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如何映射“根”Servlet 以便其他脚本仍可运行?

I'm trying to build a Servlet that calls a JSP page similar to the following:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/main.jsp").forward(req, resp);

I need this Servlet to respond to the domain's root (eg: so I'm using the following mapping in the web.xml:


The problem I'm having is that this matches EVERYTHING, so when the dispatcher forwards to "/WEB-INF/main.jsp" this matches the url-pattern so the Servlet gets run again. This results in a loop that runs until it dies with a java.lang.StackOverflowError.

How can I match the root without preventing other scripts from being runnable?

you wont be able to do that you have to use hacks i tried the same on appengine see here… but not working
Maybe time for an accepted answer?


Use an empty pattern, e.g.


The servlet 3.0 spec has clarified this:

The empty string ("") is a special URL pattern that exactly maps to the application's context root

So it should at least work on a 3.0 container, and I've verified that it works on Jetty 8

App engine is still on 2.5, so that's not surprising.
@nilskp so how to do it on app-engine? if I leave it empty it shows an error
@AhmadMuzakki perhaps try the answer from Jeb.
@nilskp This works on App Engine Flexible environment, since it's running Jetty 9.3 (Servlet 3.1).
Works for me using servlet-3.1 on was liberty

Using the welcome-file element of web.xml worked for me, on app engine. Here's mine:


This works great. Just be aware the 'servlet-name' cannot be the same as the 'welcome-file'.
Doesn't seem to work for me on Jetty or Tomcat. Only when the welcome file is an actual file does it open it correctly.
Works like a charm in Apache Tomcat, even though the solution offered by @nilskp is a bit lighter :)
@Jus12 Any file that is named in the web.xml should be an existing file. Even if a servlet (or even a faclets file) is mapped to it.
Aaaaaah that's why my welcome file was not working ! The"/" need to be removed ! So if your servlet url-pattern is /Blabla your welcome file need to be "Blabla" without the "/". Great ! Best solution ! Thank you !
Sam Lowry

The original question doesn't mention that they're trying to map a root servlet on App Engine - it's easy on Tomcat (and other servlet containers as far as I know) but App Engine isn't a normal servlet container.

My normal way of building a web application with servlets is to extend HttpServlet, add a "page" object with title, content, errors, messages etc. and for output forward to a JSP template. This has been an absolute nightmare getting working in App Engine.

JSP files can't be "named" without a "/" at the beginning.

JSP files can't be in a subdirectory

Servlets can't be mapped to the root of your application with a "/" url-pattern

Here's my web.xml (edited for brevity) which finally worked.

    <!-- this servlet needs to redirect to a NamedDispatcher
         called "template" -->
    <!-- jsp file must apparently be in root directory and have "/" at
         start of path -->
    <!-- map your home servlet to somewhere other than "/" -->
    <!-- make your Home servlet the welcome file -->

I haven't been particularly scientific about validating all this - but it seems to work for me now and I'm pretty happy about that.

On the dev server, it seems that adding a fallback index.html will cause that index.html to take precedence over your servlet, if it exists, even if it is specified after the home.
Vincent Ramdhanie

You can create a welcome file named index.jsp in the root with the following code using JSTL or otherwise.

<c:redirect url="/main"/>

So in the web.xml file you will have this:


So anyone requesting the root will be redirected to /main. Now your servlet can be mapped to main.


Ok, I get that this would work, but it fells like such a hack. Is it really not possible to have a servlet handle the root on its own?
Sorry for voting down but there is a better solution -…
This solution has the advantage that it doesn't create a mapping in every directory, the way welcome-files do. So I used it (though with plain <% scriptlet, not a tag) and I'm voting it up.
Gennady Shumakher

Try just to remove '*' from the pattern, i.e.


@fiXedd has apparently tried that and it doesn't work. (See my answer's edit history.) Maybe something to do with running on App Engine...

A solution is mentioned in another thread URL Pattern for servlet mapping in web.xml using URLrewrite ->

Thanks for turning me on to this urlrewrite thing. This got my java webapp with durandal to work, I was having some weird problem with it adding the routing alias infront of the url.
Stu Thompson

Have you tried the below? (Note the missing *, which is a wild card and is the reason that your configuration catches everything.)


(Edited as per comments from just /.)

I did... it had the exact same result. I should have mentioned I'm doing this on App Engine. I'm starting to think they're mapping is, uh, wonky.
matt b

You can't redirect to WEB-INF. A servlet container will never serve requests for documents in that folder.

If you want your application (not just a servlet, but the entire application) to be available under the root context ("/" of ""), then you need to set up a context entry for it - not a servlet mapping.

With Tomcat, you add a new <Context> mapping (in one of about 3 different possible places).

I'm not doing a redirect, I'm doing a forward. That's internal, so it souldn't matter if they're publicaly visible, right? Either way, moving them out of the WEB-INF didn't help. I'm not using Tomcat, but I'll look in to context mapping, thanks.
The container will serve resources under WEB-INFs when the request is being forwarded. It's a valid, and useful site structure paradigm.



