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Unable to resolve dependency tree error when installing npm packages

When trying to install the npm packages using npm i command, I am getting the following exception:

I have tried reinstalling the Node.js package and setting the proxy to off using:


The issue is still there. What I am doing wrong?


When I run the following command:

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

The following error is displayed:

Show your package.json - it looks like you've upgraded @angular/core, but did not upgrade @angular/http?
my @angular/core version is 9.1.4, so shall i update @angular/http?
Please share your package.json file. The problem seems to be in your dependencies
Can you try to delete package-lock.json and node_modules and try to run npm update? Let me know if it work.
is this still happening? Can you share the package.json file?

Peter Mortensen

This is not related to an HTTP proxy.

You have dependency conflict (incorrect and potentially broken dependency) as it says, so try to run the command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps. If it doesn't take effect, the temporary solution is using prior versions of the Node.js (downgrading the Node.js version) as it causes this kind of errors to happen sometimes.

Update based on the OP's update:

As you see, it fires the following error:

No matching version found for @angular/http@^9.1.4.

Take a look at angular/http page. Note that the latest version for that deprecated package is 7.2.16 while you request an upper version (e.g., ^9.1.4)! So, try to check the project dependencies and follow the raised errors in order to solve the problem.

@Pearl please show the output result of --force and --legacy-peer-deps commands
Thanks npm install --legacy-peer-deps works for me
will that flag install only peer deps?
@Aashiqahmed It tells NPM to ignore peer deps and proceed with the installation anyway
Thanks, downgrade node version from 15 to 14 worked for me.
Ali Hasan

Try this command-

npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

please explain what it does
@Gerfried, It tells NPM to ignore peer deps and proceed with the installation anyway.
If using npm 5 or greater no need --save flag as it automatically saves dependencies
It half-installs Angular 7, and half-installs angular 9. If you do this, it might actually work, but may god have mercy on you, because you're DEFINITELY running some libraries that are incompatible with your current version of Angular.

First to understand the problem. Here is what I have as error:

npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm ERR!
npm ERR! While resolving: project-admin@11.0.0
npm ERR! Found: @angular/common@11.0.3
npm ERR! node_modules/@angular/common
npm ERR!   @angular/common@"11.0.3" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer @angular/common@"^9.1.0 || ^10.0.0" from @agm/core@3.0.0-beta.0
npm ERR! node_modules/@agm/core
npm ERR!   @agm/core@"3.0.0-beta.0" from the root project

First you should start to read the problem from the bottom to the top. Here @agm/core@3.0.0-beta.0 requires angular common 9.1.0 or 10.0.0. And the top message says that the angular common found is actually 11.0.3.

(If you want to understand dependencies little bit better, here is very simple site: How npm3 Works)

dependencies — these are the essential dependencies that you rely on and call in your project’s code
devDependencies — these are your development dependencies, for example, a prettier library for formatting code
peerDependencies — if you set a peer dependency in your package.json, you are telling the person who installs your package that they need that dependency with the specified version
optionalDependencies — these dependencies are optional and failing to install them will not break the installation process
bundledDependencies — it’s an array of packages that will come bundled with your package. This is useful when some 3rd party library is not on NPM, or you want to include some of your projects as modules

So what should be the solution then? The problem is about peer dependencies. The solution is to downgrade angular common or the solution is to use legacy dependencies logic for installing packages using --legacy-peer-deps. So --legacy-peer-deps does not try to install the peerDependencies automatically. Is this going to work for you? Probably, yes. But you should add specific instructions how to do that, or to make the use of --legacy-peer-deps automatic for future installation of the project packages with this code from one of the previous answers:

npm config set legacy-peer-deps true

In my case I installed the package and I tried to run ng serve, but because --legacy-peer-deps was used, there were dependency packages which were not installed. I had to install those manually (because I did not set the configuration from the code above). At the end installing about five packages manually, all with --legacy-peer-deps, I ended to a package that could not be installed and I did not try to continue, because my project was throwing warnings like crazy and there were a lot of packages for audit too. So my decision was not to use this package and to find an alternative.

Other solutions that I read about along the way:

downgrade Node.js to v14. This will downgrade npm. It might not be v14, but this was the version that was most widely downgraded to.

Some people use Yarn to force package installation - personally I don't understand how this works, because I haven't used Yarn.

downgrading Angular and the global Angular CLI version to version that will satisfy the requirement. In my case it is angular/common, and in the question it's angular/core, but both require downgrading the whole angular right (I am not sure about this here).

the package you install might have a higher version that doesn't require downgrading Angular. You might try to use the to upgrade your packages to the latest, but this is in case your project is quite new.

