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Importing files from different folder

I have the following folder structure:

├── app
│   └── folder
│       └──
└── app2
    └── some_folder

From inside in, how do I import a function from

I tried:

from import func_name
Reading the official documentation helped me a lot!…
If you have a dash in the name of the subfolder, it SHOULD BE UNDERSCORE. For example my-package and inside you have my_app folder and tests folder. If my_app is named my-app, you will have import problems
Neither application nor app1, app2, folder, some_folder are packages, and do not contain, right? If you're going to be doing a lot of this, time to make them a package.
The fact that this is so hard and there are multiple answers about it, some of which don't work or are hacks, is probably the worst, saddest thing about Python.


Note: This answer was intended for a very specific question. For most programmers coming here from a search engine, this is not the answer you are looking for. Typically you would structure your files into packages (see other answers) instead of modifying the search path.

By default, you can't. When importing a file, Python only searches the directory that the entry-point script is running from and sys.path which includes locations such as the package installation directory (it's actually a little more complex than this, but this covers most cases).

However, you can add to the Python path at runtime:

import sys
# insert at 1, 0 is the script path (or '' in REPL)
sys.path.insert(1, '/path/to/application/app/folder')

import file

sys.path.append('/path/to/application/app/folder') is cleaner imo
@pseudosudo: Yep, it is, but inserting it at the beginning has the benefit of guaranteeing that the path is searched before others (even built-in ones) in the case of naming conflicts.
@kreativitea - sys.path returns a list, not a deque, and it'd be silly to convert the list to a deque and back.
Is it considered as a pythonic way to manage .py files in folders? I'm wondering... why it's not supported by default? it doesn't make sense to maintain all .py files in a single directory..
@Ofir: No, this isn't a nice clean pythonic solution. In general, you should be using packages (which are based on directory trees). This answer was specific to the question asked, and for some reason continues to accrue a large number upvotes.
Ken Mueller

Nothing wrong with:

from import func_name

Just make sure folder also contains an, this allows it to be included as a package. Not sure why the other answers talk about PYTHONPATH.

Because this doesn't cover the cases where modifying PYTHONPATH is necessary. Say you have two folders on the same level: A and B. A has an __init.py__. Try importing something from B within A.
What's inside the or file?
@Xinyang It can be an empty file. Its very existence tells Python to treat the directory as a package.
This is not currently the highest voted answer, but it IS the most correct answer (for most cases). Simply create a package. It's not hard. The other answers are needed because sometimes you might be restricted from certain system changes (creating or modifying a file, etc) like during testing.
Whatever I try, this won't work. I want to import from a "sibling" directory, so one up one down. All have __ init's, including parent. Is this python 3 -specific?

When modules are in parallel locations, as in the question:


This shorthand makes one module visible to the other:

import sys

As a caveat: This works so long as the importing script is run from its containing directory. Otherwise the parent directory of whatever other directory the script is run from will be appended to the path and the import will fail.
To avoid that, we can get the parent directory of file sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
That didn't work for me - I had to add an additional dirname in there to climb back up to the parent, so that running cli/ from the command line was able to import
@Rahul, your solution doesn't work for interactive shells
If you run it from your root folder (ie. application folder), you are probably fine with sys.path.append('.') then importing the module by using from app2.some_folder.some_file import your_function. Alternatively what works for me is running python3 -m app2.another_folder.another_file from root folder.
Alex Montoya

First import sys in

 import sys

Second append the folder path in

sys.path.insert(0, '/the/folder/path/name-package/')

Third Make a blank file called __ init in your subdirectory (this tells Python it is a package)

name-package __ init

__ init

Fourth import the module inside the folder in

from name-package import name-module

With name-folder being right below, this should work even without the sys.path.insert-command. As such, the answer leaves the question, if this solution works even when name-folder is located in an arbitrary location.
are you saying that I have to hardcode the path to the script? This means that the solution is not portable. Also the question is how to access from one subfolder to the other. Why not following the name convention and file structure of the original question?
@Giacomo You don't have to hardcode anything. Just pass it as a parameter to the script.

