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Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

How do I set up a shell script to execute from the Mac OSX dock? It seems that simply creating a shortcut will open the file in my editor. Is there a flag I need to set somewhere to tell it to run instead of opening it for editing?

should +1 solely for the avatar, though i like the topic too.
You might want to consider switch accepted answers to the 2nd one @Wilco. I think it's a better answer.


You could create a Automator workflow with a single step - "Run Shell Script"

Then File > Save As, and change the File Format to "Application". When you open the application, it will run the Shell Script step, executing the command, exiting after it completes.

The benefit to this is it's really simple to do, and you can very easily get user input (say, selecting a bunch of files), then pass it to the input of the shell script (either to stdin, or as arguments).

(Automator is in your /Applications folder!)

@dbr, GUI button pusher! :) Just kidding, that is a good suggestion!
Yeah, it was an excellent suggestion :) I've even written Automator actions for some of my apps and I still forget about it in times like this :)
I can't get this to work with nohup, a la "nohup /usr/bin/myscript & ; disown -a && exit 0". I need the app/workflow to run a script and exit immediately. Any ideas? :-)
@martineau If you open the application by doing open -a --args --etc=2 it should focus. Alternatively you can focus it using Applescript (e.g osascript -e 'tell application "Google Chrome" to activate')
Note: if your script is launching a GUI app which will remain open for a while, this will show a constantly-spinning gear icon in the taskbar until the app is closed. One work-around is to add ` &>/dev/null &` to the launching-line of the script so Automator doesn't wait around.

If you don't need a Terminal window, you can make any executable file an Application just by creating a shell script Example and moving it to the filename You can place this new application in your dock like any other, and execute it with a click.

NOTE: the name of the app must exactly match the script name. So the top level directory has to be and the script in the Contents/MacOS subdirectory must be named Example, and the script must be executable.

If you do need to have the terminal window displayed, I don't have a simple solution. You could probably do something with Applescript, but that's not very clean.

You don't happen to know if there is an easy way to have files passed as arguments to the shell script? For files opened using "open with...".
For anyone trying to do this--the name of the app must exactly match the script name. So it really has to be, not just You will get a warning about damaged app if these do not match
To clarify -- I'm an OSX noob -- you mean just create a folder structure like the one shown in your example with the script file placed in it as shown?
@martineau Yes, that's correct. If you create a folder whose name ends in .app and with that structure, it will be treated as an executable Application. If you want to look at the contents of that folder in the Finder, you'll need to right click on it and select "view package contents" (because double-clicking on it would run the application). In the Terminal, it will just appear to be a folder. (I'm not sure if Finder will let you rename the folder to .app by itself; you may need to do the rename in the Terminal.)
I just attempted this, and received an error in El Capitan (10.11) of: "You can't open .... because powerpc applications are no longer supported." :D That's quite interesting!

On OSX Mavericks:

Create your shell script. Make your shell script executable: chmod +x Rename your script to have a .app suffix: mv Drag the script to the OSX dock. Rename your script back to a .sh suffix: mv Right-click the file in Finder, and click the "Get Info" option. At the bottom of the window, set the shell script to open with the terminal.

Now when you click on the script in the dock, A terminal window will pop up and execute your script.

Bonus: To get the terminal to close when your script has completed, add exit 0 to the end and change the terminal settings to "close the shell if exited cleanly" like it says to do in this SO answer.

Nice, this worked for me, any way to chance the icon I wonder. FYI: ALso step 7 is referring to the file and not the menu item ...
the way nice! just all .sh with open terminal.
@stiemannkj1, Does this show the icon while the app is running? Is there anyway to hide it?
If you remove .sh suffix, it will run in a terminal in MacOS Catalina by default. Otherwise it will try to run it in XCode.
Supernice trick! works when you remove .sh. You can add program icon by opening cmd+i (info box) and drag a photo to it
Jason Tholstrup

I know this is old but in case it is helpful to others:

If you need to run a script and want the terminal to pop up so you can see the results you can do like Abyss Knight said and change the extension to .command. If you double click on it it will open a terminal window and run.

I however needed this to run from automator or appleScript. So to get this to open a new terminal the command I ran from "run shell script" was "open myShellScript.command" and it opened in a new terminal.

wonderful, thanks! Now all need want to make it a perfect solution would be a way to close the terminal window when the script completes.
well if you have close window on exit selected in the terminal preferences you can add the exit command to your script and you'll have what you want.
Jason Coco

As long as your script is executable and doesn't have any extension you can drag it as-is to the right side (Document side) of the Dock and it will run in a terminal window when clicked instead of opening an editor.

If you want to have an extension (like, you can go to the file info window in Finder and change the default application for that particular script from whatever it is (TextEdit, TextMate, whatever default is set on your computer for .sh files) to Terminal. It will then just execute instead of opening in a text editor. Again, you will have to drag it to the right side of the Dock.

NOTE: This works like a champ in OS X 10.10 Yosemite. I cannot comment on 10.9
Works on 10.11. Thank you!
Works on 10.12 too! Perhaps my comment about 10.9 was incorrect, but I noticed that you need to make sure you drag it to the part of the dock below the separator. I have no way to re-test 10.9 unfortunately.
No need to add it to the Dock. It can be run from the desktop. But there can be no extension. Make it executable and you can just double-click. This is the simplest option I've seen.
Joe McMahon

In the Script Editor:

do shell script "/full/path/to/your/script -with 'all desired args'"

Save as an application bundle.

As long as all you want to do is get the effect of the script, this will work fine. You won't see STDOUT or STDERR.

I would suggest: "Save as an application BUNDLE". The bundles launch much faster than applications.

I think this thread may be helpful:

To paraphrase, you can rename it with the .command extension or create an AppleScript to run the shell.

On Snow Leopard at least, adding a .command extension to a script makes it run in the terminal if you double-click it, but for some reason you still can't drag it into the dock. dbr's and Jeremy's suggestions both worked for me, though.

As joe mentioned, creating the shell script and then creating an applescript script to call the shell script, will accomplish this, and is quite handy.

Shell Script

Create your shell script in your favorite text editor, for example: mono "/Volumes/Media/~Users/me/Software/keepass/keepass.exe" (this runs the w32 executable, using the mono framework) Save shell script, for my example ""

Apple Script

Open AppleScript Editor, and call the shell script do shell script "sh /Volumes/Media/~Users/me/Software/" user name "" password "" with administrator privileges do shell script - applescript command to call external shell commands "sh ...." - this is your shell script (full path) created in step one (you can also run direct commands, I could omit the shell script and just run my mono command here) user name - declares to applescript you want to run the command as a specific user " - replace with your username (keeping quotes) ex "josh" password - declares to applescript your password "" - replace with your password (keeping quotes) ex "mypass" with administrative privileges - declares you want to run as an admin

Create Your .APP

save your applescript as filename.scpt, in my case RunKeepass.scpt save as... your applescript and change the file format to application, resulting in in my case Copy your app file to your apps folder


Exact steps to achieve that in macOS Monterey 12.3

Open Automator File -> New Choose Application Go to Library -> Utilities Double-click Run Shell Script Type in whatever command you want to run. For example, try the command to toggle Dark Mode:

osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to not dark mode'

File -> Save Drag the saved file to the Dock, done!

Simple and to-the-point answer!
Sridhar Sarnobat

pip install mac-appify

I had trouble with the accepted solution but this command worked for me.


pip install mac-appify


/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/appify ~/bin/ ~/Desktop/


Someone wrote...

I just set all files that end in ".sh" to open with Terminal. It works fine and you don't have to change the name of each shell script you want to run.