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I have a table which I want to get the latest entry for each group. Here's the table:

DocumentStatusLogs Table

|ID| DocumentID | Status | DateCreated |
| 2| 1          | S1     | 7/29/2011   |
| 3| 1          | S2     | 7/30/2011   |
| 6| 1          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |
| 1| 2          | S1     | 7/28/2011   |
| 4| 2          | S2     | 7/30/2011   |
| 5| 2          | S3     | 8/01/2011   |
| 6| 3          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |

The table will be grouped by DocumentID and sorted by DateCreated in descending order. For each DocumentID, I want to get the latest status.

My preferred output:

| DocumentID | Status | DateCreated |
| 1          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |
| 2          | S3     | 8/01/2011   |
| 3          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |

Is there any aggregate function to get only the top from each group? See pseudo-code GetOnlyTheTop below: SELECT DocumentID, GetOnlyTheTop(Status), GetOnlyTheTop(DateCreated) FROM DocumentStatusLogs GROUP BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC

If such function doesn't exist, is there any way I can achieve the output I want?

Or at the first place, could this be caused by unnormalized database? I'm thinking, since what I'm looking for is just one row, should that status also be located in the parent table?

Please see the parent table for more information:

Current Documents Table

| DocumentID | Title  | Content  | DateCreated |
| 1          | TitleA | ...      | ...         |
| 2          | TitleB | ...      | ...         |
| 3          | TitleC | ...      | ...         |

Should the parent table be like this so that I can easily access its status?

| DocumentID | Title  | Content  | DateCreated | CurrentStatus |
| 1          | TitleA | ...      | ...         | s1            |
| 2          | TitleB | ...      | ...         | s3            |
| 3          | TitleC | ...      | ...         | s1            |

UPDATE I just learned how to use "apply" which makes it easier to address such problems.

For a more detailed discussion and comparison of possible solutions I recommend to read the similar question on Retrieving n rows per group.
I looked at the post and tried it. Using group by StoreID generated an error.
This question is for MS SQL Server, question Select first row in each GROUP BY group is for Postgres. The language constructs can be different.

;WITH cte AS
   SELECT *,
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC) AS rn
   FROM DocumentStatusLogs
FROM cte
WHERE rn = 1

If you expect 2 entries per day, then this will arbitrarily pick one. To get both entries for a day, use DENSE_RANK instead

As for normalised or not, it depends if you want to:

maintain status in 2 places

preserve status history


As it stands, you preserve status history. If you want latest status in the parent table too (which is denormalisation) you'd need a trigger to maintain "status" in the parent. or drop this status history table.

And... What is Partition By? With is new to me also :( I'm using mssql 2005 anyway.
@domanokz: Partition By resets the count. So in this case, it says to count per DocumentID
Hm, I worry about the performance, I'll be querying millions of rows. Is SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) affects the performance? Also, is ROW_NUMBER some kind of a subquery for each row?
@domanokz: no, it's not a subquery. If you have correct indexes then millions shouldn't be a problem. There are only 2 set based ways anyway: this and the aggregate (Ariel's solution). So try them both...
@domanokz: Just change ORDER BY DateCreated DESC to ORDER BY ID DESC

I just learned how to use cross apply. Here's how to use it in this scenario:

 select d.DocumentID, ds.Status, ds.DateCreated 
 from Documents as d 
 cross apply 
     (select top 1 Status, DateCreated
      from DocumentStatusLogs 
      where DocumentID = d.DocumentId
      order by DateCreated desc) as ds

That actually makes no difference since the issue is still addressed.
I just posted the results of my timing tests against all of the proposed solutions and yours came out on top. Giving you an up vote :-)
+1 for huge speed improvement. This is much faster than a windowing function such as ROW_NUMBER(). It would be nice if SQL recognized ROW_NUMBER() = 1 like queries and optimized them into Applies. Note: I used OUTER APPLY as I needed results, even if they didn't exist in the apply.
@TamusJRoyce you can't extrapolate that just because it was faster once this is always the case. It depends. As described here
This works well when you already have a separate Documents table that gives one row per group, as desired in the output. But if you're only working with the one table (DocumentStatusLogs in this case), you'd first have to do some sort of DISTINCT operation on DocumentID (or ROW_NUMBER(), MAX(ID), etc.), losing all that gained performance.
Josh Gilfillan

I know this is an old thread but the TOP 1 WITH TIES solutions is quite nice and might be helpful to some reading through the solutions.

select top 1 with ties
from DocumentStatusLogs
order by row_number() over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated desc)

The select top 1 with ties clause tells SQL Server that you want to return the first row per group. But how does SQL Server know how to group up the data? This is where the order by row_number() over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated desc comes in. The column/columns after partition by defines how SQL Server groups up the data. Within each group, the rows will be sorted based on the order by columns. Once sorted, the top row in each group will be returned in the query.