I think an ad-hoc way would be to use the environment variable PYTHONPATH as described in the documentation: Python2, Python3

# Linux & OSX

# Windows
set PYTHONPATH=C:\path\to\dirWithScripts\;%PYTHONPATH%

Wait, would I replace myScripts with the filename?
no, with the path of the directory to your .py file
Unfortunately, if you are using Anaconda, this won't work, since under the hood PYTHONPATH is not really used internally !
For (recent) changes in anaconda, see this SO for workflows and comments for work-arounds:… Generally speaking, build and install small packages instead of hacking the import dirs.
Billal Begueradj

Your problem is that Python is looking in the Python directory for this file and not finding it. You must specify that you are talking about the directory that you are in and not the Python one.

To do this you change this:

from import func_name

to this:

from import func_name

By adding the dot you are saying look in this folder for the application folder instead of looking in the Python directory.

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package :(
I'm getting the same error, any solution to this?
Billal Begueradj

The answers here are lacking in clarity, this is tested on Python 3.6

With this folder structure:
---- myfolder/

Where has the content:

def myfunc():

The import statement in is:

from myfolder.myfile import myfunc

and this will print hello.

adding an (empty) configuration file in myfolder worked for me on linux (y)
@Vincent did you mean
For some reason adding doesn't work for me. I'm using Py 3.6.5 on Ubuntu 18. It works on Pycharm but not from terminal
This is completely unrelated to the question which asks about importing files from a different branch of the file tree than the current working directory.
Lovely diagrams that expressly ignore OP's question.

In Python 3.4 and later, you can import from a source file directly (link to documentation). This is not the simplest solution, but I'm including this answer for completeness.

Here is an example. First, the file to be imported, named

def announce():

The code that imports the file above, inspired heavily by the example in the documentation:

import importlib.util

def module_from_file(module_name, file_path):
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path)
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    return module

foo = module_from_file("foo", "/path/to/")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The output:

<module 'foo' from '/path/to/'>
['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'announce']

Note that the variable name, the module name, and the filename need not match. This code still works:

import importlib.util

def module_from_file(module_name, file_path):
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path)
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    return module

baz = module_from_file("bar", "/path/to/")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The output:

<module 'bar' from '/path/to/'>
['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'announce']

Programmatically importing modules was introduced in Python 3.1 and gives you more control over how modules are imported. Refer to the documentation for more information.

I don't know if anyone even tried to understand this, but I think that it's too complicated.
This is the only solution that worked for me. I have the same file name in different directories.
how to import everything in a file?
That was the only solution that worked for me.

Try Python's relative imports:

from import func_name

Every leading dot is another higher level in the hierarchy beginning with the current directory.

Problems? If this isn't working for you then you probably are getting bit by the many gotcha's relative imports has. Read answers and comments for more details: How to fix "Attempted relative import in non-package" even with

Hint: have at every directory level. You might need python -m application.app2.some_folder.some_file (leaving off .py) which you run from the top level directory or have that top level directory in your PYTHONPATH. Phew!

This doesn't seem to work if your directory's name starts with a number (e.g. import ..70_foo.test is not allowed)
Wow, this actually worked. I didn't know you could "go up" a directory by using multiple dots.

From what I know, add an file directly in the folder of the functions you want to import will do the job.

only if the script that wants to include that other directory is already in the sys.path
I used sys.path.append(tools_dir) on Windows and I don't need to add a' file in my directory tools_dir`

Using sys.path.append with an absolute path is not ideal when moving the application to other environments. Using a relative path won't always work because the current working directory depends on how the script was invoked.

