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No version of NDK matched the requested version

After updating to Android Gradle plugin 3.6.0 (released Feb 24, 2020), several project independently started failing with:

No version of NDK matched the requested version 20.0.5594570. Versions available locally: 21.0.6113669

It's quite simple to "fix" this locally by installing the older expected ndk version:

sdkmanager 'ndk;20.0.5594570'

However, my question is: Where and how is this older version specified? And how do I update it so it matches the latest version 21.0.6113669?

AND build fails on Github CI, too.
same for me. And if I install that ndk, or specify its location, i get my app crashed because of UnsatisfiedLinkError -_-
Currently github ci now works again for my project:…
AND it fails in Circle CI, too.

Rutvik Bhatt

The following solutions assume that the machine you are using currently has NDK installed and was previously able to build your project but started failing with the error "No version of NDK matched the requested version" after updating to Android Gradle plugin 3.6.0. Before proceeding make sure to have NDK installed.

Option 1:

You can simply select your locally installed NDK in the Project Structure Dialog

You can open the Project Structure Dialog by clicking File > Project Structure... or by pressing the hotkeys CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S (on windows)

Once the Project Structure Dialog is open, go to SDK Location and select your locally installed version of NDK under Android NDK Location. Typically this is installed somewhere in your user folder then \AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\%ndk version% at least for Windows.

Option 2:

Doing option 1 will edit your file for you and will work in most cases. But if you want to use a consistent NDK version on all machines you build the project with, according to this official guide, you can configure it from your module gradle script. Simply add the ndkVersion in your module gradle script's android{} block like so.

android {
    ndkVersion ""

replacing the string between the doublequotes with the NDK version you want to use

Option 3:

If you want all projects built on a particular machine to use the same NDK version, you can also set ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable with the path to the NDK folder.

What if I want to use the latest ndkVersion using Option 2?
@KYHSGeekCode you can replace the string between the doublequotes with the NDK version you want to use. Make sure you have that particular version installed.
I mean, can I use the latest version(not specifying manually)?, using something like $NDK_LATEST_VERSION
That's never been an option for any way of specifying the NDK. Doing that would make your build non-reproducible, which leads to all kinds of debugging headaches. Probably what you'd want is to rely on the default version used by the gradle plugin (which may not be the latest, but should be sufficiently new as long as your plugin is up to date). Right now that's a pain because the default version won't be auto downloaded, but that's fixed in 4.1.
Another thing that would keep builds reproducible while also making it easy to stay up to date would be to have a notification whenever the explicitly set android.ndkVersion is something other than the latest NDK. Having an actual "latest" value has some questions with non-obvious answers. Should latest point to the latest stable release, or just the newest thing available? Latest thing on the disk, or latest available from the SDK? How often should the build check? How do you make sure old revisions of your project remain buildable?

I have the same issue. I resolved it through the SDK manager under SDK Tools, click Show Package Details and then scroll under NDK (Side by side) and tick and apply the version you need. See image below:

My question for anyone is, why do we need this now for projects that do not require the NDK? As it turns out the NDK is a pre-existing requirement in the project I work on for a dependency!

I found this setting on mac in Android Studio by going Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Android SDK and clicking SDK Tools like screenshot And also check "Show Package Details"
This is absolutely perfect answer. Thanks for saving our time.
hannes ach

It isn't necessary with Android gradle plugin > 4.1.0 (see also

With < 4.1.0 I run into this too

No version of NDK matched the requested version 20.0.5594570. Versions available locally: 21.0.6113669

Option 1:

But is only valid for local builds, an I need a solution for CI

Option 2:

It's only works, when you specify it in every used module

android {
    compileSdkVersion 28
    ndkVersion "21.0.6113669"

Here it seems not to work with this change

Option 3:

export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/Users/{my-user}/Development/adt/sdk/ndk/21.0.6113669

works too !

what do you mean by Option 2 not working at all? What problem are you encountering with that approach? Have you taken a look at the bottom of this page?…
@SubaruTashiro Look, it seems not to work… with this change… or I don't know why
Strange. I can see in your commits that you specified 21.0.6113669 but the build logs says the requested version is 20.0.5594570. Can you look for a ndk_locator_record.json file? That file has information on how it resolved the requested ndk version.
@SubaruTashiro I search for it, and there is no such file. Look I search for it in step " Search for ndk_locator_record.json before"…
Seems like option 3 is deprecated: WARNING: Support for ANDROID_NDK_HOME is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use android.ndkVersion in build.gradle instead.
Dan Albert

To answer the part of your question not answered by others, "Where and how is this older version specified? And how do I update it so it matches the latest version 21.0.6113669?":

The default version is set by the Android Gradle plugin. Each version will default to whatever version of the NDK that we used during testing to guarantee the best possible compatibility.

The difference between this and earlier plugin versions is that it used to happily use any NDK that you happened to have installed. This caused a ton of "works on my machine" issues for users where their co-workers couldn't build the project, it wouldn't work on CI but would locally, etc. It wasn't a good situation.

You can pick a specific version of the NDK to use in your project by setting android.ndkVersion in your build.gradle. if you don't, it'll try to use the default version for the Gradle plugin that you're using.

The annoying bit is that most versions (until 4.1) will not automatically download the default version, which gives you the error you're seeing. If you explicitly pick a version in your build.gradle it actually will download automatically, and with 4.1 it will automatically download the default version too.

A thing that often confuses people is why this hits them when they're not using the NDK, or at least believe they are not. The answer in that case is that one of your dependencies includes native libraries and these need to be stripped before they are packed into the APK to keep size down, and strip comes from the NDK.