More about the TOP clause can be found here.

This is the most elegant solution imo
agreed - this best replicates what is very easy to do in other versions of SQL and other languages imo
Wish I could upvote more than once. I have returned to this answer about 7.000 times already. There might come a day, when I take the time to understand this, so I wouldn't have to come back. But it is not this day.
Hmm, 'With Ties' might cause more rows to be returned than the value specified in expression (TOP 1). If the OP wants only 1, then you need to remove this phrase, right?
@TKBruin that is why the order by row_number() is required. This allows the top record per partition to be retrieved.
John Fairbanks

I've done some timings over the various recommendations here, and the results really depend on the size of the table involved, but the most consistent solution is using the CROSS APPLY These tests were run against SQL Server 2008-R2, using a table with 6,500 records, and another (identical schema) with 137 million records. The columns being queried are part of the primary key on the table, and the table width is very small (about 30 bytes). The times are reported by SQL Server from the actual execution plan.

Query                                  Time for 6500 (ms)    Time for 137M(ms)

CROSS APPLY                                    17.9                17.9
SELECT WHERE col = (SELECT MAX(COL)…)           6.6               854.4
DENSE_RANK() OVER PARTITION                     6.6               907.1

I think the really amazing thing was how consistent the time was for the CROSS APPLY regardless of the number of rows involved.

It all depends on the data distribution and available indexes. It was discussed at great lengths on
Daniel Cotter

If you're worried about performance, you can also do this with MAX():

FROM DocumentStatusLogs D
WHERE DateCreated = (SELECT MAX(DateCreated) FROM DocumentStatusLogs WHERE ID = D.ID)

ROW_NUMBER() requires a sort of all the rows in your SELECT statement, whereas MAX does not. Should drastically speed up your query.

Cannot performance issues with ROW_NUMBER() be addressed with proper indexing? (I feel that should be done anyhow)
With datetime, you cannot guarantee two entries won't be added on the same date and time. Precision isn't high enough.
+1 for simplicity. @TamusJRoyce is right. What about? 'select * from DocumentStatusLog D where ID = (select ID from DocumentsStatusLog where D.DocumentID = DocumentID order by DateCreated DESC limit 1);'
SELECT * FROM EventScheduleTbl D WHERE DatesPicked = (SELECT top 1 min(DatesPicked) FROM EventScheduleTbl WHERE EventIDf = D.EventIDf and DatesPicked>= convert(date,getdate()) )
In my case, this approach was SLOWER than using ROW_NUMBER(), due to the introduction of a subquery. You should test different approaches to see what performs best for your data.
DocumentStatusLogs JOIN (
  SELECT DocumentID, MAX(DateCreated) DateCreated
  FROM DocumentStatusLogs
  GROUP BY DocumentID
  ) max_date USING (DocumentID, DateCreated)

What database server? This code doesn't work on all of them.

Regarding the second half of your question, it seems reasonable to me to include the status as a column. You can leave DocumentStatusLogs as a log, but still store the latest info in the main table.

BTW, if you already have the DateCreated column in the Documents table you can just join DocumentStatusLogs using that (as long as DateCreated is unique in DocumentStatusLogs).

Edit: MsSQL does not support USING, so change it to:

ON DocumentStatusLogs.DocumentID = max_date.DocumentID AND DocumentStatusLogs.DateCreated = max_date.DateCreated

The clue was in the title: MSSQL. SQL Server does not have USING but the idea is OK.
@gbn The stupid moderators usually delete important keywords from titles, as they have done here. Making it very difficult to find the correct answers in search results or Google.
Jus to point out that this "solution" can still give you multiple records if you have a tie on the max(DateCreated)
Remove the Using (in MS SQL ) and complete the Join code , then it would work .

This is one of the most easily found question on the topic, so I wanted to give a modern answer to the it (both for my reference and to help others out). By using first_value and over you can make short work of the above query:

Select distinct DocumentID
  , first_value(status) over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated Desc) as Status
  , first_value(DateCreated) over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated Desc) as DateCreated
From DocumentStatusLogs

This should work in Sql Server 2008 and up. First_value can be thought of as a way to accomplish Select Top 1 when using an over clause. Over allows grouping in the select list so instead of writing nested subqueries (like many of the existing answers do), this does it in a more readable fashion. Hope this helps.

