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capybara assert attributes of an element

I'm using RSpec2 and Capybara for acceptance testing.

I would like to assert that link is disabled or not in Capybara. How can I do this?


Another simple solution is to access the HTML attribute you are looking for with []:

# => "highlighted clearfix some_other_css_class"

# => "

# or in general, find any attribute, even if it does not exist
# => ""

Note that Capybara will automatically try to wait for asynchronous requests to finish, but it may not work in some cases:

Here is one workaround if you are having trouble with assertions on elements that are updated asynchronously:

Vrey usefull solution. Thanks!
I've got a string with the css location, eg. find('a#my_element[href]'), would it be possible to retrieve the value of this attribute? Trying with expressions like find('a#my_element[href]').value but doesn't seem to work :(
@mickael Try find('a#my_element[href]').text or find('a#my_element[href]').native . Let me know if either of those give the results you expect.
I realise that these comments are really old, but used it this way: page.find('#my_element')['href=""'] and it worked a treat
This will not wait for the query to become true if you want to make an assertion about an asynchronous change.

How are you disabling the link? Is it a class you're adding? An attribute?

# Check for a link that has a "disabled" class:
page.should have_css("a.my_link.disabled")
page.should have_xpath("//a[@class='disabled']")

# Check for a link that has a "disabled" attribute:
page.should have_css("a.my_link[disabled]")
page.should have_xpath("//a[@class='disabled' and @disabled='disabled']")

# Check that the element is visible
find("a.my_link").should be_visible
find(:xpath, "//a[@class='disabled']").should be_visible

The actual xpath selectors may be incorrect. I don't use xpath often!

Thanks @idlefingers , I want to assert using xpath too. How can I do so?
I've updated my answer. If the xpath selectors are wrong, you'll have to do some googling or open a new question.
Note that this won't work for view testing, as capybara isn't made to work with views. (Webrat is.)

It was a bit messy to find out the correct xpath, here is the correct one, using capybara

# <a href="/clowns?ordered_by=clumsyness" class="weep">View Clowns</a>  

page.should have_xpath("//a[@class='weep'][@href='/clowns?ordered_by=clumsyness']", :text => "View Clowns")

If you only have a link without a class, use

page.should have_link('View Clowns', :href => '/clowns?ordered_by=clumsyness')

Something like this will sadly not work:

page.should have_link('This will not work!', :href => '/clowns?ordered_by=clumsyness', :class => "weep")

The class option will be ignored.

Nick McCurdy

I recommend using have_link and find_link(name)[:disabled] in two separate assertions. While performing the second assertion alone is simpler, this makes error messages about missing links look nicer, making your test results easier to read.

expect(page).to have_link "Example"
expect(find_link("Example")[:disabled]).to be false

Note that "Example" can be changed to the name or id of the link.

page.should have_link('It will work this way!', {:href => '/clowns?ordered_by=clumsyness', :class => "smile"})

have_link expects a hash of options which is empty if you do not provide any. You can specify any attributes the link should have - just make sure you pass all the options in ONE hash.

Hope this helps

PS: For attributes like data-method you have to pass the attribute name as a string since the hyphen breaks the symbol.

It never worked and doesn't work with Capybara. I don't know why 9 people upvoted this.
This no longer works in Capybara 2. Folks using Capybara < 2 can use the above
@Tian it didn't work in Capybara < 2. I suggest you to downvote this answer.
class: is not valid
you can not specify any attributes this way, only a certain allow-listed subset, including :href, :title, :alt, and :class. Class does work though!
Ciro Santilli Путлер Капут 六四事

Whenever possible, you should try to use the Capybara provided wrappers which will work more consistently across drivers.

For the particular case of disabled, a wrapper was introduced in 2.1:

If you use it, you will get sensible results on both RackTest and Poltergeist:


<input type="text" id="disabled-false"            ></div>
<input type="text" id="disabled-true"     disabled></div>
<input type="text" id="disabled-js-true"          ></div>
<input type="text" id="disabled-js-false" disabled></div>
  document.getElementById('disabled-js-true').disabled = true
  document.getElementById('disabled-js-false').disabled = false


!all(:field, 'disabled-false',    disabled: false).empty? or raise
 all(:field, 'disabled-false',    disabled: true ).empty? or raise
 all(:field, 'disabled-true',     disabled: false).empty? or raise
!all(:field, 'disabled-true',     disabled: true ).empty? or raise
 all(:field, 'disabled-js-true',  disabled: true ).empty? or raise
 all(:field, 'disabled-js-false', disabled: false).empty? or raise

Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist
!all(:field, 'disabled-false',    disabled: false).empty? or raise
 all(:field, 'disabled-false',    disabled: true ).empty? or raise
 all(:field, 'disabled-true',     disabled: false).empty? or raise
!all(:field, 'disabled-true',     disabled: true ).empty? or raise
!all(:field, 'disabled-js-true',  disabled: true ).empty? or raise
!all(:field, 'disabled-js-false', disabled: false).empty? or raise

Note how by using this instead of CSS selectors, the Javascript tests will work without any changes if you start using a Js capable driver.

Runnable test file here.


bowsersenior, thanks for a hint

Another simple solution is to access the HTML attribute you are looking for with []

Here is an example:

let(:action_items) { page.find('div.action_items') }

it "action items displayed as buttons" do
  action_items.all(:css, 'a').each do |ai|
    expect(ai[:class]).to match(/btn/)

Camilo Sad

Using Rspec3's syntax i did it this way:

expect(page).not_to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'Click here')


Simply you can use page.has_css? method


this will return true if element exists.

Do some action based on validation.

page.has_css?('.class_name') do
  #some code


According to the docs you can use the [attribute] accessor syntax:

find('#selector')['class'] => "form-control text optional disabled"

For disabled, you could also do this:

expect(find('#selector').disabled?).to be(true)