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Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

I have a storage folder on a network in which all users will store their active data on a server. Now that server is going to be replaced by a new one due to place problem so I need to copy sub folders files from the old server storage folder to new server storage folder. I have below ex:

from \Oldeserver\storage\data & files to \New server\storage\data & files.

I assume you're talking about a Windows environment?
@HugoM.Zuleta, I'm aware of .bat files. But "batch file" is not necessarily guaranteeing a Windows environment. The use of the term pre-dates Windows (as do .bat files) and I've even seen novices use the term to mean "shell scripts" in *nix environments.
@pluma I agree, and this is mostly because they refer to batch operations done by their OS's scripting tools.


xcopy.exe is definitely your friend here. It's built into Windows, so its cost is nothing.

Just xcopy /s c:\source d:\target

You'd probably want to tweak a few things; some of the options we also add include these:

/s/e - recursive copy, including copying empty directories.

/v - add this to verify the copy against the original. slower, but for the paranoid.

/h - copy system and hidden files.

/k - copy read-only attributes along with files. otherwise, all files become read-write.

/x - if you care about permissions, you might want /o or /x.

/y - don't prompt before overwriting existing files.

/z - if you think the copy might fail and you want to restart it, use this. It places a marker on each file as it copies, so you can rerun the xcopy command to pick up from where it left off.

If you think the xcopy might fail partway through (like when you are copying over a flaky network connection), or that you have to stop it and want to continue it later, you can use xcopy /s/z c:\source d:\target.

Hope this helps.

@Iavinio It's asking file or directory when copying an archive. Is there a way to suppress that ?
Hi @mini-me - I found that if it's a directory, you can specify a trailing '/' character and you won't see that message.
/i - If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory.
How to copy a single file from the directory?
To get around the "file or directory" prompt, do the command like so... echo f | xcopy /s /f srcfile destfile
Etienne Dupuis

My favorite one to backup data is:

ROBOCOPY "C:\folder" "C:\new_folder" /mir

/mir is for mirror. You can also use /mov to move files. It reproduce the exact same folder. It can delete/overwrite files as needed. Works great for me. It's way faster than xcopy / copy. It's built in Windows as well.


I support this. It is really fast. much faster than xcopy
Is there a way to recursively remove thumbs.db similar to this?
Exactly the thing I was looking for. Copies all the subfolder and files exactly from source.

Just to be clear, when you use xcopy /s c:\source d:\target, put "" around the c:\source and d:\target,otherwise you get error.

ie if there are spaces in the path ie if you have:

"C:\Some Folder\*.txt"

but not required if you have:


The quotation marks made the trick ;) thanks I also used /Y to replace the file if it exists :) Example: ´´´xcopy /s "c:\source" "d:\target" /Y```

You may want to take a look at XCopy or RoboCopy which are pretty comprehensive solutions for nearly all file copy operations on Windows.

RoboCopy seems to be better than XCopy because xcopy asks for file or folder decisions. And I can't turn it down. It MUST be able to work full automatic.
@mini-me I know this is very late however I cant find the same relevant switch. I ended up resorting to making it create a blank file with the same name I am copying to and then overwrite it. If the file already exists then it doesnt bother asking if its a file or directory. (If you want auto directory then you can append a '/' to the path and it will do it). Hope this helps future people!
@Eve For reference, echo f | xcopy source destination /y will make it automatic. It assigns all questions an "f" as a response. It will also pass overwrite requests (f is taken as yes, I think).

To bypass the 'specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)?' prompt with xcopy, you can do the following...

echo f | xcopy /f /y srcfile destfile

or for those of us just copying large substructures/folders:

use /i which specifies destination must be a directory if copying more than one file

(echo "f" for files or "D" for directories)
trying to do this now and it just aint working - I always get prompts when trying to copy one file to another directory. Using Win 10 if that affects it at all echo f | xcopy /f /y "My.dll" "C:\myFolder\My.dll". I've tried it with a combination of other switches to no avail (and capital F)
Donald Duck

If you want to copy file not using absolute path, relative path in other words:

Don't forget to write backslash in the path AND NOT slash


copy children-folder\file.something .\other-children-folder

PS: absolute path can be retrieved using these wildcards called "batch parameters"

@echo off
echo %%~dp0 is "%~dp0"
echo %%0 is "%0"
echo %%~dpnx0 is "%~dpnx0"
echo %%~f1 is "%~f1"
echo %%~dp0%%~1 is "%~dp0%~1"

Check documentation here about copy:

And also here for batch parameters documentation:

I think that \ is called backslash.
David Castro
@echo off

rem The * at the end of the destination file is to avoid File/Directory Internal Question.

rem You can do this for each especific file. (Make sure you already have permissions to the path)
xcopy /Y "\\Oldeserver\storage\data\MyFile01.txt" "\\New server\storage\data\MyFile01.txt"*

rem You can use "copy" instead of "xcopy "for this example.


Look at rsync based Windows tool NASBackup. It will be a bonus if you are acquainted with rsync commands.


You can use esentutl to copy (mainly big) files with a progress bar:

esentutl /y "my.file" /d "another.file" /o

the progress bar looks like this:

Panagiotis Bougioukos

If Bash is available to you, you can simple use the following command with recursive option.

cp -r "C:\Users\sourceFolder\." "C:\Users\destinationFolder"

Which will copy all files and folders contained under sourceFolder insde destincationFolder