This doesn't work in SQL Server 2008 R2. I think first_value was introduced in 2012!
Very fast! I was using the Cross Apply solution offered by @dpp, but this one is waaaay faster.
For large numbers of columns (Status, DateCreated, etc.), does this do a separate partition/sort for each column, or does it get optimised into one?

Here are 3 separate approaches to the problem in hand along with the best choices of indexing for each of those queries (please try out the indexes yourselves and see the logical read, elapsed time, execution plan. I have provided the suggestions from my experience on such queries without executing for this specific problem).

Approach 1: Using ROW_NUMBER(). If rowstore index is not being able to enhance the performance, you can try out nonclustered/clustered columnstore index as for queries with aggregation and grouping and for tables which are ordered by in different columns all the times, columnstore index usually is the best choice.

       SELECT   *,
                RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC)
       FROM     DocumentStatusLogs
    SELECT  ID      
    FROM    CTE
    WHERE   RN = 1;

Approach 2: Using FIRST_VALUE. If rowstore index is not being able to enhance the performance, you can try out nonclustered/clustered columnstore index as for queries with aggregation and grouping and for tables which are ordered by in different columns all the times, columnstore index usually is the best choice.

    ,Status     = FIRST_VALUE(Status) OVER (PARTITION BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC)
    ,DateCreated    = FIRST_VALUE(DateCreated) OVER (PARTITION BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC)
FROM    DocumentStatusLogs;

Approach 3: Using CROSS APPLY. Creating rowstore index on DocumentStatusLogs table covering the columns used in the query should be enough to cover the query without need of a columnstore index.

    ID      = CA.ID
    ,DocumentID = D.DocumentID
    ,Status     = CA.Status 
    ,DateCreated    = CA.DateCreated
FROM    DocumentStatusLogs D
            SELECT  TOP 1 I.*
            FROM    DocumentStatusLogs I
            WHERE   I.DocumentID = D.DocumentID
            ORDER   BY I.DateCreated DESC
            ) CA;

Thanks for the different solutions proposed. I went through the second one and saved me today man!
I have a 100M rows table where I nedded to get both the 1st and the last record for each group. The first two approaches took several minutes to execute. Approach 3 took less than a second.
Thank you for this really comprehensive answer! Deserves many more votes, although it hasn't been around for as long as the others.

This is quite an old thread, but I thought I'd throw my two cents in just the same as the accepted answer didn't work particularly well for me. I tried gbn's solution on a large dataset and found it to be terribly slow (>45 seconds on 5 million plus records in SQL Server 2012). Looking at the execution plan it's obvious that the issue is that it requires a SORT operation which slows things down significantly.

Here's an alternative that I lifted from the entity framework that needs no SORT operation and does a NON-Clustered Index search. This reduces the execution time down to < 2 seconds on the aforementioned record set.

[Limit1].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], 
[Limit1].[Status] AS [Status], 
[Limit1].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
FROM   (SELECT DISTINCT [Extent1].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID] FROM [dbo].[DocumentStatusLogs] AS [Extent1]) AS [Distinct1]
OUTER APPLY  (SELECT TOP (1) [Project2].[ID] AS [ID], [Project2].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], [Project2].[Status] AS [Status], [Project2].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
        [Extent2].[ID] AS [ID], 
        [Extent2].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], 
        [Extent2].[Status] AS [Status], 
        [Extent2].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
        FROM [dbo].[DocumentStatusLogs] AS [Extent2]
        WHERE ([Distinct1].[DocumentID] = [Extent2].[DocumentID])
    )  AS [Project2]
    ORDER BY [Project2].[ID] DESC) AS [Limit1]

Now I'm assuming something that isn't entirely specified in the original question, but if your table design is such that your ID column is an auto-increment ID, and the DateCreated is set to the current date with each insert, then even without running with my query above you could actually get a sizable performance boost to gbn's solution (about half the execution time) just from ordering on ID instead of ordering on DateCreated as this will provide an identical sort order and it's a faster sort.


