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RSpec: how to test if a method was called?

When writing RSpec tests, I find myself writing a lot of code that looks like this in order to ensure that a method was called during the execution of a test (for the sake of argument, let's just say I can't really interrogate the state of the object after the call because the operation the method performs is not easy to see the effect of).

describe "#foo"
  it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
    called_bar = false
    subject.stub(:bar).with("an argument I want") { called_bar = true }
    expect(called_bar).to be_true

What I want to know is: Is there a nicer syntax available than this? Am I missing some funky RSpec awesomeness that would reduce the above code down to a few lines? should_receive sounds like it should do this but reading further it sounds like that's not exactly what it does.

@Peter Alfvin The OP was asking for syntax on should_receive, so I thought that question would help.

it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
  expect(subject).to receive(:bar).with("an argument I want")

Sorry, I'm not understanding how this format of "to .. receive(:bar)" checks for the value of "called_bar" in this example. Can you explain that to me?
@ecoding5 no. It doesn't and neither should check for called_bar. That was just a flag to ensure that the method was called, but with expect(...).to receive(...) you are already covering that. It's more clear and semantic
@wacko oooh, got it, thanks for the clearing that up. I didn't catch it the first time.
Uri Agassi

In the new rspec expect syntax this would be:

expect(subject).to receive(:bar).with("an argument I want")


The below should work

describe "#foo"
  it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
     expect(subject).to have_received(:bar).with("Invalid number of arguments")


Thank you - I was receiving "NoMethodError" has_received? - think this might be to do with rspec versoins though. I found another solution that worked for me (the one marked correct above)
@MikeyHogarth This answer was suggesting have_received (the after the fact "spies" approach), not has_received, which is not part of any version of RSpec that I know.
Yi Zeng

To fully comply with RSpec ~> 3.1 syntax and rubocop-rspec's default option for rule RSpec/MessageSpies, here's what you can do with spy:

Message expectations put an example's expectation at the start, before you've invoked the code-under-test. Many developers prefer using an arrange-act-assert (or given-when-then) pattern for structuring tests. Spies are an alternate type of test double that support this pattern by allowing you to expect that a message has been received after the fact, using have_received.

# arrange.
invitation = spy('invitation')

# act.

# assert.
expect(invitation).to have_received(:deliver).with("")

If you don't use rubocop-rspec or using non-default option. You may, of course, use RSpec 3 default with expect.

dbl = double("Some Collaborator")
expect(dbl).to receive(:foo).with("")

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