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How to escape single quote in sed?

How to escape a single quote in a sed expression that is already surrounded by quotes?

For example:

sed 's/ones/one's/' <<< 'ones thing'
The short answer is "you can't do that" -- the workarounds presented all work well.

Darryl Hein

Quote sed codes with double quotes:

    $ sed "s/ones/one's/"<<<"ones thing"   
    one's thing

I don't like escaping codes with hundreds of backslashes – hurts my eyes. Usually I do in this way:

    $ sed 's/ones/one\x27s/'<<<"ones thing"
    one's thing

This doesn't seem to work with sed -i, any particular reason?
It should be noted that surrounding sed commands with double quotes allows those commands to be interpolated by the shell and may lead to unforeseen problems.
this led to the answer I was looking for which ended up being: echo "one's thing" | sed 's/\x27/\\'"'"'/g' >> $ one\'s thing
Whether or not this works with sed -i is a red herring. Not all sed dialects accept hex codes like \x27, irrespective of whether you pass in the -i flag.
@matttrach Simplier: echo "one's thing" | sed 's/\x27/\\&/g'
glenn jackman

One trick is to use shell string concatenation of adjacent strings and escape the embedded quote using shell escaping:

sed 's/ones/two'\''s/' <<< 'ones thing'

two's thing

There are 3 strings in the sed expression, which the shell then stitches together:

sed 's/ones/two'



Hope that helps someone else!

perhaps an easier variant: sed 's/ones/two''s/' <<< 'ones thing'
@gregory: sed 's/ones/two''s/' <<< 'ones thing' No, that outputs twos thing. It's missing the ' in the output. You have to do it the way described in this answer.
@wisbucky With the version of sed I'm using (FreeBSD/macOS) on zsh, it definitely outputs "two's thing."
great help man by letting me know, shell then stitches together.
John C

The best way is to use $'some string with \' quotes \''


sed $'s/ones/two\'s/' <<< 'ones thing'

The C-style $'string' is Bash-specific, so it's not portable to POSIX shell.
It's not bash specific. It's also available in ksh and zsh, but yes, it's an extension to POSIX, which is fine if you aren't writing a portable script. The only downside is that you have to escape any other backslashes you use as well.
Stef Forrester

Just use double quotes on the outside of the sed command.

$ sed "s/ones/one's/" <<< 'ones thing'
one's thing

It works with files too.

$ echo 'ones thing' > testfile
$ sed -i "s/ones/one's/" testfile
$ cat testfile
one's thing

If you have single and double quotes inside the string, that's ok too. Just escape the double quotes.

For example, this file contains a string with both single and double quotes. I'll use sed to add a single quote and remove some double quotes.

$ cat testfile
"it's more than ones thing"
$ sed -i "s/\"it's more than ones thing\"/it's more than one's thing/" testfile 
$ cat testfile 
it's more than one's thing

Thanks! I love regex, love sed and now I love you <3
This basically duplicates the accepted answer from 2014.
F. Hauri - Give Up GitHub

Escaping single quote in sed: 3 different ways:

From fragile to solid...

1. Using double-quotes to enclose sed script:

Simpliest way:

sed "s/ones/one's/" <<< 'ones thing'

But using double-quote lead to shell variables expansion and backslashes to be considered as shell escape before running sed.

1.1. Specific case without space and special chars

In this specific case, you could avoid enclosing at shell level (command line):

sed s/ones/one\'s/ <<<'ones thing'

will work until whole sedscript don't contain spaces, semicolons, special characters and so on... (fragile!)

2. Using octal or hexadecimal representation:

This way is simple and efficient, if not as readable as next one.

sed 's/ones/one\o047s/' <<< 'ones thing'

sed 's/ones/one\x27s/' <<< 'ones thing'

And as following character (s) is not a digit, you coul write octal with only 2 digits:

sed 's/ones/one\o47s/' <<< 'ones thing'

3. Creating a dedicated sed script

First ensure correct path to sed tool:

which sed

Then adapt shebang in following:

cat <<"eosedscript" >sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
#!/bin/sed -f

chmod +x sampleSedWithQuotes.sed

From there, you could run:

./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed <<<'ones thing'
one's thing

This is the strongest and simpliest solution as your script is the most readable:
$ cat sampleSedWithQuotes.sed

#!/bin/sed -f


3.1 You coud use -i sed flag:

As this script use sed in shebang, you could use sed flags on command line. For editing file.txt in place, with the -i flag:

echo >file.txt 'ones thing'
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed -i file.txt
cat file.txt
one's thing

it's weird i've tried all the solutions and they all failed except for the one with \o047
@SLP Did you use GNU sed?

This is kind of absurd but I couldn't get \' in sed 's/ones/one\'s/' to work. I was looking this up to make a shell script that will automatically add import 'hammerjs'; to my src/main.ts file with Angular.

What I did get to work is this:

sed -i '' '/environments/a\
import '$apost'hammerjs'$apost';' src/main.ts

So for the example above, it would be:

sed 's/ones/one'$apost's/'

I have no idea why \' wouldn't work by itself, but there it is.


Some escapes on AppleMacOSX terminals fail so:

sed 's|ones|one'$(echo -e "\x27")'s|1' <<<'ones thing'


I know this is going to sound like a cop out but I could never get sed working when there were both single and double quotes in the string. To help any newbies like me that are having trouble, one option is to split up the string. I had to replace code in over 100 index.hmtl files. The strings had both single and double quotes so I just split up the string and replaced the first block with <!-- and the second block with -->. It made a mess of my index.html files but it worked.


use an alternative string seperator like ":" to avoid confusion with different slashes

sed "s:ones:one's:" <<< 'ones thing'

or if you wish to highligh the single quote

sed "s:ones:one\'s:" <<< 'ones thing'

both return

one's thing

That's not the issue here at all; the OP's code has no slashes. This is a good answer to a completely different question which has however been answered hundreds of times before on this site.