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Fire-and-forget with async vs "old async delegate"

I am trying to replace my old fire-and-forget calls with a new syntax, hoping for more simplicity and it seems to be eluding me. Here's an example

class Program
    static void DoIt(string entry) 
        Console.WriteLine("Message: " + entry);

    static async void DoIt2(string entry)
        await Task.Yield();
        Console.WriteLine("Message2: " + entry);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // old way
        Action<string> async = DoIt;
        async.BeginInvoke("Test", ar => { async.EndInvoke(ar); ar.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); }, null);
        Console.WriteLine("old-way main thread invoker finished");
        // new way
        Console.WriteLine("new-way main thread invoker finished");

Both approaches do the same thing, however what I seem to have gained (no need to EndInvoke and close handle, which is imho still a bit debatable) I am losing in the new way by having to await a Task.Yield(), which actually poses a new problem of having to rewrite all existing async F&F methods just to add that one-liner. Are there some invisible gains in terms of performance/cleanup?

How would I go about applying async if I can't modify the background method? Seems to me that there is no direct way, I would have to create a wrapper async method that would await Task.Run()?

Edit: I now see I might be missing a real questions. The question is: Given a synchronous method A(), how can I call it asynchronously using async/await in a fire-and-forget manner without getting a solution that is more complicated than the "old way"

async/await is not really designed for offloading synchronous workloads onto another thread. I've used async/await in some pretty huge projects with not a Thread.Yield in sight. I see this code as an abuse of the the async await philosophy. If there's no async IO, async/await is probably the wrong solution.
I would disagree, especially in my case; there is no sound reason to force http requestor to wait for a complete process to finish to receive a response available at the very begining. The rest can be safely offloaded. The only question really is can async/await help, make worse or is just unusable in this scenario. I must admit I had different ideas about what it was.
I don't disagree that the work might need offloading. I'm saying that using async/await combined with Task.Yield has a bad smell. Using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem would be a better fit here. After all, that's really what you're trying to do... send the work to the ThreadPool with a resonably minimal code footprint, right?
oh, ok. fair comment, I misunderstood your claim. I guess I just thought that with async I'll just call a method and it will magically start on another thread :). Speaking of different approaches, does anyone know of a comparison between the three? ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem vs Task.Factory.StartNew vs delegate.BeginInvoke? If I am going to make changes, I might as well do it in the best available way.
Does this answer your question? Fire and forget async method in mvc

Stephen Cleary

Avoid async void. It has tricky semantics around error handling; I know some people call it "fire and forget" but I usually use the phrase "fire and crash".

The question is: Given a synchronous method A(), how can I call it asynchronously using async/await in a fire-and-forget manner without getting a solution that is more complicated than the "old way"

You don't need async / await. Just call it like this:


what if A() has async method calls in it?
I mean, how do you avoid the warnings about not awaiting a task?
That warning is there because fire-and-forget in an async method is almost certainly a mistake. If you're positively sure that's what you want to do, you can assign the result to an unused local variable like this: var _ = Task.Run(A);
@AnthonyJohnston: I meant calling a fire-and-forget method from an async method is almost certainly a mistake. In your case, since you always handle exceptions within the method, there's little difference between async Task and async void. I would still lean a bit more towards async Task, just because async void to me implies "event handler".
But what if you want to run the method A() on the UI-Thread and not on a thread pool? And you cannot afford to await A() because it will run for a longer time (not blocking) asynchronously on the UI-Thread. For example a click handler which has to fire and forget call A() and do some stuff afterwards. But otherwise doesnt care about A(). A() just has to be started.

As noted in the other answers, and by this excellent blog post you want to avoid using async void outside of UI event handlers. If you want a safe "fire and forget" async method, consider using this pattern (credit to @ReedCopsey; this method is one he gave to me in a chat conversation):

Create an extension method for Task. It runs the passed Task and catches/logs any exceptions: static async void FireAndForget(this Task task) { try { await task; } catch (Exception e) { // log errors } } Always use Task style async methods when creating them, never async void. Invoke those methods this way: MyTaskAsyncMethod().FireAndForget();

You don't need to await it (nor will it generate the await warning). It will also handle any errors correctly, and as this is the only place you ever put async void, you don't have to remember to put try/catch blocks everywhere.

This also gives you the option of not using the async method as a "fire and forget" method if you actually want to await it normally.

