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What are the differences between Perl, Python, AWK and sed? [closed]

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What are the main differences among them? And in which typical scenarios is it better to use each language?

These type of so called un-constructive questions are really helpful.
Sure, a tab on the front page to find them would be handy...
For usefulness of python on the command line, see pyp


In order of appearance, the languages are sed, awk, perl, python.

The sed program is a stream editor and is designed to apply the actions from a script to each line (or, more generally, to specified ranges of lines) of the input file or files. Its language is based on ed, the Unix editor, and although it has conditionals and so on, it is hard to work with for complex tasks. You can work minor miracles with it - but at a cost to the hair on your head. However, it is probably the fastest of the programs when attempting tasks within its remit. (It has the least powerful regular expressions of the programs discussed - adequate for many purposes, but certainly not PCRE - Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions)

The awk program (name from the initials of its authors - Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan) is a tool initially for formatting reports. It can be used as a souped-up sed; in its more recent versions, it is computationally complete. It uses an interesting idea - the program is based on 'patterns matched' and 'actions taken when the pattern matches'. The patterns are fairly powerful (Extended Regular Expressions). The language for the actions is similar to C. One of the key features of awk is that it splits the input automatically into records and each record into fields.

Perl was written in part as an awk-killer and sed-killer. Two of the programs provided with it are a2p and s2p for converting awk scripts and sed scripts into Perl. Perl is one of the earliest of the next generation of scripting languages (Tcl/Tk can probably claim primacy). It has powerful integrated regular expression handling with a vastly more powerful language. It provides access to almost all system calls and has the extensibility of the CPAN modules. (Neither awk nor sed is extensible.) One of Perl's mottos is "TMTOWTDI - There's more than one way to do it" (pronounced "tim-toady"). Perl has 'objects', but it is more of an add-on than a fundamental part of the language.

Python was written last, and probably in part as a reaction to Perl. It has some interesting syntactic ideas (indenting to indicate levels - no braces or equivalents). It is more fundamentally object-oriented than Perl; it is just as extensible as Perl.

OK - when to use each?

Sed - when you need to do simple text transforms on files.

Awk - when you only need simple formatting and summarisation or transformation of data.

Perl - for almost any task, but especially when the task needs complex regular expressions.

Python - for the same tasks that you could use Perl for.

I'm not aware of anything that Perl can do that Python can't, nor vice versa. The choice between the two would depend on other factors. I learned Perl before there was a Python, so I tend to use it. Python has less accreted syntax and is generally somewhat simpler to learn. Perl 6, when it becomes available, will be a fascinating development.

(Note that the 'overviews' of Perl and Python, in particular, are woefully incomplete; whole books could be written on the topic.)

A++++ post, would read again!
awesome especially "when to use each" part
note the zen of python is basically the antithesis of TMTOWTDI so i would say it could be a reaction to perl. iirc TCL was slightly after perl and is also fairly reactionary against perl, though TCLs reaction is in syntax and language complexity, not ways to do things
Whatever the original intentions, it's clear that later Python development and the python community have preferred readability and consistency over Perl's more flexible but terse syntax. Excellent post Jonathan
@blasto: For ETL, I'd prioritize awk over sed for learning (though both still have their uses). As to size of task: sed is at its finest when it processes one line at a time, with no storage from line to line. awk is often used to build up associative arrays with data accumulated from all the sources; it uses more memory, and is therefore much more likely to run into problems with large data sets than sed is. I've not heard of tsawk before you linked to it. I tend to fall back on Perl (but you might do better with Python) when a task is too much for awk.
Russia Must Remove Putin

After mastering a few dozen languages, you get tired of people like S. Lott (see his controversial answer to this question, nearly half as many down-votes as up (+45/-22) six years after answering).

Sed is the best tool for extremely simple command-line pipelines. In the hands of a sed master, it's suitable for one-offs of arbitrary complexity, but it should not be used in production code except in very simple substitution pipelines. Stuff like 's/this/that/.'

Gawk (the GNU awk) is by far the best choice for complex data reformatting when there is only a single input source and a single output (or, multiple outputs sequentially written). Since a great deal of real-world work conforms to this description, and a good programmer can learn gawk in two hours, it is the best choice. On this planet, simpler and faster is better!

Perl or Python are far better than any version of awk or sed when you have very complex input/output scenarios. The more complex the problem is, the better off you are using python, from a maintenance and readability standpoint. Note, however, that a good programmer can write readable code in any language, and a bad programmer can write unmaintainable crap in any useful language, so the choice of perl or python can safely be left to the preferences of the programmer if said programmer is skilled and clever.

100% agreed. Knowing most, if not all the tools AND when to use each is what distinguishes a good technician from a mediocre one.
I will add that another reason to choose Python or Perl instead of awk is when your transformation requirements involve complex validation or logic for which another language has an existing, robust module. Think about what it would take to properly handle e.g. email or street addresses in awk and you'll see what I mean: perl and python have libraries that make things like this trivial, in awk these are uncommon or unavailable.
Actually as Perl was designed to encompass both Sed and Awk; I find it easier to just write it in Perl, rather than learning Sed or Awk.
@BradGilbert: like I just mentionned in the top answer, a caveat of Perl(&Python, ruby, etc) over awk is that some kind of regexp are reaaaaaaaaaally slower in the former :
@OlivierDulac Yes that shows a pathologic case. If you change from a?ⁿaⁿ to a??ⁿaⁿ then run that in Perl 5 with an of 1,000,000 it runs in less than two seconds. time perl -E '$x=1_000_000;$_="a"x$x;$m=("a??"x$x).("a"x$x);say $_=~$m' If you run the naive one it takes more than two seconds for an of just 25. The thing you have to realize is Perl has more regex features than those faster ones including allowing you to have Perl code inside of the regex that alters what it matches. You could implement a module that swaps the built-in for one of those others if you want.
Robert Gamble

I wouldn't call sed a fully-fledged programming language, it is a stream editor with language constructs aimed at editing text files programmatically.

