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Recursively counting files in a Linux directory

How can I recursively count files in a Linux directory?

I found this:

find DIR_NAME -type f ¦ wc -l

But when I run this it returns the following error.

find: paths must precede expression: ¦

You are confusing the broken bar ¦ (ASCII 166) with the vertical bar | (ASCII 124) used for UNIX pipeline.
@SkippyleGrandGourou Isn't it called a pipe?
@DaveStephens Yes, it's also called that. It's also called a Sheffer stroke, verti-bar, vbar, stick, vertical line, vertical slash, bar, obelisk, glidus.
@zenith I just call it Bob.
In RFC20 it's called "vertical line". "Pipe" is the name of the shell operator, rather than the name of the symbol. Just as * is the "asterisk" ASCII character, but "times" in some other contexts.


This should work:

find DIR_NAME -type f | wc -l


-type f to include only files.

| (and not ¦) redirects find command's standard output to wc command's standard input.

wc (short for word count) counts newlines, words and bytes on its input (docs).

-l to count just newlines.


Replace DIR_NAME with . to execute the command in the current folder.

You can also remove the -type f to include directories (and symlinks) in the count.

It's possible this command will overcount if filenames can contain newline characters.

Explanation of why your example does not work:

In the command you showed, you do not use the "Pipe" (|) to kind-of connect two commands, but the broken bar (¦) which the shell does not recognize as a command or something similar. That's why you get that error message.

Remove the -type f to include directories in the count
Is there a faster method? Because it really takes some time if you apply it to /
If there is any possibility that file names contain the newline character you might want to use the -print0 flag.
@gaboroncancio That's not going to help, unless some implementation of wc has an option to read a null terminated list. See my answer for an alternative.
If your files have newlines in them, you can still use find to do it by using an -exec instead of a print: find . -type f -exec echo \; | wc -l. In this way, you are not actually outputting the filenames, but you are outputting a single blank line per file encountered, regardless of the name, so the line count will work in any case. print0 can also work if you just count null characters: find . -type f -print0 | tr -dc '\0' | wc -c. In this case, tr deletes all non-null characters and wc counts the characters fed into it.
Abhishek Maurya

For the current directory:

find -type f | wc -l

This solution does not take filename that contain newlines into account.
For the current directory, you don't even need the .
Actually, on some platforms, you do need to spell out find .
@Kusalanandra Your comment applies to almost every answer here.
Greg Bell

If you want a breakdown of how many files are in each dir under your current dir:

for i in */ .*/ ; do 
    echo -n $i": " ; 
    (find "$i" -type f | wc -l) ; 

That can go all on one line, of course. The parenthesis clarify whose output wc -l is supposed to be watching (find $i -type f in this case).

It could get stuck on directories with spaces in their names. Changing the first line to find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' i ; do fixes it. See How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
Using find for the outer loop is just a needless complication. for i in */; do`
function countit { for i in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d) ; do file_count=$(find $i -type f | wc -l) ; echo "$file_count: $i" ; done }; countit | sort -n -r
Finally this is what I needed. My folders have thousands of files so printing them with tree or anything else is not an option
This includes ../ and doesn't seem to go forward — meaning it's not regressive.
Slava Fomin II

On my computer, rsync is a little bit faster than find | wc -l in the accepted answer:

$ rsync --stats --dry-run -ax /path/to/dir /tmp

Number of files: 173076
Number of files transferred: 150481
Total file size: 8414946241 bytes
Total transferred file size: 8414932602 bytes

The second line has the number of files, 150,481 in the above example. As a bonus you get the total size as well (in bytes).


the first line is a count of files, directories, symlinks, etc all together, that's why it is bigger than the second line.

the --dry-run (or -n for short) option is important to not actually transfer the files!

I used the -x option to "don't cross filesystem boundaries", which means if you execute it for / and you have external hard disks attached, it will only count the files on the root partition.

I like your idea of using rsync here. I'd never have thought about it!
Thanks @Qeole, the idea is not mine though. I read it several years ago somewhere that rsync is the fastest to delete a folder with lots of files and subfolders, so I thought it might be quickly to count files as well.
Tried this. After running both twice beforehand to populate the fs cache, find ~ -type f | wc -l took 1.7/0.5/1.33 seconds (real/user/sys). rsync --stats --dry-run -ax ~ /xxx took 4.4/3.1/2.1 seconds. That's for about 500,000 files on SSD.
Dunno what version of rsync you used, but in 3.1.2 it's a little easier to read: Number of files: 487 (reg: 295, dir: 192)
I used the default rsync on macOS: rsync version 2.6.9 protocol version 29

You can use

$ tree

after installing the tree package with

$ sudo apt-get install tree

(on a Debian / Mint / Ubuntu Linux machine).