My code to select top 1 from each group

select a.* from #DocumentStatusLogs a where 
 datecreated in( select top 1 datecreated from #DocumentStatusLogs b
a.documentid = b.documentid
order by datecreated desc

Mohamed Thaufeeq

This solution can be used to get the TOP N most recent rows for each partition (in the example, N is 1 in the WHERE statement and partition is doc_id):

SELECT T.doc_id, T.status, T.date_created FROM 
    SELECT a.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY doc_id ORDER BY date_created DESC) AS rnk FROM doc a
) T
WHERE T.rnk = 1;

Dale K

CROSS APPLY was the method I used for my solution, as it worked for me, and for my clients needs. And from what I've read, should provide the best overall performance should their database grow substantially.

Andrew Morton

Verifying Clint's awesome and correct answer from above:

The performance between the two queries below is interesting. 52% being the top one. And 48% being the second one. A 4% improvement in performance using DISTINCT instead of ORDER BY. But ORDER BY has the advantage to sort by multiple columns.

IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DocumentStatusLogs') IS NOT NULL) BEGIN DROP TABLE #DocumentStatusLogs END

CREATE TABLE #DocumentStatusLogs (
    [ID] int NOT NULL,
    [DocumentID] int NOT NULL,
    [Status] varchar(20),
    [DateCreated] datetime

INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (2, 1, 'S1', '7/29/2011 1:00:00')
INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (3, 1, 'S2', '7/30/2011 2:00:00')
INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (6, 1, 'S1', '8/02/2011 3:00:00')
INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (1, 2, 'S1', '7/28/2011 4:00:00')
INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (4, 2, 'S2', '7/30/2011 5:00:00')
INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (5, 2, 'S3', '8/01/2011 6:00:00')
INSERT INTO #DocumentStatusLogs([ID], [DocumentID], [Status], [DateCreated]) VALUES (6, 3, 'S1', '8/02/2011 7:00:00')

Option 1:

FROM #DocumentStatusLogs AS [Extent1]
        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM #DocumentStatusLogs AS [Extent2]
        WHERE [Extent1].[DocumentID] = [Extent2].[DocumentID]
        ORDER BY [Extent2].[DateCreated] DESC, [Extent2].[ID] DESC
    ) AS [Project2]
WHERE ([Project2].[ID] IS NULL OR [Project2].[ID] = [Extent1].[ID])

Option 2:

    [Limit1].[DocumentID] AS [ID], 
    [Limit1].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], 
    [Limit1].[Status] AS [Status], 
    [Limit1].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
    SELECT DISTINCT [Extent1].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID] FROM #DocumentStatusLogs AS [Extent1]
) AS [Distinct1]
        SELECT TOP (1) [Project2].[ID] AS [ID], [Project2].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], [Project2].[Status] AS [Status], [Project2].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
        FROM (
                [Extent2].[ID] AS [ID], 
                [Extent2].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], 
                [Extent2].[Status] AS [Status], 
                [Extent2].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
            FROM #DocumentStatusLogs AS [Extent2]
            WHERE [Distinct1].[DocumentID] = [Extent2].[DocumentID]
        )  AS [Project2]
        ORDER BY [Project2].[ID] DESC
    ) AS [Limit1]

In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: after highlighting and running the first block, highlight both Option 1 and Option 2, right click -> [Display Estimated Execution Plan]. Then run the entire thing to see the results.

Option 1 Results:

ID  DocumentID  Status  DateCreated
6   1   S1  8/2/11 3:00
5   2   S3  8/1/11 6:00
6   3   S1  8/2/11 7:00

Option 2 Results:

ID  DocumentID  Status  DateCreated
6   1   S1  8/2/11 3:00
5   2   S3  8/1/11 6:00
6   3   S1  8/2/11 7:00


I tend to use APPLY when I want a join to be 1-to-(1 of many). I use a JOIN if I want the join to be 1-to-many, or many-to-many. I avoid CTE with ROW_NUMBER() unless I need to do something advanced and am ok with the windowing performance penalty.

I also avoid EXISTS / IN subqueries in the WHERE or ON clause, as I have experienced this causing some terrible execution plans. But mileage varies. Review the execution plan and profile performance where and when needed!

FROM `DocumentStatusLogs` o                   
  LEFT JOIN `DocumentStatusLogs` b                   
  ON o.DocumentID = b.DocumentID AND o.DateCreated < b.DateCreated
 WHERE b.DocumentID is NULL ;

If you want to return only recent document order by DateCreated, it will return only top 1 document by DocumentID

This is just going to return everything in the table.
Union find

I believe this can be done just like this. This might need some tweaking but you can just select the max from the group.

These answers are overkill..

