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How to capture a list of specific type with mockito

Is there a way to capture a list of specific type using mockitos ArgumentCaptore. This doesn't work:

ArgumentCaptor<ArrayList<SomeType>> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(ArrayList.class);
I find that it's a terrible idea to use concrete list implementation here (ArrayList). You can always use List interface, and if you want represent the fact, that it's covariant, then you can use extends: ArgumentCaptor<? extends List<SomeType>>


The nested generics-problem can be avoided with the @Captor annotation:

public class Test{

    private Service service;

    private ArgumentCaptor<ArrayList<SomeType>> captor;

    public void init(){

    public void shouldDoStuffWithListValues() {

I prefer using MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) in the @Before method rather than using a runner that excludes the ability to use another runner. However, +1, thanks for pointing out the annotation.
Not sure this example is complete. I get... Error:(240, 40) java: variable captor might not have been initialized i like tenshi's answer below
I ran into the same issue, and found this blog post which helped me a bit:…. It includes a step to use MockitoAnnotations.initMocks after you've put the annotation on your class. One thing I noticed is you can't have it within a local variable.
I usually prefer List instead of ArrayList in the Captor declaration: ArgumentCaptor> captor;
initMocks(this) should be replaced with openMocks(this), as the first one ist deprecated
Jacob van Lingen

Yeah, this is a general generics problem, not mockito-specific.

There is no class object for ArrayList<SomeType>, and thus you can't type-safely pass such an object to a method requiring a Class<ArrayList<SomeType>>.

You can cast the object to the right type:

Class<ArrayList<SomeType>> listClass =
ArgumentCaptor<ArrayList<SomeType>> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(listClass);

This will give some warnings about unsafe casts, and of course your ArgumentCaptor can't really differentiate between ArrayList<SomeType> and ArrayList<AnotherType> without maybe inspecting the elements.

(As mentioned in the other answer, while this is a general generics problem, there is a Mockito-specific solution for the type-safety problem with the @Captor annotation. It still can't distinguish between an ArrayList<SomeType> and an ArrayList<OtherType>.)


Take also a look at tenshi's comment. You can change the original code to this simplified version:

final ArgumentCaptor<List<SomeType>> listCaptor
        = ArgumentCaptor.forClass((Class) List.class);

The example you showed can be simplified, based on the fact that java makes type inference for the static method calls: ArgumentCaptor<List<SimeType>> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass((Class) List.class);
To disable the uses unchecked or unsafe operations warning, use the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation above the argument captor definition line. Also, casting to Class is redundant.
The casting to Class is not redundant in my tests.
Manoj Shrestha

If you're not afraid of old java-style (non type safe generic) semantics, this also works and is simple'ish:

ArgumentCaptor<List> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(List.class);
verify(subject).method(argument.capture()); // run your code
List<SomeType> list = argument.getValue(); // first captured List, etc.

You can add @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") before the declaration to disable warnings.
Ahmed Ashour
List<String> mockedList = mock(List.class);

List<String> l = new ArrayList();


ArgumentCaptor<List> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(List.class);


List<String> capturedArgument = argumentCaptor.<List<String>>getValue();

assertThat(capturedArgument, hasItem("someElement"));


Based on @tenshi's and @pkalinow's comments (also kudos to @rogerdpack), the following is a simple solution for creating a list argument captor that also disables the "uses unchecked or unsafe operations" warning:

final ArgumentCaptor<List<SomeType>> someTypeListArgumentCaptor =

Full example here and corresponding passing CI build and test run here.

Our team has been using this for some time in our unit tests and this looks like the most straightforward solution for us.


For an earlier version of junit, you can do

Class<Map<String, String>> mapClass = (Class) Map.class;
ArgumentCaptor<Map<String, String>> mapCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(mapClass);

Timofey Orischenko

I had the same issue with testing activity in my Android app. I used ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 and MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); didn't work. I solved this issue with another class with respectively field. For example:

class CaptorHolder {

        ArgumentCaptor<Callback<AuthResponse>> captor;

        public CaptorHolder() {

Then, in activity test method:

HubstaffService hubstaffService = mock(HubstaffService.class);

CaptorHolder captorHolder = new CaptorHolder();
ArgumentCaptor<Callback<AuthResponse>> captor = captorHolder.captor;


verify(hubstaffService).authorize(anyString(), anyString(), captor.capture());
Callback<AuthResponse> callback = captor.getValue();


There is an open issue in Mockito's GitHub about this exact problem.

I have found a simple workaround that does not force you to use annotations in your tests:

import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.Captor;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;

public final class MockitoCaptorExtensions {

    public static <T> ArgumentCaptor<T> captorFor(final CaptorTypeReference<T> argumentTypeReference) {
        return new CaptorContainer<T>().captor;

    public static <T> ArgumentCaptor<T> captorFor(final Class<T> argumentClass) {
        return ArgumentCaptor.forClass(argumentClass);

    public interface CaptorTypeReference<T> {

        static <T> CaptorTypeReference<T> genericType() {
            return new CaptorTypeReference<T>() {

        default T nullOfGenericType() {
            return null;


    private static final class CaptorContainer<T> {

        private ArgumentCaptor<T> captor;

        private CaptorContainer() {



What happens here is that we create a new class with the @Captor annotation and inject the captor into it. Then we just extract the captor and return it from our static method.

In your test you can use it like so:

ArgumentCaptor<Supplier<Set<List<Object>>>> fancyCaptor = captorFor(genericType());

Or with syntax that resembles Jackson's TypeReference:

ArgumentCaptor<Supplier<Set<List<Object>>>> fancyCaptor = captorFor(
    new CaptorTypeReference<Supplier<Set<List<Object>>>>() {

It works, because Mockito doesn't actually need any type information (unlike serializers, for example).