The command shows not only the count of the files, but also the count of the directories, separately. The option -L can be used to specify the maximum display level (which, by default, is the maximum depth of the directory tree).

Hidden files can be included too by supplying the -a option .

This is actually the simplest way to see number of directories and files.
From the man page: By default tree does not print hidden files. You have to supply the -a option to include them.
To install this on macOS, use brew and run brew install tree, preferable after running brew update.
It's also printing all the filenames, so it will be slow if you have many files.
Wow, very nice tool, it can print folders colorized, list only folders, output as JSON. It can list 34k folders and 51k files in very few seconds. Olé!

Since filenames in UNIX may contain newlines (yes, newlines), wc -l might count too many files. I would print a dot for every file and then count the dots:

find DIR_NAME -type f -printf "." | wc -c

Note: The -printf option does only work with find from GNU findutils. You may need to install it, on a Mac for example.

Looks like this is the only solution that handles files with newlines in their names. Upvoted.
hihi :) I love newlines in filenames. That makes them just more readable.
I mean, newlines in the file names not the content!
I was just joking... Yeah, newlines in filenames always have to be taken into account. They could come from malicious content or less spectacular, from a typo.
This will not work for every find. On OSX, you need to install GNU Find, for example, brew install findutils.

Combining several of the answers here together, the most useful solution seems to be:

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 |
xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo -e $(find "{}" -printf "\n" | wc -l) "{}"' |
sort -n

It can handle odd things like file names that include spaces parenthesis and even new lines. It also sorts the output by the number of files.

You can increase the number after -maxdepth to get sub directories counted too. Keep in mind that this can potentially take a long time, particularly if you have a highly nested directory structure in combination with a high -maxdepth number.

What's with the echo -e? I guess you put it in to fold any newlines, but it will also mangle any other irregular whitespace, and attempt to expand any wildcard characters present verbatim in the file names. I'd go simply with something like find .* * -type d -execdir sh -c 'find . -type f -printf "\n" | wc -l; pwd' and live with any aberrations in the output, or maybe play with Bash's printf "%q" for printing the directory name.
this is the best answer for doing more than one dir at a time and capturing dirs with white space!

If you want to know how many files and sub-directories exist from the present working directory you can use this one-liner

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo -e $(find {} | wc -l) {}' | sort -n

This will work in GNU flavour, and just omit the -e from the echo command for BSD linux (e.g. OSX).

Excellent solution! The only issue I found was directories with spaces or special characters. Add quotes where the dir name is used: find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo -e $(find "{}" | wc -l) "{}"' | sort -n
I've modified it a bit and it works quite well for me: find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo $(find {} | wc -l) \\t {}' | sort -rn | less
My comments on @Sebastian's answer apply here too. The use of echo -e (or just ` echo` as in the preceding comment) on an unquoted directory name trades one problem for another.
Franck Dernoncourt

You can use the command ncdu. It will recursively count how many files a Linux directory contains. Here is an example of output:

It has a progress bar, which is convenient if you have many files:

To install it on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install -y ncdu

Benchmark: I used (380390 files, 11 GB) as the folder where one has to count the number of files.

find . -type f | wc -l: around 1m20s to complete

ncdu: around 1m20s to complete

That mainly calculates the disk usage, not the number of files. This additional overhead is likely not wanted. (besides the need to install an additional package for something that can be done with standard POSIX utilities)
@hek2mgl It does compute the the number of files, as shown in red in the first screenshot. It took me a few minutes for ~2 million files, so the speed is not too bad.
@hek2mgl I added a reproducible benchmark in the answer, I ran it twice and I didn't see any difference between find . -type f | wc -l and ncdu.
yes, looks like find is under the hood executing more or less the same system calls as du which is the backend for ncdu. Just straced them.
@FranckDernoncourt loved it. I've ton of files in a folder and having a progress bar is life saver. Thanks for sharing!
LeOn - Han Li

If what you need is to count a specific file type recursively, you can do:

find YOUR_PATH -name '*.html' -type f | wc -l 

-l is just to display the number of lines in the output.

