use the way && is evaluated. If the first condition is true, it evaluates the second. If it is not true, then the second condition is skipped.

Mark Waterman

I don't thing you can get around having a special case somewhere... For example, Boost's String Algorithms Library has a join algorithm. If you look at its implementation, you'll see a special case for the first item (no proceeding delimitier) and a then delimiter is added before each subsequent element.

Have a look at ostream joiners.
@einpoklum thanks, I didn't know that was coming. Reinforces that there's no algorithm(/iterator) will get around having a special case: for ostream_joiner it's embodied in the boolean that tracks whether you're about to write the first element. Basic thesis is that when you're joining N elements this way (where N > 1), you're not doing the same operation N times--you've got one element that must be handled differently.
Ok, yes, but it's not the coding using those joiner that has to track anything. See also @MaartenHilferink 's answer. The principle of "the best line of code is the one you don't have to write yourself", as others have quipped here.
Maarten Hilferink

You could define a function for_each_and_join that takes two functors as argument. The first functor does work with each element, the second works with each pair of adjacent elements:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template <typename Iter, typename FEach, typename FJoin>
void for_each_and_join(Iter iter, Iter end, FEach&& feach, FJoin&& fjoin)
    if (iter == end)

    while (true) {
        Iter curr = iter;
        if (++iter == end)
        fjoin(*curr, *iter);

int main() {
    std::vector<int> values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    for_each_and_join(values.begin(), values.end()
    ,  [](auto v) { std::cout << v; }
    ,  [](auto, auto) { std::cout << ","; }

Live example:

You really can do without the first function. The concept of a monoid lets you kick things off with a special empty value for the "left" and the first real element for "right".

I don't know about "idiomatic", but C++11 provides std::prev and std::next functions for bidirectional iterators.

int main() {
    vector<int> items = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
    string separator(",");

    // Guard to prevent possible segfault on prev(items.cend())
    if(items.size() > 0) {
        for(auto it = items.cbegin(); it != prev(items.cend()); it++) {
            cout << (*it) << separator;
        cout << (*prev(items.cend()));

Way way too many lines of code my friend :-) ... and I don't want to have to check the size of items either.
@einpoklum, I agree with your sentiment. "The best line of code is one you don't have to write." I was just trying to give you something using new C++11 fancy tools.

I like the boost::join function. So for more general behavior, you want a function that is called for each pair of items and can have a persistent state. You'd use it as a funcgion call with a lambda:

foreachpair (range, [](auto left, auto right){ whatever });

Now you can get back to a regular range-based for loop by using range filters!

for (auto pair : collection|aspairs) {
    Do-something_with (pair.first);

In this idea, pair is set to a pair of adjecent elements of the original collection. If you have "abcde" then on the first iteration you are given first='a' and second='b'; next time through first='b' and second='c'; etc.

You can use a similar filter approach to prepare a tuple that tags each iteration item with an enumeration for /first/middle/last/ iteration and then do a switch inside the loop.

To simply leave off the last element, use a range filter for all-but-last. I don't know if that's already in Boost.Range or what might be supplied with Rangev3 in progress, but that's the general approach to making the regular loop do tricks and making it "neat".


Heres a little trick I like to use:

For bi-directionally iterable objects: for ( auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++ ) { std::cout << *it << (it == items.end()-1 ? "" : sep); };

Using the ternary ? operator I compare the current position of the iterator against the item.end()-1 call. Since the iterator returned by item.end() refers to the position after the last element, we decrement it once to get our actual last element.

If this item isn't the last element in the iterable, we return our separator (defined elsewhere), or if it is the last element, we return an empty string.

For single direction iterables (tested with std::forward_list): for ( auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++ ) { std::cout << *it << (std::distance( it, items.end() ) == 1 ? "" : sep); };

Here, we're replacing the previous ternary condition with a call to std::distance using the current iterator location, and the end of the iterable.

Note, this version works with both bidirectional iterables as well as single direction iterables.

EDIT: I realize you dislike the .begin() and .end() type iteration, but if you're looking to keep the LOC count down, you're probably going to have to eschew range based iteration in this case.

The "Trick" is simply wrapping the comparison logic within a single ternary expression, if your comparison logic is relatively simple.

I don't really see where the trick is. Also, you assume items is bidirectionally iterable.
Edited to account for single direction iterables. Your question didn't specify them as a constraint, but it's worth accounting for. The second example will work with both.
In the single-direction iterables example, won't it run at O(n^2) complexity? I'd imagine that std::distance has not way to know the answer other than iterating all the way to end, and you're doing it in every loop iteration.
@Jonathan True, it's not the most efficient. I suppose it could be improved by storing the length of the iterable in an int before the loop and converting the iterator position to an int type somehow then comparing the values. That would bring it closer to O(n), right? (Sorry if I'm off, I'm not great with big O notation, it's something I'm working on)