Well, if I have a Task, I'll just Run it, no?
@mmix That depends, you could use a Task object and run it, but thats not using await/async. This is how you do "fire and forget" with await/async. Note that this is much more useful when you are invoking Async framework methods, and you want to use them in a "fire and forget" sort of way.
Hi, its an old post, but generally the idea was to use language "flow" elements to achieve fire and forget, without implicitly using Task object as such. WE came to a conclusion that its not possible since calling async does not raise new thread until it awaits. If I have Task object then I just Run()-it and it will fire and forget.
@mmix No problem, this just came up in a discussion I had with Reed Copsey, and in a separate question we had a discussion about using async void to do fire-and-forget where I was pointed to this question as to why not to do that. I was adding this as the "correct" way to utilize async void to do that.
@Wellspring due to how ASP.NET manages the lifetime of objects post-request, there's whole libraries to manage that (like Hangfire). I wouldn't recommend just sending a task out in that kind of scenario
Daniel C. Weber

To me it seems that "awaiting" something and "fire and forget" are two orthogonal concepts. You either start a method asynchronously and don't care for the result, or you want to resume executing on the original context after the operation has finished (and possibly use a return value), which is exactly what await does. If you just want to execute a method on a ThreadPool thread (so that your UI doesn't get blocked), go for

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoIt2("Test2"))

and you'll be fine.

the more I experiment with it the more it seems so. async is just for processes where you have meaningful continuation on the results from asynchronous task. No continuation need, no support (other than Task.Yield()). I guess I got sniped by marketing again...
When on subject, any real differences between delegate.BeginInvoke and Task.Factory.StartNew?
@mmix, the biggest difference with using Task is that if an exception occurs in the Task, it will wind up being thrown in the finalizer of the Task object, since there is nothing observing the faulted state of the Task. If you don't register for the TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException event, this can potentially cause a nasty crash without triggering your usual last-resort logging methods. It also has the unfortunate side effect of not crashing until GC causes the finalizer to run, whereas an invoked delegate will crash the app immediately after the exception.
@DanBryant: This has changed in .NET 4.5. UnobservedTaskException will no longer crash the process; if you don't handle it, the exceptions are silently ignored.
I felt the same way at first; it took me a long time to come around to appreciating that design. Task-based code in the future will be async-based; in this new world, an unobserved Task is a fire-and-forget Task. This doesn't violate the fail-fast philosophy any more than the old behavior. The old behavior would crash by default because some error happened some indeterminate time before, so the old behavior wasn't "fail-fast" anyway.
Dan Bryant

My sense is that these 'fire and forget' methods were largely artifacts of needing a clean way to interleave UI and background code so that you can still write your logic as a series of sequential instructions. Since async/await takes care of marshalling through the SynchronizationContext, this becomes less of an issue. The inline code in a longer sequence effectively becomes your 'fire and forget' blocks that would previously have been launched from a routine in a background thread. It's effectively an inversion of the pattern.

The main difference is that the blocks between awaits are more akin to Invoke than BeginInvoke. If you need behavior more like BeginInvoke, you can call the next asynchronous method (returning a Task), then don't actually await the returned Task until after the code that you wanted to 'BeginInvoke'.

    public async void Method()
        //Do UI stuff
        await SomeTaskAsync();
        //Do more UI stuff (as if called via Invoke from a thread)
        var nextTask = NextTaskAsync();
        //Do UI stuff while task is running (as if called via BeginInvoke from a thread)
        await nextTask;

Actually we use F&F to avoid blocking the http caller and it has more to do with caller limitations than our own. The logic is sound because caller does not expect a response other than message received (the actual process response will be posted on another channel unrelated to this, or http for that matter).
Dave Black

Here is a class I put together based on Ben Adams' tweet about constructing such a construct. HTH

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
namespace System.Threading.Tasks
    public static class TaskExtensions
        [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "VariableHidesOuterVariable", Justification = "Pass params explicitly to async local function or it will allocate to pass them")]
        public static void Forget(this Task task, ILogger logger = null, [CallerMemberName] string callingMethodName = "")
            if (task == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

            // Allocate the async/await state machine only when needed for performance reasons.
            // More info about the state machine:
            // Pass params explicitly to async local function or it will allocate to pass them
            static async Task ForgetAwaited(Task task, ILogger logger = null, string callingMethodName = "")
                    await task;
                catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
                    // log a message if we were given a logger to use
                    logger?.LogError(tce, $"Fire and forget task was canceled for calling method: {callingMethodName}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // log a message if we were given a logger to use
                    logger?.LogError(e, $"Fire and forget task failed for calling method: {callingMethodName}");

            // note: this code is inspired by a tweet from Ben Adams:
            // Only care about tasks that may fault (not completed) or are faulted,
            // so fast-path for SuccessfullyCompleted and Canceled tasks.
            if (!task.IsCanceled && (!task.IsCompleted || task.IsFaulted))
                // use "_" (Discard operation) to remove the warning IDE0058: Because this call is not awaited, execution of the
                // current method continues before the call is completed -
                _ = ForgetAwaited(task, logger, callingMethodName);

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