If you need to exclude certain folders, use -not -path

find . -not -path './node_modules/*' -name '*.js' -type f | wc -l

The extension is part of the filename and may not represent the file TYPE
Nestor Urquiza
tree $DIR_PATH | tail -1

Sample Output:

5309 directories, 2122 files

This is the simplest solution that produces (almost) the precise information requested. The only thing closer for this solution would be to pipe it through cut -d',' -f2.
Reinstate Monica Please

If you want to avoid error cases, don't allow wc -l to see files with newlines (which it will count as 2+ files)

e.g. Consider a case where we have a single file with a single EOL character in it

> mkdir emptydir && cd emptydir
> touch $'file with EOL(\n) character in it'
> find -type f
./file with EOL(?) character in it
> find -type f | wc -l

Since at least gnu wc does not appear to have an option to read/count a null terminated list (except from a file), the easiest solution would just be to not pass it filenames, but a static output each time a file is found, e.g. in the same directory as above

> find -type f -exec printf '\n' \; | wc -l

Or if your find supports it

> find -type f -printf '\n' | wc -l


To determine how many files there are in the current directory, put in ls -1 | wc -l. This uses wc to do a count of the number of lines (-l) in the output of ls -1. It doesn't count dotfiles. Please note that ls -l (that's an "L" rather than a "1" as in the previous examples) which I used in previous versions of this HOWTO will actually give you a file count one greater than the actual count. Thanks to Kam Nejad for this point.

If you want to count only files and NOT include symbolic links (just an example of what else you could do), you could use ls -l | grep -v ^l | wc -l (that's an "L" not a "1" this time, we want a "long" listing here). grep checks for any line beginning with "l" (indicating a link), and discards that line (-v).

Relative speed: "ls -1 /usr/bin/ | wc -l" takes about 1.03 seconds on an unloaded 486SX25 (/usr/bin/ on this machine has 355 files). "ls -l /usr/bin/ | grep -v ^l | wc -l" takes about 1.19 seconds.


ls -l must do stat syscall on every file to read its size, mtime and other properties, which is slow. On big directories (100.000+ files) running ls -l can take several minutes. So to only count files, always use ls -1 | wc -l.
A 486SX25, nice
ls -1 can still be slow in large directories, because it has to sort the files. Simply printf '%s\n' * does the same thing, and avoids the external ls call (which is problematic anyhow) but the most efficient soluton is to use a command which doesn't perform any sorting, such as find. (The glob output is sorted by the shell.)
When I do this with only one file in a folder the answer is 2.

With bash:

Create an array of entries with ( ) and get the count with #.

FILES=(./*); echo ${#FILES[@]}

Ok that doesn't recursively count files but I wanted to show the simple option first. A common use case might be for creating rollover backups of a file. This will create logfile.1, logfile.2, logfile.3 etc.

CNT=(./logfile*); mv logfile logfile.${#CNT[@]}

Recursive count with bash 4+ globstar enabled (as mentioned by @tripleee)

FILES=(**/*); echo ${#FILES[@]}

To get the count of files recursively we can still use find in the same way.

FILES=(`find . -type f`); echo ${#FILES[@]}

Modern shells support **/* for recursive enumeration. It's still less efficient than find on large directories because the shell has to sort the files in each directory.
Storing the whole search in an Bash array just to count it later is rather inefficient and can eat up a lot of memory until the enumeration completes. For very large directory trees this can be a real problem.
Victoria Stuart

For directories with spaces in the name ... (based on various answers above) -- recursively print directory name with number of files within:

find . -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' i ; do echo -n $i": " ; ls -p "$i" | grep -v / | wc -l ; done

Example (formatted for readability):


ls -l
  total 8
  drwxr-xr-x 2 victoria victoria 4096 Mar 28 15:02 'Catabolism - Autophagy; Phagosomes; Mitophagy'
  drwxr-xr-x 3 victoria victoria 4096 Mar 29 16:04 'Catabolism - Lysosomes'

ls 'Catabolism - Autophagy; Phagosomes; Mitophagy'/ | wc -l

## 2 dir (one with 28 files; other with 1 file):
ls 'Catabolism - Lysosomes'/ | wc -l

The directory structure is better visualized using tree:

tree -L 3 -F .
  ├── Catabolism - Autophagy; Phagosomes; Mitophagy/
  │   ├── 1
  │   ├── 10
  │   ├── [ ... SNIP! (138 files, total) ... ]
  │   ├── 98
  │   └── 99
  └── Catabolism - Lysosomes/
      ├── 1
      ├── 10
      ├── [ ... SNIP! (28 files, total) ... ]
      ├── 8
      ├── 9
      └── aaa/
          └── bbb