Since the application folder structure is fixed, we can use os.path to get the full path of the module we wish to import. For example, if this is the structure:


And let's say that you want to import the mango module. You could do the following in

import sys, os.path
mango_dir = (os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+ '/another_folder/')
import mango

Of course, you don't need the mango_dir variable.

To understand how this works look at this interactive session example:

>>> import os
>>> mydir = '/home/me/application/app2/some_folder'
>>> newdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(mydir, '..'))
>>> newdir
>>> newdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(mydir, '..')) + '/another_folder'
>>> newdir

And check the os.path documentation.

Also worth noting that dealing with multiple folders is made easier when using packages, as one can use dotted module names.

Erick Mwazonga

I was faced with the same challenge, especially when importing multiple files, this is how I managed to overcome it.

import os, sys

from os.path import dirname, join, abspath
sys.path.insert(0, abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '..')))

from root_folder import file_name

You answer would be more helpful if you could explain what it does differently from an ordinary import?
I had /path/dir1/ and /path/dir1/ For /path/ from dir1.mod import func worked. When in /path/dir2/ it only worked after I copied and pasted the above answer at the top of the file. Didn't want to edit my path since not every python project I have is in /path/.
My test files were moved to another directory when running it using bazel after adding this import, the test files were able to reference the dependencies.

Worked for me in python3 on linux

import sys  
from scriptName import functionName #scriptName without .py extension  

sys.path.append("/home/linux/folder/") — Make sure do not use a shortcut e.g. "~/folder/"
This is the easiest answer; works for Windows as well.

Considering application as the root directory for your python project, create an empty file in application, app and folder folders. Then in your make changes as follows to get the definition of func_name:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r'/from/root/directory/application')

from import func_name ## You can also use '*' wildcard to import all the functions in file.

should be: sys.path.insert(0, r'/from/root/directory')
Mohsen Haddadi

The best practice for creating a package can be running and accessing the other modules from a module like at highest level directory.

This structure demonstrates you can use and access sub package, parent package, or same level packages and modules by using a top level directory file

Create and run these files and folders for testing:

    |----- (Empty file)
    |------- (Contains: import subpackage_1.module_1)        
    |------- (Contains: print('module_0 at parent directory, is imported'))
    |------- subpackage_1/
    |           |
    |           |----- (Empty file)
    |           |----- (Contains: print('importing other modules from module_1...')
    |           |                             import module_0
    |           |                             import subpackage_2.module_2
    |           |                             import subpackage_1.sub_subpackage_3.module_3)
    |           |----- photo.png
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |----- sub_subpackage_3/
    |                        |
    |                        |----- (Empty file)
    |                        |----- (Contains: print('module_3 at sub directory, is imported')) 
    |------- subpackage_2/
    |           |
    |           |----- (Empty file)
    |           |----- (Contains: print('module_2 at same level directory, is imported'))

Now run

the output is

>>>'importing other modules from module_1...'
   'module_0 at parent directory, is imported'
   'module_2 at same level directory, is imported'
   'module_3 at sub directory, is imported'

Opening pictures and files note:

In a package structure if you want to access a photo, use absolute directory from highest level directory.

let's Suppose you are running and you want to open photo.png inside

what must contain is:


image_path = 'subpackage_1/photo.png'


image_path = 'photo.png'

although and photo.png are at same directory.

Milovan Tomašević
│   ├───dir_a
│   │   ├───
│   │   └───
│   ├───dir_b
│   │   ├───
│   │   └───
│   ├───dir_c
│   └───dir_n

You can add the parent directory to PYTHONPATH, in order to achieve that, you can use OS depending path in the "module search path" which is listed in sys.path. So you can easily add the parent directory like following:


import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..')

from dir_a.file_a import func_name

Jim G.

This works for me on windows

# on mainApp/app2 
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, sys.path[0]+'\\app2')

import some_file


In my case I had a class to import. My file looked like this:

# /opt/path/to/code/
class LogHelper:
    # stuff here

In my main file I included the code via:

import sys
from log_helper import LogHelper

@not2qubit sys wasn't imported in the answer.