This should be accepted answer
That's the best answer because it is the only answer which explained the error log from OP instead of stupidly applying force or legacy-peer-deps option. Better to stick to npm 6 than pushing npm 7 and force/legacy-peer-deps on it to avoid fixing your dependencies issues
By far the best answer, others just fix the issue, but not caring about the underlying problem nor give insightful suggestions on why the issue is occurring.

In addition to using the --legacy-peer-deps command line option, this can also be set more permanently as a config option:

npm config set legacy-peer-deps true

The best option if npm install is run indirectly, e.g. by a script.
what does this do
@Arefe, Aashiq explained in another, similar answer, that this command (legacy-peer-deps) "tells NPM to ignore peer deps and proceed with the installation anyway"
npm config set legacy-peer-deps true This command is working for me, Thanks
Vinay Somawat

Finally, I found the answer. Try this command -

npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

Described here legacy-peer-deps

An explanation would improve this answer
Edit the answer with an explanation.

When using npm 7, this comes up a lot because peer dependencies issues are treated as errors in version 7 whereas they were generally only warnings in version 6. Usually using --legacy-peer-deps makes it work with npm 7.

When that doesn't work, an option is to downgrade to npm 6. Downgrading Node.js is not necessary (but not harmful either). The relevant dependency management code is in npm. Downgrading Node.js will often work coincidentally because doing so will often downgrade npm as well.

Another option that is less disruptive than downgrading npm is using npx to use the previous version of npm for just the install command: npx -p npm@6 npm install

And when all else fails, it's often worth a shot to remove the node_modules directory and package-lock.json, and then run npm install again. That regenerates node_modules and package-lock.json.

What is the best way to permanently downgrade to npm 6?
@alentejo by removing the npm folder in theC:\Users\{your name}\AppData\Roaming , npm cache clear --force and then npm install -g npm@

This happens for some packages after updating to npm 7.

Paramter --legacy-peer-deps can help:

npm i --legacy-peer-deps

Described here legacy-peer-deps

Causes npm to completely ignore peerDependencies when building a package tree, as in npm versions 3 through 6. If a package cannot be installed because of overly strict peerDependencies that collide, it provides a way to move forward resolving the situation. ...

You can set this option to true by default (not recommended by npm):

npm config set legacy-peer-deps true

Or just wait until these packages get up to date.

Vinit Dabhi

Just Do 2 simple steps:

First, execute this in your terminal.

npm config set legacy-peer-deps true

Second, Clear cache

npm cache clean --force

And finally, execute your command this will work for sure.

Does clearing cache help here? Do we really need Step 2?
Peter Mortensen

The problem is related to a dependency conflict or broken dependency. You can proceed by accepting the incorrection of dependency by forcing an install.

Solution: Using command with --force.

Your command will be like npm install --force @your-npm-package.

Note: You can use yarn to install a dependency if it's available in to install with the yarn package manager.

Kavinda Senarathne

Try removing the node modules and package-lock.json file and run command npm install or Try npm cache clean --force

Peter Mortensen

First I tried

npm install

It gave me error unable to resolve dependency tree and based on the help information from this command,

Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps
npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.

I tried this command:

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

And it solved my problem.

Peter Mortensen

The fastest solution: npm install --legacy-peer-deps


In npm versions 3 through 6, peerDependencies were not automatically installed, and would raise a warning if an invalid version of the peer dependency was found in the tree. As of npm v7, peerDependencies are installed by default. npm docs: peerDependencies

Your dependency contains some peerDependencies that conflict with the root project's dependency.

As it described in the npm ERR log.

Rigers Leka

NPM can be used to install and manage versions of dependencies in your projects.

I had it the same issue on React versions in relation with npm version

npm error found types/react@16.14.20

So it might be package-versions that need to be installed based on your package.json

It gives errors in npm@7 version and cannot install node modules. If you will downgrade npm version to 6, those problems will become warnings and the problem will be resolved.

Try to prove this command: npm install -g npm@6

Check if version is already installed: npm --version

Remove and install node_modules package: a) Remove rm -rf node_modules b) Install: npm i

Eliezer Berlin

The problem seems to be that gf-kautomata-pipeline-ui is using Angular 9, while @angular/http requires Angular 7. (@angular/http was deprecated and eventually removed, and all its functionality was moved into @angular/common instead.)


If you're running Angular 9, then

delete @angular/http from your package.json (You don't need it in Angular 9) Make sure you have @angular/common in your package.json. Run npm i.

If you're running Angular 7, then open up your package.json and check to make sure all of your Angular packages are no higher than ^7.0.0. You may also need remove gf-kautomata-pipeline-ui, or contact the author of gf-kautomata-pipeline-ui and find out if the library is compatible with Angular 7.

