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How to Debug Variables in Smarty like in PHP var_dump()

I have some variables inside a template and I don't know where I assigned them. I need to know what is inside a particular variable; for instance, say I have a variable in smarty called member. I tried with {debug} but it didn't work, and no popup was shown.

How can I output/debug smarty variables using something like var_dump() inside the templates?


You can use {php} tags

Method 1 (won't work in Smarty 3.1 or later):


$var =


Method 2:


Method 3:


Resorting to php tags is not good practice and ideally they should be disabled for security reasons anyway. @debug_print_var (see answer from Chris) is a much better solition.
With the latest version of Smarty disabling the {php}...{/php} tags, Methods 2 or 3 are better options.
Output looks even better if you surround it with
 tags. Methods above are the best.
Add an additional param to print_r() to make it return the output to smarty, to avoid an extra echo at the end: {$var|@print_r:true}
Most clean view of the variable gives {$var|@dump} and it doesn't even need to be wrapped with <pre></pre>. {$var|dump} works just the same on Smarty 3.
Tom Haigh

This should work:




The @ is needed for arrays to make smarty run the modifier against the whole thing, otherwise it does it for each element.

A lot better then the chose answer.
better then the chosen answer? srsly? the chosen answer has those solutions in it too but just contains one more for older smarty versions, so I cannot really get how you could say it's better than the chosen one xD
Nathaniel Ford

For what it's worth, you can do {$varname|@debug_print_var} to get a var_dump()-esque output for your variable.

Sometimes you are not sure what the variable is and many times @print_r and @var_dump did not work (in x-cart for example), but @debug_print_var output was there.
Thanks so much! Your answer is the only that works form me.

just use {debug} in your .tpl and look at your sourcecode

Nice. This actually created a pop-up window for me, so I didn't have to look at the source. Had to disable my pop-up blocker though.
Alexander Zakusilo

In new Smarty it is:



Try out with the Smarty Session:




To beautify your output, use it between <pre> </pre> tags


try this .... Set $debugging to TRUE in Smarty.

sure i know that, but i need to do it without modding the core php files

To debug in smarty in prestashop 1.6.x :

{ddd($variable)} -> debug and die

{ppp($variable)} -> debug only

An onther usefull debug tag :



If you want something prettier I would advise

{"<?php\n\$data =\n"|@cat:{$yourvariable|@var_export:true|@cat:";\n?>"}|@highlight_string:true}

just replace yourvariable by your variable

Awais fiaz

in smarty V3 you can use this


Peter van Sark

I prefer to use <script>console.log({$varname|@json_encode})</script> to log to the console.


{$variable|@debug_print_var nofilter} and you not need to add "<pre>" tags

{$variable|var_dump} show you more (but worse formatting) because debug_print_var not showing private variable in object!

Saghir A. Khatri

In smarty there is built in modifier you could use that by using | (single pipeline operator). Like this {$varname|@print_r} will print value as print_r($php_variable)