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为目录中的每个 zip 文件创建一个专用文件夹并提取 zip 文件

If I choose a zip file and right click "extract here" a folder with the zip filename is created and the entire content of the zip file is extracted into it.

However, I would like to convert several zip files via shell. But when I do


the folder "filename" is not created but all the files are extracted into the current directory.

I have looked at the parameters but there is no such parameter. I also tried

for zipfile in \*.zip; do mkdir $zipfile; unzip $zipfile -d $zipfile/; done

but the .zip extension of the 2. $zipfile and 4. $zipfile have to be removed with sed. If I do

for zipfile in \*.zip; do mkdir sed 's/\.zip//i' $zipfile; unzip $zipfile -d sed 's/\.zip//i' $zipfile/; done 

it is not working.

How do I replace the .zip extension of $zipfile properly?

Is there an easier way than a shell script?

Brad Koch

unzip -d xxx will extract files to directory xxx, and xxx will be created if it is not there. You can check the man page for details.

The awk line below should do the job:

ls *.zip|awk -F'.zip' '{print "unzip "$0" -d "$1}'|sh

See the test below,

note that I removed |sh at the end, since my zips are fake archives; I just want to show the generated command line here.

kent$  ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 kent kent 0 Nov 12 23:10

kent$  ls *.zip|awk -F'.zip' '{print "unzip "$0" -d "$1}'
unzip -d 001
unzip -d 002
unzip -d 003
unzip -d 004
unzip -d 005
unzip -d 006
unzip -d 007

But what I don't understand is why $0 contains the complete file name and $1 not the ".zip" extension?
@jack I defined ".zip" as the FS (Field Separator). So will be separated to two parts "001" and "". $1 is the 1st field. and $0 is the whole line which in this case is "" in awk, the field is counted from 1, not 0.
But if the xxx is nested-directory path, it will fail and issue "cannot create extraction directory" message. Of course I can write an shell and check if the intermediate directory exists, then create it in advance) but I wish do it in one go with only unzip command.
This command is great, but it will not work if there are spaces in the filename. To account for spaces, you'll need to execute ls *.zip | awk -F'.zip' '{print "unzip \""$0"\" -d \""$1"\""}' | sh
One isn't supposed to parse ls output. Won't work on my system because ls has -lah enabled by default. ls is an interactive tool. Use pathname expansion.

"extract here" is merely a feature of whatever unzip wrapper you are using. unzip will only extract what actually is in the archive. There is probably no simpler way than a shell script. But sed, awk etc. are not needed for this if you have a POSIX-compliant shell:

for f in *.zip; do unzip -d "${f%*.zip}" "$f"; done

(You MUST NOT escape the * or pathname expansion will not take place.) Be aware that if the ZIP archive contains a directory, such as with Eclipse archives (which always contain eclipse/), you would end up with ./eclipse*/eclipse/eclipse.ini in any case. Add echo before unzip for a dry run.

@jack, THIS answer should be the accept answer. You should NOT USE ls output for anything. ls is a tool for interactively looking at directory metadata. Any attempts at parsing ls output with code are broken. Globs are much more simple AND correct: for file in *.zip. Read Parsing ls
Note: could you improve your answer (which absolutely answers the original question of how to extract multiple zip files in dedicated fodlers) with the case "how to create folder to extract a single zip file in it?"
Please why this work alias unzipd='function uzd() { args=("$@") for f in "${args[@]}"; do echo "------- $f ----------" unzip $f -d "${f%*.zip}" done } uzd ' and not alias unzipd=' args=("$@") for f in "${args[@]}"; do echo "------- $f ----------" unzip $f -d "${f%*.zip}" done ' (Why aliases can't handle it ?) erro: syntax error near token //remark: they are in multilines
and as sited here, it say alias don't take parameters directly and function does, but i always use things like gipsh="git push origin $@". What's the difference about $@ ?
i have the answer (half), i didn't have a good conception of how alias work, it just work like an include in c/c++, whatever the alias name hold, will be copied in it's place, and if $@, $1 .. is written to the end (or any where), it get omited, so ex: alias lsg='ls | grep ' and then lsg zip, that will be the equivalent of ls | grep zip. And alias ech='echo "$1" ' and ech ok yes again | you expect that ok only show, but the result is like "$1" doesn't exist. It's just like variable are ignored. If any one can explain more it will be great. Ty a lot.
Franz Knülle

p7zip, the command line version of 7zip does the job

7z x '*.zip' -o'*'

On Debian and Ubuntu, you have to install p7zip-full.

simple, and elegant!. awesome! Thanks!

Add the folder name and slash after the switch, example:

unzip -d newfolder/

zip will create the folder 'newfolder' and extract the archive into it.

Note that the trailing slash is not required but I guess it's just from old habit (I use Debian and Ubuntu).

For me the slash is required, otherwise the command would complain that there is no such folder.

aunpack from atool will do this by default for all sorts of archives.


In Termux bash I ended up with this, tested for spaces and dots in filenames. It only removes the last file extension and dot for the folder name. This assumes the zip file has a .zip extension otherwise it won't work. Went nuts trying to \ escape the quotes or use single quotes before realizing they just needed to be there as plain quote marks. Drop an echo in front of the zip command, or add a -l to audit the command. For some reason the position of the -d seems important for this implementation.

for f in *.zip; do unzip "$f" \-d "./${f%.*}/"; done; echo -end-

Haoyu Guo

Open the terminal and locate the 00* files

cat* >

wait until the process ends, it depends on the file size.

The file joining process finished, now you can run the output file
