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How to say "any_instance" "should_receive" any number of times in RSpec

I've got an import controller in rails that imports several csv files with multiple records into my database. I would like to test in RSpec if the records are actually saved by using RSpec:


However i get the error saying:

The message 'save' was received by <model instance> but has already been received by <another model instance>

A contrived example of the controller:

rows = CSV.parse(uploaded_file.tempfile, col_sep: "|")

  ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
    rows.each do |row| 
    mutation =
    row.each_with_index do |value, index| 
      Mutation.send("#{attribute_order[index]}=", value)

Is it possible to test this using RSpec or is there any workaround?

What version of RSpec are you using and what's the failure message you're seeing?
rspec (2.8.0) and the message is: The message 'save' was received by but has already been received by
That's the expected behavior. The point of any_instance is to not have to know which single instance is expecting something, but it still constrains it to one instance.
It's the expected behaviour - granted- but it's not very useful if you want to test this. And there doesn't seem to be any other method, like "many_instances" that relaxes the constraint of one instance.


Here's a better answer that avoids having to override the :new method:

save_count = 0
<Model>.any_instance.stub(:save) do |arg|
    # The evaluation context is the rspec group instance,
    # arg are the arguments to the function. I can't see a
    # way to get the actual <Model> instance :(
.... run the test here ...
save_count.should > 0

Seems that the stub method can be attached to any instance w/o the constraint, and the do block can make a count that you can check to assert it was called the right number of times.

Update - new rspec version requires this syntax:

save_count = 0
allow_any_instance_of(Model).to receive(:save) do |arg|
    # The evaluation context is the rspec group instance,
    # arg are the arguments to the function. I can't see a
    # way to get the actual <Model> instance :(
.... run the test here ...
save_count.should > 0

Ah nice using stub on any_instance! Looks nicer and more dynamic than my solution.
Even though yours is less hacky, I don't like counters, by proxying to a class method [here][] I kept the same syntax.
Brilliant! Take +1 for that. :D

There's a new syntax for this:

expect_any_instance_of(Model).to receive(:save).at_least(:once)

The designers of rspec discourage the use of expect_any_instance_of. Here's a link to the doc.
@TylerCollier yeah, I totally agree. From that doc: "Using this feature is often a design smell. It may be that your test is trying to do too much or that the object under test is too complex."
This actually does not work for me; same error as original question. using RSpec 3.3.3.
Then it sounds like a legit failure. There are two instances that are receiving the message.
Harm de Wit

I finally managed to make a test that works for me:

  mutation =

The stub method returns one single instance that receives the save method multiple times. Because it is a single instance i can drop the any_instance method and use the at_least method normally.


This is Rob's example using RSpec 3.3, which no longer supports Foo.any_instance. I found this useful when in a loop creating objects

# code (simplified version)
array_of_hashes.each { |hash|! }

# spec
it "calls write! for each instance of Model" do 
  call_count = 0
  allow_any_instance_of(Model).to receive(:write!) { call_count += 1 }

  response.process # run the test
  expect(call_count).to eq(2)


Stub like this

User.stub(:save) # Could be any class method in any class
User.any_instance.stub(:save) { |*args|*args) }

Then expect like this:

# User.any_instance.should_receive(:save).at_least(:once)

This is a simplification of this gist, to use any_instance, since you don't need to proxy to the original method. Refer to that gist for other uses.

Excellent. Proxying the method through to a known instance works great. You could just as easily stub(:save) on a test double instead of the User class.
Works like a charm! Thanks! :-)
Just use allow and allow_any_instance_of instead of stub and any_instance.stub since the former are now deprecated (see:…)
Rick Pastoor

My case was a bit different, but I ended up at this question to figured to drop my answer here too. In my case I wanted to stub any instance of a given class. I got the same error when I used expect_any_instance_of(Model).to. When I changed it to allow_any_instance_of(Model).to, my problem was solved.

Check out the documentation for some more background:

Thank you! That's the most useful answer for me in this thread.
From the docs: "The rspec-mocks API is designed for individual object instances, but this feature operates on entire classes of objects. As a result there are some semantically confusing edge cases. For example in expect_any_instance_of(Widget).to receive(:name).twice it isn't clear whether each specific instance is expected to receive name twice, or if two receives total are expected. (It's the former.)"
Brazhnyk Yuriy

You may try to count the number of new on the class. That is not actually tests the number of saves but may be enough

    expect(Mutation).to receive(:new).at_least(:once)

If there is the only expectation of how many times it was saved. Then you probably want to use spy() instead of fully functioning factory, as in Harm de Wit own answer

    allow(Mutation).to receive(:new).and_return(spy)
    expect( have_received(:save).at_least(:once)