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Testing two JSON objects for equality ignoring child order in Java [closed]

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I'm looking for a JSON parsing library that supports comparing two JSON objects ignoring child order, specifically for unit testing JSON returning from a web service.

Do any of the major JSON libraries support this? The org.json library simply does a reference comparison.

Can't serialize both objects to string representation and compare? I guess all of the libraries support toString() to convert the object to JSON string.
That assumes that order on serialization to and from strings are always the same. I'm not comfortable making that assumption.
You're right Jeff, it's not safe at all. This test shows a scenario where the mappings are the same but toString() does not return the same output: This is because the underlying HashMap can grow, and if you remove keys, the HashMap internal array does not shrink.
Json Compare json-compare

Carter Page

Try Skyscreamer's JSONAssert.

Its non-strict mode has two major advantages that make it less brittle:

Object extensibility (e.g. With an expected value of {id:1}, this would still pass: {id:1,moredata:'x'}.)

Loose array ordering (e.g. ['dog','cat']==['cat','dog'])

In strict mode it behaves more like json-lib's test class.

A test looks something like this:

public void testGetFriends() {
    JSONObject data = getRESTData("/friends/367.json");
    String expected = "{friends:[{id:123,name:\"Corby Page\"}"
        + ",{id:456,name:\"Solomon Duskis\"}]}";
    JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, data, false);

The parameters in the JSONAssert.assertEquals() call are expectedJSONString, actualDataString, and isStrict.

The result messages are pretty clear, which is important when comparing really big JSON objects.

I've been using this solution, but I've just found that you could also provide a JSONCompareMode of you choosing. One of which is NON_EXTENSIBLE. So you'd have something like this: JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, data, JSONCompareMode.NON_EXTENSIBLE); The NON_EXTENSIBLE mode means that any new or missing fields cause failures, but the order doesn't. Using false would instigate lenient mode which wouldn't report any extra or missing child elements.
The NON_EXTENSIBLE compare mode is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for this, Dan.
Before I get all excited: does this support nested JSON objects and arrays as well? :)
People might want to take this JSONassert issue into account before using the library: it indicates that there are currently potential licensing issues with a dependency of the library.
JSONAssert issue #44 fixed with clean-room library replacement in PR 67, released today as JSONAssert 1.4.0.

As a general architectural point, I usually advise against letting dependencies on a particular serialization format bleed out beyond your storage/networking layer; thus, I'd first recommend that you consider testing equality between your own application objects rather than their JSON manifestations.

Having said that, I'm currently a big fan of Jackson which my quick read of their ObjectNode.equals() implementation suggests does the set membership comparison that you want:

public boolean equals(Object o)
    if (o == this) return true;
    if (o == null) return false;
    if (o.getClass() != getClass()) {
        return false;
    ObjectNode other = (ObjectNode) o;
    if (other.size() != size()) {
        return false;
    if (_children != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> en : _children.entrySet()) {
            String key = en.getKey();
            JsonNode value = en.getValue();

            JsonNode otherValue = other.get(key);

            if (otherValue == null || !otherValue.equals(value)) {
                return false;
    return true;

This method is not symmetric, as it only tests 'subset' relationship of the children, not equality. the 'other' object may have more children then in _children, and this method would still return true.
@Yoni: Not true, as there's a size comparison. They must have the exact same number of children as well as the same children. @Jolly Roger: In this case, I'm not serializing the object from JSON back into a POJO, but when sending JSON a system that does, I can't rely on it sending it back in the exact same format in which I sent it.
@Jeff Did this work for you? In junit, assertEquals fails for me. The project is using an old version (1.5), fyi.
I think you're missing some high level testing if you aren't asserting JSON. You could have a thin test which makes a http request and responds with some expected JSON - it's the main functional behaviour of the web service.
Just a minor note regarding performance: the code that compares 'value' with 'otherValue' can be simplified to if (value.equals(other.get(key)) return false; as 'value' is guaranteed to be not-null and JsonNode's equals() method ought to accept a null argument.

Using GSON

JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement o1 = parser.parse("{a : {a : 2}, b : 2}");
JsonElement o2 = parser.parse("{b : 2, a : {a : 2}}");
assertEquals(o1, o2);

Edit: Since GSON v2.8.6 the instance method JsonParser.parse is deprecated. You have to use the static method JsonParser.parseString:

JsonElement o1 = JsonParser.parseString("{a : {a : 2}, b : 2}");
JsonElement o2 = JsonParser.parseString("{b : 2, a : {a : 2}}");
assertEquals(o1, o2);

Works in GSON 2.8.2 for me.
it is not working if jsonArray elements are not in order. version 2.8.2
Not Working for me if the order of object/element is different
It worked for me because I just wanted it for a unit test where the two jsons properties had the same order
@GabrielBB You should edit the question and indicate what version the API is deprecated in, and in what version the new style of code starts to work.
Jared Burrows

I would do the following,

JSONObject obj1 = /*json*/;
JSONObject obj2 = /*json*/;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

JsonNode tree1 = mapper.readTree(obj1.toString());
JsonNode tree2 = mapper.readTree(obj2.toString());

return tree1.equals(tree2);

