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Error "File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it (5 answers) Closed 1 year ago.

I updated my project to the latest Play services classpath ''. I am also using the latest version of playservices in my app.gradle file as:

compile ''
compile ''

However when I compile, Gradle throws exception as follows

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'. > File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it.


You need to get the configuration file from the developer's site and paste it in the app level directory of your project.


Goto Select your project On the left menu, click on settings > project settings Add an app or download the google-services.json file under the Your Apps section.

what is "app level" that you mean?
The app ran for me after going to the link above. Here's a screenshot of where I placed the config file "google-services.json"…
I have generated the file and also filled in the build.grade at root level and app level, but still get the same error on a gradle build ?
This link is dead
For Flutter it has to be in [project root]/android/app/google-services.json

Please go to this URL :

Choose your Options and finally you will be able to download

google-service.json file

copy that file and paste it Into

YourProjectName/app Directory

Then recompile the project Most probably it will fly

In my case the project directory looks like this :


For anyone using Firebase you need to go into your console and there it should say "add project to Android". From there, it will step-by-step generate the google-services.json file for you.

i found the setup instructions at

I received this error while trying to run Google's Firebase analytics sample app:



Add quickstart/analytics to Android Studio

Add Procedure:

Go to Click on "GO TO CONSOLE" Click on "Add Project" Project name: Enter: sample-app Click "Create Project" [Takes about 10 seconds or so...] Click "Continue" On the "Getting Started" page, click "Add Firebase to your Android app" Enter package name for the android app [The full package name appears at the top of the manifest: ""] Click on download google-services.json In file explorer, add google-services.json to the directory: "quickstart/analytics/app" [Warning: Do not rename the file, it must be: google-services.json] Run 'app' The sample app already contains the necessary Gradle file settings. When adding a new project do: Tools -> Firebase -> Analytics -> Add Event -> Connect App to Firebase. Adding a project via Android Studio ensures that all the Gradle Dependecies are setup.

Remove Procedure:

Go to Click on "GO TO CONSOLE" Settings -> Project Settings -> Delete this App Settings -> Project Settings -> Delete Project Enter project ID and press delete

I added and removed the sample app multiple times without any noticeable side effects.

Since AndroidStudio 3.0 you can use Firebase assistant from Tools->Firebase
Sean Kladek

in my case i have saved a json file with a space like this

google-services .json

and the right one is


and also take care you do not put (_) instead of (-)

may help some one.


If you don't need it anymore…


classpath ''


// classpath ''


apply plugin: ''


// apply plugin: ''

Thanks! This is useful when you download the source code of an app available at Google Play and you want to run it locally. I disabled this and another plugin with this method.

You must go on Firebase console-->Settings-->Project Settings and there will be section with Download the latest config file. Download google-service.json and put into app folder. It's work for me. Links:

Define "app folder".
Under projects-settings, we need to ADD APP and it will generate a google-services.json file that can be downloaded and added to <appName>/platforms/<platformName>/google-services.json. Good Luck...

I just run into problem downloading google-services.json from Firebase console. Turns out I had to log out from all other google accounts than the one I was using for Firebase.

What do you mean log out from other accounts ? Did you need to log out on the device or the browser ?
I am usually logged in to multiple Google accounts at once in the browser (you can see them in top right corner of any Google site). I had to log out from all of them except the one used for Firebase before it started working.

For Cordova Apps:

We need to place the google-services.json file in app root (I believe; when working with Cordova apps, we are not to get into other folders/files such as Gradle, Java files, platforms, etc; instead only work with them VIA the config.xml and www folder) and refer it in the config.xml like so:

<platform name="android">
    <!-- Add this line -->
    <resource-file src="google-services.json" target="app/google-services.json" />

NOTE: Ensure that the Firebase App packagename is same as the id attribute in are same.

For ex:

<!-- config.xml of Cordova App -->
<widget id="com.appFactory.torchapp" ...>

<!--google-serivces.json from generated from Firebase console.-->
  packagename: "com.appFactory.torchapp",

Good Luck...


In android studio:

switch to Project view so you can see the actual project folder structure. find google-services.json file and drag it to the app directory (for some reason when I added it using file explorer, it put it in the gradle folder). Clean/Rebuild project.

It worked fine for me from there.

Pedro Lobito you need to generate configuration file which gives you access to all the services and APIs you registered for in developer console and place it in your root directory

Well, this is really strange, i didn't need any of the services displayed. But still needed to activate one to get the json file..
If you are not using any of the services, may I know why this dependency is being included in the project ?
The list of services proposed by Google are : Sign In, Cloud Messaging, Analytics, App Invite, Admob. If i just want to use the Location service, i still need to have the configuration file.
Avanish Singh

Go to the configuration file from the developer's site and paste it in the app level directory of your current project.


Very Simple Just go to Tools->Firebase->Connect to firebase than click on sync now THIS WILL SURELY WORK.

classpath '' add this must

Go to Tools-->Firebase in your Android Studio and click on Connect your app to Firebase. They will set it up for you.

Amir Dora.

Easiest way to add google-service.json file

In Android Studio follow these steps:

Click Tools > Firebase to open the Assistant window.

Click to expand one of the listed features (for example, Analytics), then click the Get Started tutorial to connect to Firebase and add the necessary code to your app.


I had the same problem. The problem is because of renaming the file. You might have downloaded number of google-services.json file in you downloads folder. So when you download a new file it will download with same name but by adding numeric values in brackets. something like google-services(1).json .So you will delete this (1) and copy the file. Make sure when you are renaming it there should not be any spaces or extra . in the name of the file.

Girish B.R

Even after adding all the dependencies and the file if you face any such problem it could be your incorrect file name of "google-services.json".

Make sure you have the exact file name without any additional spaces or characters.

I had renamed the file and had space" " in my filename which was not noticeable, later I found that my file name is wrong, so fixed it!.

Moaz Rashad

If you don't have access to the Firebase of the project, for example, you downloaded an example source code then you have to remove any Firebase related stuff to make the project run.

Search keywords in the project

List item





abdulrehman javed

That Problem is because:- The folder or file you pasted to your product downloaded from the firebase console is not named as google-services.json. so now click it then right mouse click in all the options open refractor and rename it to google-services.json. because this worked for me


Had faced same issue ..

well in my case i have saved




I tried every solution mentioned above but nothing helps... the error was instead of "_" you need to put "-"(dash).

Just refactoring the file to google-services.json from google_services.json works like charm..

Hope this helps!!!

P.S. I know it's sound silly but this only works for me...

Saurabh Singh


Navigate to your project folder and open the /app sub-folder. Paste the .json file here. Rebuild the project.

ansh sachdeva

for people coming here from the firebase codelabs tutorial step 3:go to page 4.

Apparently, if google says You should now have the android-start project open in Android Studio. ,She means it,and not You should now have the android-start project open in Android Studio, without any build-errors .
As the instruction says there, you have to get a configuration file from firebase. i.e , create a new project in your firebase acc with name 'friendly chat and in the next page , add its package name and SHA1 KEY.
after downloading the json file,add it to your project>app folder, and Rebuild project.


select get started and go to settings logo and then project settings after that you will see below the platform like web,android,ios . select that according to your preference. and then download google-service.json file

copy that file and paste it Into

YourProjec/app Directory and then finally sync again .