@Pearl I see in the comments you wrote that your @angular/core is Angular 9, not Angular 7. Are you half-way through an upgrade from 7 to 9?
This is definitely the most accurate answer
aakash sharma

Try 2 options to resolve this issue option1 => delete node_modules and package_lock.json after run npm cache clean --force after npm i --force option 2 => run npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

Peter Mortensen

In my case, I started getting the error (below) after upgrading npm from version 6 to 7.

npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree ... npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.

In my case compiling with either --legacy-peer-deps or --force flags resulted in a useless bundle.

So I tried deleting the node_modules, package-lock.json, and bundle using yarn install. This generated a yarn.lock file and created package-lock.json that worked fine in subsequent npm runs.

P.S.: I am using the temporary workaround until npm 7 works fine with my project: after that, I will delete yarn.lock, package-lock.json and folder node_modules, and recompile with npm

rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json
yarn install
# Generates a yarn.lock file and a new package-lock.json

# Continue with npm
npm start

komal dubey

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

This worked for me


this works for me npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

Peter Mortensen

I just update my Node.js and it works for me:

node -v


V xxxx


sudo npm install -g n

(Use this command to install the stable node release.)

sudo n stable

Peter Mortensen

If you have node_modules folder and package-lock.json file in your root directory then remove those: rm -r node_modules rm package-lock.json Then run commands: npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps npm audit fix --force Create .env file in the root directory and paste below code: SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true Now, start your project: npm start

Peter Mortensen

I have faced this issue many times. At last I found a solution:

npm install react-native-paper  --legacy-peer-deps

Peter Mortensen

Yarn has a feature for solving this. If you can, try to use it for installing the package.

Can you please state which feature?
Julio Cachay

For this case: I was having this issue: ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree in an angular 13 project that used some packages from a private npm feed in azure devops.

To access this repository, I created an .npmrc file. Because of this, the npm install command would search all packages in my private repository and not in npm feed anymore. The unable to resolve the dependency tree error happened because the npm install command could not find many of the packages that were hosted in the npm feed and not my private feed.

I found this amazing answer on how to scope packages

Based on this I made some changes:

In my library Package.json, update the name to have a scope name @mylib

"name": "@myLib/command-queue",

Build and publish this package to my private feed In my client app (the one that uses this package), update the .npmrc file to use my private feed for packages in this scope only


Now, whenever I run the command npm install, if the package has the scope @myLib, it will look for it in my private feed, and use the npm feed for all other cases (i.e. @angular/...)

This is an example of my client app Package.json

    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~13.3.0",
    "@angular/router": "~13.3.0",        <-- this comes from npm
    "@myLib/jcg-command-queue": "^2.2.0", <-- This comes from my private feed

Also, with this change, there is no need to add --legacy-peer-deps to the npm install command anymore.

Sebastian Voráč

Resetting package-lock.json works good for me all the time:

git checkout -- package-lock.json

Details: Been experiencing this a lot when updating all packages of the legacy project - I highly don't recommend using npm audit fix nor npm i --force. Deleting the package-lock.json didn't work for me all the time as well. Rollback to the working version of package.json + package-lock.json and add packages turned out to be the safest and fastest variant for me.

Andrii Lundiak

Just in case, I did have similar behavior, when I tried either npm upgrade my current Angular 11.x based boilerplate from previous ng new or create new ng new abc based on Angular 12.x. I simply forgot to upgrade Angular CLI. So this npm install -g @angular/cli@latest solved my errors during ng new abc.

Peter Mortensen

In my case I was having trouble with a @babel/core dependency, but I didn't want to use --force, because I was not sure about the consequences, so I went to, looked for the package and replaced my old version with the newest one. That did the work.


This is an issue of node version Some latest versions of the node could show errors like these. I use NVM to manage Node versions on the system and use node 12 to get past this error

command to change version

nvm use 12

Saurabh Yadav

For those who are getting errors while installing Bootstrap Paginator or table next

npm install react-bootstrap-table2-paginator --save


npm install react-bootstrap-table-next --save

Solution: Add --legacy-peer-deps after the command like

npm install react-bootstrap-table2-paginator --save --legacy-peer-deps

npm install react-bootstrap-table-next --save --legacy-peer-deps

Raghubir Singh

Even after uninstall/install NPM and CLI if still does not work then make sure you are inside the project folder. For example, you have created a root folder "myapplication". Now, you are running CLI command to create a brand new application under myapplication folder. After running command, you would get error like "ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree". So, instead of running command on myapplication folder, go to new application folder inside myapplication folder and run/execute angular application. It would work fine.

Peter Mortensen

I solved this with by lowering the version of Node.js from the last version to the LTS version.

I was running into this issue on an LTS version of Node.