  3 directories, 167 files

man find | grep mindep
  -mindepth levels
    Do not apply any tests or actions at levels less than levels
    (a non-negative integer).  -mindepth 1 means process all files
    except the starting-points.

ls -p | grep -v / (used below) is from answer 2 at

find . -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' i ; do echo -n $i": " ; ls -p "$i" | grep -v / | wc -l ; done
./Catabolism - Autophagy; Phagosomes; Mitophagy: 138
./Catabolism - Lysosomes: 28
./Catabolism - Lysosomes/aaa: 1

Applcation: I want to find the max number of files among several hundred directories (all depth = 1) [output below again formatted for readability]:

date; pwd
    Fri Mar 29 20:08:08 PDT 2019
    /home/victoria/Mail/2_RESEARCH - NEWS

time find . -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' i ; do echo -n $i": " ; ls -p "$i" | grep -v / | wc -l ; done > ../../aaa

[victoria@victoria 2_RESEARCH - NEWS]$ head -n5 ../../aaa
    ./RNA - Exosomes: 26
    ./Cellular Signaling - Receptors: 213
    ./Catabolism - Autophagy; Phagosomes; Mitophagy: 138
    ./Stress - Physiological, Cellular - General: 261
    ./Ancient DNA; Ancient Protein: 34

[victoria@victoria 2_RESEARCH - NEWS]$ sed -r 's/(^.*): ([0-9]{1,8}$)/\2: \1/g' ../../aaa | sort -V | (head; echo ''; tail)

    0: ./Genomics - Gene Drive
    1: ./Causality; Causal Relationships
    1: ./Cloning
    1: ./GenMAPP 2
    1: ./Pathway Interaction Database
    1: ./Wasps
    2: ./Cellular Signaling - Ras-MAPK Pathway
    2: ./Cell Death - Ferroptosis
    2: ./Diet - Apples
    2: ./Environment - Waste Management

    988: ./Genomics - PPM (Personalized & Precision Medicine)
    1113: ./Microbes - Pathogens, Parasites
    1418: ./Health - Female
    1420: ./Immunity, Inflammation - General
    1522: ./Science, Research - Miscellaneous
    1797: ./Genomics
    1910: ./Neuroscience, Neurobiology
    2740: ./Genomics - Functional
    3943: ./Cancer
    4375: ./Health - Disease 

sort -V is a natural sort. ... So, my max number of files in any of those (Claws Mail) directories is 4375 files. If I left-pad ( those filenames -- they are all named numerically, starting with 1, in each directory -- and pad to 5 total digits, I should be ok.


Find the total number of files, subdirectories in a directory.

$ date; pwd
Tue 14 May 2019 04:08:31 PM PDT
/home/victoria/Mail/2_RESEARCH - NEWS

$ ls | head; echo; ls | tail
Ageing - Calorie (Dietary) Restriction
Ageing - Senescence
Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries
Ancient DNA; Ancient Protein
Anthropology, Archaeology
ARO-Relevant Literature, News

Transcriptome - CAGE
Transcriptome - FISSEQ
Transcriptome - RNA-seq
Translational Science, Medicine
USACEHR-Relevant Literature
Vision, Eyes, Sight
Women in Science, Medicine

$ find . -type f | wc -l
70214    ## files

$ find . -type d | wc -l
417      ## subdirectories

Kalle Richter

There are many correct answers here. Here's another!

find . -type f | sort | uniq -w 10 -c

where . is the folder to look in and 10 is the number of characters by which to group the directory.


I have written ffcnt to speed up recursive file counting under specific circumstances: rotational disks and filesystems that support extent mapping.

It can be an order of magnitude faster than ls or find based approaches, but YMMV.

Samuel Liew

This alternate approach with filtering for format counts all available grub kernel modules:

ls -l /boot/grub/*.mod | wc -l


find -type f | wc -l

OR (If directory is current directory)

find . -type f | wc -l

This duplicates at least one other answer to this same question.

This will work completely fine. Simple short. If you want to count the number of files present in a folder.

ls | wc -l

First of all, this does not answer the question. The question is about recursively counting files from a directory forward and the command you show does not do that. furthermore, with ls you are counting directories as well as files. Also, there is no reason to answer an old question if you are not going to add anything new and are not even going to read the question properly. Please refrain from doing so.
Samuel Liew
ls -l | grep -e -x -e -dr | wc -l 

long list filter files and dirs count the filtered line no