Awk is a little more of a general purpose language but it is still best suited for text processing.

Perl and Python are fully fledged, general purpose programming languages. Perl has its roots in text processing and has a number of awk-like constructs (there is even an awk-to-perl script floating around on the net). There are many differences between Perl and Python, your best bet is probably to read the summaries of both languages on something like Wikipedia to get a good grasp on what they are.

I've seen a sed implementation of Sokoban, which would imply Turing Completeness. However, that can also be said of and TeX.
I worked with a guy once who wrote PostScript to turn a laser printer into a router.
@Sam: Wow! I didn't know a printer's laser could be cranked up enough to cut wood! Oh, sorry, wrong kind of router.
sed, not a full-fledged language? Well, that's not entirely true, as sed is turing complete ;)
I've seen an implementation of the forth language in awk. (Since awk can be regarded as a parser by its own right, it is rather straightforward to implement an interpreter in it).
brian d foy

First, there are two unrelated things in the list "Perl, Python awk and sed".

Thing 1 - simplistic text manipulation tools.

sed. It has a fixed, relatively simple scope of work defined by the idea of reading and examining each line of a file. sed is not designed to be particularly readable. It is designed to be very small and very efficient on very tiny unix servers.

awk. It has a slightly less fixed, less simple scope of work. However, the main loop of an awk program is defined by the implicit reading of lines of a source file.

These are not "complete" programming languages. While you can -- with some work -- write fairly sophisticated programs in awk, it rapidly gets complicated and difficult to read.

Thing 2 - general-purposes programming languages. These have a rich variety of statement types, numerous built-in data structures, and no wired-in assumptions or shortcuts to speak of.



When to use them.

sed. Never. It really doesn't have any value in the modern era of computers with more than 32K of memory. Perl or Python do the same things more clearly.

awk. Never. Like sed, it reflects an earlier era of computing. Rather than maintain this language (in addition to all the other required for a successful system), it's more pleasant to simply do everything in one pleasant language.

Perl. Any programming problem of any kind. If you like free-thinking syntax, where there are many, many ways to do the same thing, perl is fun.

Python. Any programming problem of any kind. If you like fairly limited syntax, where there are fewer choices, less subtlety, and (perhaps) more clarity. Python's object-oriented nature makes it more suitable for large, complex problems.

Background -- I'm not bashing sed and awk out of ignorance. I learned awk over 20 years ago. Did many things with it; used to teach it as a core unix skill. I learned Perl about 15 years ago. Did many sophisticated things with it. I've left both behind because I can do the same things in Python -- and it is simpler and more clear.

There are two serious problems with sed and awk, neither of which are their age.

The incompleteness of their implementation. Everything sed and awk do can be done in Python or Perl, often more simply and sometimes faster, too. A shell pipeline has some performance advantages because of its multi-processing. Python offers a subprocess module to allow me to recover those advantages. The need to learn yet another language. By doing things in Python (or Perl) your implementation depends on fewer languages, with a resulting increase in clarity.

Some pretty fatuous arguments against awk/sed. The adjustable wrench has not supplanted the open spanner for the same reason sed and awk still ship. Sometimes the simple tool is the best for the job. I write a lot of perl, but for a simple chain of piped commands, awk/sed are quicker than perl -e
You can't assume availability of anything but sh, sed and awk on most non-linux unix systems. If you want something to work on an out-of-the-box Solaris, HP/UX or AIX install, you're stuck with sed and awk.
Half of my shell scripts use either sed or awk. They are far from dead. Python is my preferred scripting language, but sometimes sed and awk are the best tool for the job. Just because they have been in use for many years, does not mean they are obsolete.
@S.Lott: I'm not suggesting that anyone should attempt to build a web-app in awk, but to say they should never be used is a bit outrageous. For a simple s&r and/or tweak (especially to a delimited text file), perl -e or python -c is never going to be as efficient as a sed/awk one-liner.
I don't like answers like this. Sed and awk are easy to understand in a few hours and much more lightweight and widely available than a full fledged language. Shell programming is as relevant as ever.
Bart Riordan

When to use them: awk - never - S. Lott.

I think S. Lott slightly missed the mark with this recommendation. The fact is, on Linux and the other UNIX environments, awk is a useful tool to be used with bash, sh, and ksh for quick text processings. The idea of scripting itself is you solve your problem by gluing together this tool, that tool. Hence in admin scripts, it is common to has ls, grep, |, awk, time, ps, etc. Each is a tool that the scripter combines like a builder brick by brick to finish the building (to solve the problem at hand).

For instance I am a team member of the team managing paintball gear supplies dotcom. This e-commerce site is based on the LAMP stack. For automated processing and normalizing data feeds from various suppliers into the back end database, we employ and maintain a diversified mix of scripts, including bash, perl, php, and even expect. Each has its strengths based on the available modules and API. In the bash scripts we do quick patterns match and appropriate actions on the patterns as needed using awk without the need to switch to PERL. One thing I would also like to point out, which has not been emphasized in the thread, is that a fair number of these scripts were purchased, or gotten from the open source. If the script came as Perl, we maintain it as Perl; if the script came as Php, we maintain it as Php; if it came as bash, we maintain it as bash; we do not re-write it in another language just because we think it is less efficient in the original language.

it was S.Lott who wrote that response you've quoted, not brian d foy...
as side note on this fairly old answer: never parse the output of ls, use glob instead. read this.