"before they are packed into the NDK" - Do you mean "packed into the APK"?
Thank you for providing the answer to the key part of the original question.
hmm.. Isn't it possible to make strip part of the standard SDK? It is annoying to have to download several GBs for installing an NDK that I don't really need, just to get a strip command. Or may be there is more to the problem than just strip command.
If a fallback was added to use strip from build-tools when the NDK isn't installed that would be another way to introduce "works on my machine", since different users might get different sets of tools for the same project depending on what they have installed. We don't want to always use the strip from build-tools because that can cause other issues if your compiler and strip don't match (ELF is still evolving, so strip does actually need to be up to date). The current solution might not be the best approach. Feel free to file a Studio bug if you want to open that discussion.
We do want to reduce the size of the NDK (and the size of downloads in general) though, and have some avenues to do so for Linux and Darwin, so maybe that's enough to settle your concerns :)

In the last version of Gradle there is no need to define the NDK versión inside the build.grade :

android {
    ndkVersion "21.0.6352462"

We must install the suggested versión

or define the current available version into the Android NDK Location:

Gurjinder Singh

This worked for MacOS, check via Terminal:

cd ~/Library/Android/sdk

If you see "ndk" and/or "ndk-bundle", delete them:

sudo rm -r ndk/
sudo rm -r ndk-bundle/

After deleting those folders, everything worked for me. This is copied from GitHub

Eric Aya

In order to solve this problem, you must indicate to your IDE the version of your NDK in build.gradle. In this case, it should be version 21.0.6113669. For example:

defaultConfig {
    // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (
    applicationId "com.example.remed_mobile"
    minSdkVersion 16
    targetSdkVersion 28
    ndkVersion '21.1.6352462'
    versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
    versionName flutterVersionName

If you do not indicate your version number, then the IDE takes a default version. If you've upgraded gradle, then it might not find the right version.

I do not know wht this was downvoted, but it solved my issue smoothly, thanks for posting it.
Amanullah Asraf

I faced the same problem. Then i found the developer references here

So, the problem start with gradle version 3.6. Before 3.6 there was no default ndk specified. So, any version of ndk worked without any problem. But after adding default version, if we not add any ndkVersion in build.gradle then it search for the default version of ndk.

In my case, my gradle version was 3.6.3 and ndk installed 21.0.6113669 and i did not defined ndkVersion in my build.gradle. So, it search for default ndkVersion "20.0.5594570" according to my gradle version and gave me the same error. So, i simply add ndkVersion "21.0.6113669" in my build.gradle file and error gone.

saif uddin

Add this line in build.gradle(app)

android {

ndkVersion "21.0.6113669"


This will solve the problem


This workes for me

edit file to add this


Aviraj Patel

replace gradle classpath with this in Project level build.gradle

   classpath ''

in add this line


This is the best answer, they admitted that the loss of automatic fetching of the NDK if a specific version was required was a "bug", and 4.1.0 or higher of the plugin fixes that.
That was a mind-numbingly simple answer that fixed my mysterious error. The continued mystery is why none of my colleagues working on the same project had this issue. No idea. But, one mystery at a time...

i had same problem, after a while i found a temporary solution. rename ndk folder to ndk-bundle. in your projects go to file and add this line before sdk.dir:

ndk.dir=<path to your ndk folder>

its mine:


i hope it help you

Nice. This works. Do you know any way that the build system could generate this line automatically as it already can for the sdk.dir option ?
you can also specify path to the ndk folder, instead of renaming. the string ndk.dir=G\:\\...\\Sdk\\ndk\\21.0.6113669 worked for me.

I also got below error

No version of NDK matched the requested version 20.0.5594570. Versions available locally: 21.3.6113669

I just added my local NDK version to App level build.gradle file its solved.

    android {
        ndkVersion "My Available version here"  (my case it 21.3.6113669)

flutter clean 
flutter pub get

Ian M

After upgrading to gradle:3.6.0 (or later). Try renaming or deleting the ndk and ndk-bundle folders located in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

Credit goes to:

Shriraksha bhat
Android Studio -> Preferences -> System settings -> Android SDK -> Got to SDK tools  and remove NDK(Side by Side) and apply.

 ndkVersion "21.0.6113669" ///  <<---Add this in your android -> app -> build.gradle file.

  buildTypes {
        release {
            // TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
            // Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works.
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
    ndkVersion "21.0.6113669" 


Change your classpath version to 3.5.0 inside your build.gradle, project level.

dependencies {
        classpath ''

I have the same issue and it solved.

Well, it's not really a solution, but a workaround at best. I already mentioned that the error started happening when updating to 3.6.0 (or later). Btw, you don't need to downgrade to 3.5.0. Version 3.5.3 works fine as well.

Open your module's build.gradle file and edit :

android {
        **ndkVersion** "version number of you NDK"

Manoj Kashyam

No version of NDK matched the requested version 20.0.5594570

Here I got solution

3====>After that in android folder open file

here you put your ndk location like this

then do react-native run-android... that's it

NDK issues resolved

thanks you!

Michael Yang

go to your app's build.gradle file;

in android{ } add your ndk version available, this shows in your error info you post. In this case, your version is "21.0.6113669"

No version of NDK matched the requested version 20.0.5594570. Versions available locally: 21.0.6113669

android { ndkVersion "21.0.6113669" }


I found this problem in as fox or 4 In X. In the root directory of OS, open and hide Gradle folder

add file
add code 
ndk.dir=/Users/your os name/Library/Android/sdk/ndk


Hegel Motokoua

If you have trouble finding an exact version of NDK you can download it from here, it was the case for me my IDE required version 21.1.6352462 while this version no longer exists on the official site (

All Android NDK Native Development Kit by API,Version and OSes

While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. - From Review
Alberto M

I couldn't install the specified version (a weird error from android studio, it might be related to the Silicon chip), so I specified a newer version of ndk in my build.gradle and everything worked.