FROM DocumentStatusLogs d, DocumentStatusLogs d1
USING DocumentID

Is this t-sql? Using isn't supported like that...
mysql 8 should support @PedroC88
Yeah I mention it because the OP specified sql-server
@PedroC88 the question seems to have been changed so that it doesn't reference sql-server anymore. so this is an OK answer.
It’s on the tags

In scenarios where you want to avoid using row_count(), you can also use a left join:

select ds.DocumentID, ds.Status, ds.DateCreated 
from DocumentStatusLogs ds
left join DocumentStatusLogs filter 
    ON ds.DocumentID = filter.DocumentID
    -- Match any row that has another row that was created after it.
    AND ds.DateCreated < filter.DateCreated
-- then filter out any rows that matched 
where filter.DocumentID is null 

For the example schema, you could also use a "not in subquery", which generally compiles to the same output as the left join:

select ds.DocumentID, ds.Status, ds.DateCreated 
from DocumentStatusLogs ds
    SELECT filter.ID 
    FROM DocumentStatusLogs filter
    WHERE ds.DocumentID = filter.DocumentID
        AND ds.DateCreated < filter.DateCreated)

Note, the subquery pattern wouldn't work if the table didn't have at least one single-column unique key/constraint/index, in this case the primary key "Id".

Both of these queries tend to be more "expensive" than the row_count() query (as measured by Query Analyzer). However, you might encounter scenarios where they return results faster or enable other optimizations.

SELECT documentid, 
FROM   documentstatuslogs dlogs 
WHERE  status = (SELECT status 
                 FROM   documentstatuslogs 
                 WHERE  documentid = dlogs.documentid 
                 ORDER  BY datecreated DESC 
                 LIMIT  1) 

Suraj Kumar

Try this:

SELECT [DocumentID]
    ,[tmpRez].value('/x[2]', 'varchar(20)') AS [Status]
    ,[tmpRez].value('/x[3]', 'datetime') AS [DateCreated]
    SELECT [DocumentID]
        ,cast('<x>' + max(cast([ID] AS VARCHAR(10)) + '</x><x>' + [Status] + '</x><x>' + cast([DateCreated] AS VARCHAR(20))) + '</x>' AS XML) AS [tmpRez]
    FROM DocumentStatusLogs
    GROUP BY DocumentID
    ) AS [tmpQry]

You should always describe your SQL statement how it will work and solve the OP's query.

Some database engines* are starting to support the QUALIFY clause that allows to filter the result of window functions (which the accepted answer uses).

So the accepted answer can become

FROM DocumentStatusLogs
QUALIFY rn = 1

See this article for an in depth explanation:

You can use this tool to see which database support this clause: There is an option to transform the qualify clause when the target dialect does not support it.

*Teradata, BigQuery, H2, Snowflake...

rich s

This is the most vanilla TSQL I can come up with

    SELECT * FROM DocumentStatusLogs D1 JOIN
        DocumentID,MAX(DateCreated) AS MaxDate
      GROUP BY
    ) D2

Unfortunately MaxDate is not unique. It is possible to have two dates entered at the same exact time. So this can result in duplicates per group. You can, however, use an identity column or GUID. Identity Column would get you the latest one that's been entered (default identity calc being used, 1...x step 1).
Well I kind of agree, but the author asked for the latest entry - which unless you include an auto-increment identity column means two items added at exactly the same time are equally 'the latest'
Latest record will be one record. So yes. You need to consider the auto-increment identity column.
Dale K

My SQL Server Version: 15.x (2019)

FROM DocumentStatusLogs

How is this different from @JoshGilfillan 's answer
The OP tagged MS-SQL not My SQL
Suraj Rao

hopefully this will work.. just change the columns as per your db.

    max(e_date) e_date
    from rooms
    group by id
) r1
inner join rooms r2 on = and r2.e_date = r1.e_date;

There are 22 existing answers to this question, including a top-voted, accepted answer with over eight hundred votes. Are you certain your solution hasn't already been given? If not, why do you believe your approach improves upon the existing proposals, which have been validated by the community? Offering an explanation is always useful on Stack Overflow, but it's especially important where the question has been resolved to the satisfaction of both the OP and the community. Please help readers out by explaining what your answer does different and when it might be preferred.

It is checked in SQLite that you can use the following simple query with GROUP BY

SELECT MAX(DateCreated), *
FROM DocumentStatusLogs

Here MAX help to get the maximum DateCreated FROM each group.

But it seems that MYSQL doesn't associate *-columns with the value of max DateCreated :(