,但该图像没有显示。此外,我无权访问 webpack config 文件,因为该项目是使用官方的 create......" /> ,但该图像没有显示。此外,我无权访问 webpack config 文件,因为该项目是使用官方的 create......"> ,但该图像没有显示。此外,我无权访问 webpack config 文件,因为该项目是使用官方的 create......" />
ChatGPT解决这个技术问题 Extra ChatGPT

How do I reference a local image in React?

How can I load image from local directory and include it in reactjs img src tag?

I have an image called one.jpeg inside the same folder as my component and I tried both <img src="one.jpeg" /> and <img src={"one.jpeg"} /> inside my renderfunction but the image does not show up. Also, I do not have access to webpack config file since the project is created with the official create-react-app command line util.

Update: This works if I first import the image with import img from './one.jpeg' and use it inside img src={img}, but I have so many image files to import and therefore, I want to use them in the form, img src={'image_name.jpeg'}.

Possible duplicate of React won't load local images
I actually have a similar issue, my image is been imported in the index.jsx file, I have the loaders in webpack, the compile face is working fine, as indeed a copy of the image is been created in my server/public/js folder with a random number, and the correct path to it is in the bundler, but I can't visualize the image. Its also strange that its been produced in the server/public/js and not server/public/img as I wrote into index.js


First of all wrap the src in {}

Then if using Webpack; Instead of: <img src={"./logo.jpeg"} />

You may need to use require:

<img src={require('./logo.jpeg')} />

Another option would be to first import the image as such:

import logo from './logo.jpeg'; // with import

or ...

const logo = require('./logo.jpeg); // with require

then plug it in...

<img src={logo} />

I'd recommend this option especially if you're reusing the image source.

Take care not to forget the . at the beginning of the relative url. Should be <img src={require('./one.jpeg')} />
Does any of these methods affect performance like loading time of image? If so, which one is performance wise better?
@انعامالرحمٰن - Some comments on here stackoverflow.com/questions/31354559/… but the TL;DR is no, no performance difference.
Here is missing the fact that at least with webpack 4, the loader to use is url-loader instead of the file one or the previous
using <img src={require('./logo.jpeg').default} /> worked for me
Marcello B.

The best way is to import the image first and then use it.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from '../logo.svg';
export default class Header extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="row">
        <div className="logo">
          <img src={logo} width="100" height="50" />

Why is it the best way?
It is the best way if you need to reuse in same component, you can use it without path reference. It is a good practice @JasonLeach
Jason Leach it is cleaner way
If you get from logo something like [object object], then you need to extract the source:

Inside public folder create an assets folder and place image path accordingly.

<img className="img-fluid" 

Thank you, this proved useful to me in a situation where images may or may not exist in the folder because they are dynamically imported based on the resource shown.
why does this work? no matter where I put my images folder it wouldn't work. but now I put it inside a folder named "assets" as you said and it worked?
THANK YOU. Why didn’t I think of this before! Good tip.
This works just fine!
i am doing same thing while getting dynamic data <img className='m-auto ' src={`${process.env.REACT_APP_BASEURL}${item.image}`} alt="Avatar" style={{ width: 100 + 'px' }} /> but i am getting error Not allowed to load local resource
Yasiru Padmasiri

you need to use require and . default

 <img src={require('./logo.jpeg').default} />

This worked! What is the purpose of .default?
@Pythoner See this question stackoverflow.com/questions/43247696/…
Shubham Khatri

You need to wrap you image source path within {}

<img src={'path/to/one.jpeg'} />

You need to use require if using webpack

<img src={require('path/to/one.jpeg')} />

Abdul Moiz

the best way for import image is...

import React, { Component } from 'react';

// image import
import CartIcon from '../images/CartIcon.png';

 class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
         //Call image in source like this
          <img src={CartIcon}/>

Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported. To do this you'll have to keep your images in src/, which is not recommended
@toing_toing Why do you not recommend keeping images in src? The official documentation has examples where this is the case: facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/…
increases the size of the webpack bundle and compilation time, need to recompile everytime you change an asset and increased loading time. I'd rather put it in the public folder and link by url.
@toing_toing You say you would 'rather....' but you don't say how to do that.
Tomer Shetah
const photo = require(`../../uploads/images/${obj.photo}`).default;
<img src={photo} alt="user_photo" />

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Hello and welcome to SO! While this code may answer the question, providing additional context regarding how and/or why it solves the problem would improve the answer's long-term value. Please read the tour, and How do I write a good answer?
Martin Brisiak

put your images in the public folder or make a subfolder in your public folder and put your images there. for example:

you put "completative-reptile.jpg" in the public folder, then you can access it as


you put completative-reptile.jpg at public/static/images, then you can access it as