I'm quite special : I use Python with Windows !

I just complete information : for both Windows and Linux, both relative and absolute path work into sys.path (I need relative paths because I use my scripts on the several PCs and under different main directories).

And when using Windows both \ and / can be used as separator for file names and of course you must double \ into Python strings,
some valid examples :


(note : I think that / is more convenient than \, event if it is less 'Windows-native' because it is Linux-compatible and simpler to write and copy to Windows explorer)

os.path.join('tools', 'mydir')
WY Hsu

I bumped into the same question several times, so I would like to share my solution.

Python Version: 3.X

The following solution is for someone who develops your application in Python version 3.X because Python 2 is not supported since Jan/1/2020.

Project Structure

In python 3, you don't need in your project subdirectory due to the Implicit Namespace Packages. See Is not required for packages in Python 3.3+

├── .gitignore
├── a
|   └──
└── b

Problem Statement

In, I would like to import a class A in under the folder a.


#1 A quick but dirty way

Without installing the package like you are currently developing a new project

Using the try catch to check if the errors. Code example:

import sys
    # The insertion index should be 1 because index 0 is this file
    sys.path.insert(1, '/absolute/path/to/folder/a')  # the type of path is string
    # because the system path already have the absolute path to folder a
    # so it can recognize while searching 
    from file_a import A
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
    print("{} fileure".format(type(e)))
    print("Import succeeded")

#2 Install your package

Once you installed your application (in this post, the tutorial of installation is not included)

You can simply

    from __future__ import absolute_import
    # now it can reach class A of in folder a 
    # by relative import
    from ..a.file_a import A  
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
    print("{} fileure".format(type(e)))
    print("Import succeeded")

Happy coding!

for more info about absolute imports
your first proposed solution worked for me using sys.path.insert(1, '../a/') which I think is better than writing the full path.
In case someone has a local package that you would like to import instead of the system package (THAT HAS THE SAME NAME) please use sys.path.insert(1,'folder-to-grab-package-from') instead of sys.append('folder-to-grab-package-from')
You say "You can simply" but unfortunately seven lines of code to import a single file is not simple at all!
Timothy C. Quinn

If the purpose of loading a module from a specific path is to assist you during the development of a custom module, you can create a symbolic link in the same folder of the test script that points to the root of the custom module. This module reference will take precedence over any other modules installed of the same name for any script run in that folder.

I tested this on Linux but it should work in any modern OS that supports symbolic links.

One advantage to this approach is that you can you can point to a module that's sitting in your own local SVC branch working copy which can greatly simplify the development cycle time and reduce failure modes of managing different versions of the module.


I was working on project a that I wanted users to install via pip install a with the following file list:

└── a
    └── b

from setuptools import setup

setup (
    'a': ['b/*'],

recursive-include b *.*


from __future__ import absolute_import

from a.a import cats
import a.b


cats = 0


from __future__ import absolute_import

from a.b.b import dogs


dogs = 1

I installed the module by running the following from the directory with

python install

Then, from a totally different location on my filesystem /moustache/armwrestle I was able to run:

import a

Which confirmed that a.cats indeed equalled 0 and a.b.dogs indeed equalled 1, as intended.

Karthikeyan VK

Instead of just doing an import ..., do this :

from <MySubFolder> import <MyFile>

MyFile is inside the MySubFolder.

Md Shafiul Islam

In case anyone still looking for a solution. This worked for me.

Python adds the folder containing the script you launch to the PYTHONPATH, so if you run

python application/app2/some_folder/

Only the folder application/app2/some_folder is added to the path (not the base dir that you're executing the command in). Instead, run your file as a module and add a in your some_folder directory.

python -m application.app2.some_folder.some_file

This will add the base dir to the python path, and then classes will be accessible via a non-relative import.