This is not working when you are trying to bring your project under a subfolder
Lucas Souza

I had the same problem and after research I managed to solve it by putting the JSON data in a constant in JS, with that I was able to import the image and only inform the import in the JSON object. Example:

import imageImport from './image.png';

export const example = [
    "name": "example",
    "image": imageImport

<Image source={example.image}/>

You are a saviour bro. I was wrapping the imported item in curly braces {} and was making them an object(unknowingly) but after I saw you answer, my problem was solved. Removed the curly braces and BOOM!! Thank you, Lucas :)
Joan Gavelán

For people who want to use multiple images of course importing them one by one would be a problem. The solution is to move the images folder to the public folder. So if you had an image at public/images/logo.jpg, you could display that image this way:

function Header() {
  return (
      <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="logo"/>

Yes, no need to use /public/ in the source.

Read further: https://daveceddia.com/react-image-tag/.


You have two ways to do it.


Import the image on top of the class and then reference it in your <img/> element like this

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import myImg from '../path/myImg.svg'; export default class HelloImage extends Component { render() { return } }


You can directly specify the image path using require('../pathToImh/img') in <img/> element like this

import React, { Component } from 'react'; export default class HelloImage extends Component { render() { return } }

Kai Sheng Tung

I found another way to implement this (this is a functional component):

const Image = ({icon}) => {
   const Img = require(`./path_to_your_file/${icon}.svg`).ReactComponent;
   return <Img />

Hope it helps!

Rahul Sarma

Step 1 : import MyIcon from './img/icon.png'

step 2 :

    style={{width:'100%', height:'100%'}}


First you have to import the image

import logo from './logo.jpeg'; // with import

then plug it in...

<img src={logo} />

That's it.


For the require method to work, I had to add ".default", like this:

<img src={require('./path/to/image.svg').default} />

True, that's because you require an svg image.

My answer is basically very similar to that of Rubzen. I use the image as the object value, btw. Two versions work for me:

"name": "Silver Card",
"logo": require('./golden-card.png'),


const goldenCard = require('./golden-card.png');
{ "name": "Silver Card",
"logo": goldenCard,

Without wrappers - but that is different application, too.

I have checked also "import" solution and in few cases it works (what is not surprising, that is applied in pattern App.js in React), but not in case as mine above.


As some mentioned in the comments, you can put the images in the public folder. This is also explained in the docs of Create-React-App: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/using-the-public-folder/

There is actually not more code needed than the one line in the docs <img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/img/logo.png'} />
James F. Thomas

I actually just ran into this very same problem and if you move your image file from the ./public directory to the ./src directory you can import or require and either will render.





I have also tested both with the image as well as src attributes in the component and they both worked.

After I tried using the ../ to indicate the exact folder the jpg was located in I was given a usable error that allowed me to make the easy fix.



Divyesh Bhalani

If you dont want to put your image inside public folder use below syntax



I have used this way, and it works... I hope you useful.

const logofooter = require('../../project-files/images/logo.png');

 <div className="blockquote text-center">
            <img src={logofooter} width="100" height="80" />

import React from "react";   
import image from './img/one.jpg';

class Image extends React.Component{
      <img className='profile-image' alt='icon' src={image}/>

export default Image


You could create a file named for instance images.js and reference all your app resources there, later importing that component in all your other component where you would need to display images

Tanzeel Ahmed

I wanted to import multiple images and pass them to different components. It turned out that I need to import multiple images only once and I can use them in any component by passing a prop.

import whiskey from './img/whiskey.jpg';
import hazel from './img/hazel.jpg';
import tubby from './img/tubby.jpg';

Let's make an object.

dog = [
   { name: "Whiskey", src: whiskey }, 
   // ...

And display the image

<img src={dog.src}></img>

import image from './img/one.jpg';

class Icons extends React.Component{
        <img className='profile-image' alt='icon' src={image}/>
export default Icons;

Anuj Tanwar

Well, you all know the answer to the question asked by now, but I am posting this answer to the question which most of you might be wondering after reading other answers:

Question: How the hell am I suppose to import 50 or 100 files:)

Answer: I suggest you make an api (.json) file and in that put the links to all the images and call the api. That's by far the best way to import files in bulk very easily, although it will take some time and knowledge, which If you don't already know.

I recommend that you post your scenario as a separate question and then post your own answer. Be sure to link to this question.