Wow, I did not expect to spend so much time on this. The following worked for me:

OS: Windows 10

Python: v3.10.0

Note: Since I am Python v3.10.0, I am not using files, which did not work for me anyway.

├── app
│   └── folder
│       └──
└── app2
    └── some_folder

WY Hsu's 1st solution worked for me. I have reposted it with an absolute file reference for clarity:

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, 'C:\\Users\\<Your Username>\\application')
import app2.some_folder.some_file


Alternative Solution: However, this also worked for me:

import sys
sys.path.append( '.' )
import app2.some_folder.some_file


Although, I do not understand why it works. I thought the dot is a reference to the current directory. However, when printing out the paths to the current folder, the current directory is already listed at the top:

for path in sys.path:

Hopefully, someone can provide clarity as to why this works in the comments. Nevertheless, I also hope it helps someone.

For me I had to get up one more branch by doing sys.path.append('..') and it worked ! But still display the path of the CWD

The code below imports the Python script given by it's path, no matter where it is located, in a Python version-safe way:

def import_module_by_path(path):
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:   
        # Python 2
        import imp
        return imp.load_source(name, path)
    elif sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 4):  
        # Python 3, version <= 3.4
        from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
        return SourceFileLoader(name, path).load_module()
        # Python 3, after 3.4
        import importlib.util
        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
        mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
        return mod

I found this in the codebase of psutils, at line 1042 in (most recent commit as of 09.10.2020).

Usage example:

script = "/home/username/Documents/"
some_module = import_module_by_path(script)

Important caveat: The module will be treated as top-level; any relative imports from parent packages in it will fail.

Any idea why the two different Python3 methods? I tried both on Python 3.6, and they both worked, and returned identical results
Also identical results on python 3.8.9. Starting with 3.8.10 and later, the spec_from_file_location starts saving the root path of the file (if a relative path given) in the loader object, but otherwise the data returned is identical. Also tested with python 3.10 -- exact same behavior as 3.8.10. Both methods work just fine.
@Jon Unfortunately I can't comment on these, I'm not familiar with the nuances of importlib. This is found property, and I didn't want to change anything - figured they had a reason for it. Maybe there's some nuance that is different, or that breaks for older/newer versions.

You can use importlib to import modules where you want to import a module from a folder using a string like so:

import importlib

scriptName = 'Snake'

script = importlib.import_module('Scripts\\.%s' % scriptName)

This example has a which is the above code then a folder called Scripts and then you can call whatever you need from this folder by changing the scriptName variable. You can then use script to reference to this module. such as if I have a function called Hello() in the Snake module you can run this function by doing so:


I have tested this in Python 3.6

picmate 涅

I usually create a symlink to the module I want to import. The symlink makes sure Python interpreter can locate the module inside the current directory (the script you are importing the other module into); later on when your work is over, you can remove the symlink. Also, you should ignore symlinks in .gitignore, so that, you wouldn't accidentally commit symlinked modules to your repo. This approach lets you even successfully work with modules that are located parallel to the script you are executing.

ln -s ~/path/to/original/module/my_module ~/symlink/inside/the/destination/directory/my_module


If you have multiple folders and sub folders, you can always import any class or module from the main directory.

For example: Tree structure of the project

├── .gitignore
├── src
     |    └──

Now, if you want to import "UserModel" class from in file, you can do that using:

from import UserModel

Also, you can import same class in file using same line:

from import UserModel

Overall, you can give reference of main project directory to import classes and files in any python file inside Project directory.

do we need under src to make this happen?
This is not an answer to the original question which was NOT about how to import from, but rather (following your example) from to
Adilet Usonov

This problem may be due Pycharm

I had the same problem while using Pycharm. I had this project structure




and code from configuration import settings in raised import error

the problem was that when I opened Pycharm, it considered that skylake is root path and ran this code

sys.path.extend(['D:\\projects\\skylake', 'D:/projects/skylake'])

And it's fixed my problem