If you're using Jackson already this is the best answer IMHO.
but this is an strict comparison I think. It will return false for two equal json having different order of elements.
@deadpool, it may have been a strict comparison, but it is not strict now.
This don't work when you have array as nested object and there is difference in order in array
This will ignore most order changes except for list order changes that must be the same. see here:

Use this library:



IGNORING_ARRAY_ORDER - ignores order in arrays

  .isEqualTo("{\"test\": [3,2,1]}");

can you add more comment how we can use it i add it to my pom but we need doc in order to understand how to use it
sure usage is very simple: Add this to your pom. net.javacrumbs.json-unit json-unit 1.5.0 test
10x i have looked at the instruction at the link and i found it :)
Jared Burrows

You could try using json-lib's JSONAssert class:

  "{foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux'}",
  JSONObject.fromObject("{foo: 'bar', baz: 'xyzzy'}")


junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: objects differed at key [baz]; expected:<[qux]> but was:<[xyzzy]>

Or even simpler: JSONAssert.assertJsonEquals( "{foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux'}", {foo: 'bar', baz: 'xyzzy'}");
Whil this solution works for the order of data items within the JSON, it will fail if the order of elements within arrays does not match. If your code uses a Set that is converted to JSON for example. The following JSON compare would fail: JSONAssert.assertJsonEquals( "{foo: 'bar', list: [{test: '1'}, {rest: '2'}] }", "{ foo: 'bar', list: [{rest: '2'}, {test: '1'}] }"); With the message: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: : : objects differed at key [list];: arrays first differed at element [0];: objects differed at key [test];
Yes, this is a limitation of Json :(. shows that there is no unordered collection token. { } can only surround key-value pairs. This is highly irritating

If you are already using JUnit, the latest version now employs Hamcrest. It is a generic matching framework (especially useful for unit testing) that can be extended to build new matchers.

There is a small open source library called hamcrest-json with JSON-aware matches. It is well documented, tested, and supported. Below are some useful links:

Source code

Home page

Javadocs for main matcher:

Example code using objects from the JSON library org.json.simple:


Optionally, you may (1) allow "any-order" arrays and (2) ignore extra fields.

Since there are a variety of JSON libraries for Java (Jackson, GSON, json-lib, etc.), it is useful that hamcrest-json supports JSON text (as java.lang.String), as well as natively supporting objects from Douglas Crockford's JSON library org.json.

Finally, if you are not using JUnit, you can use Hamcrest directly for assertions. (I wrote about it here.)

What is the advantage of using hamcrast matchers instead of using the JSONAssert directly?
@Johannes: Style only.
The hamcrest-json sources currently have a last commit date of 2012. It may not be so well supported anymore.

You can try JsonUnit. It can compare two JSON objects and report differences. It's built on top of Jackson.

For example

assertThatJson("{\"test\":1}").isEqualTo("{\n\"test\": 2\n}");

Results in

java.lang.AssertionError: JSON documents are different:
Different value found in node "test". Expected 1, got 2.


I'm using this, and works fine for me (with org.json.*):

package com.project1.helpers;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class JSONUtils {

    public static boolean areEqual(Object ob1, Object ob2) throws JSONException {
        Object obj1Converted = convertJsonElement(ob1);
        Object obj2Converted = convertJsonElement(ob2);
        return obj1Converted.equals(obj2Converted);

    private static Object convertJsonElement(Object elem) throws JSONException {
        if (elem instanceof JSONObject) {
            JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) elem;
            Iterator<String> keys = obj.keys();
            Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new HashMap<>();
            while (keys.hasNext()) {
                String key =;
                jsonMap.put(key, convertJsonElement(obj.get(key)));
            return jsonMap;
        } else if (elem instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray arr = (JSONArray) elem;
            Set<Object> jsonSet = new HashSet<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) {
            return jsonSet;
        } else {
            return elem;

Claudio Aguiar

One thing I did and it works wonders is to read both objects into HashMap and then compare with a regular assertEquals(). It will call the equals() method of the hashmaps, which will recursively compare all objects inside (they will be either other hashmaps or some single value object like a string or integer). This was done using Codehaus' Jackson JSON parser.

assertEquals(mapper.readValue(expectedJson, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>>(){}), mapper.readValue(actualJson, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>>(){}));

A similar approach can be used if the JSON object is an array instead.

Victor Ionescu

For org.json I've rolled out my own solution, a method that compares to JSONObject instances. I didn't work with complex JSON objects in that project, so I don't know whether this works in all scenarios. Also, given that I use this in unit tests, I didn't put effort into optimizations. Here it is:

public static boolean jsonObjsAreEqual (JSONObject js1, JSONObject js2) throws JSONException {
    if (js1 == null || js2 == null) {
        return (js1 == js2);

    List<String> l1 =  Arrays.asList(JSONObject.getNames(js1));
    List<String> l2 =  Arrays.asList(JSONObject.getNames(js2));
    if (!l1.equals(l2)) {
        return false;
    for (String key : l1) {
        Object val1 = js1.get(key);
        Object val2 = js2.get(key);
        if (val1 instanceof JSONObject) {
            if (!(val2 instanceof JSONObject)) {
                return false;
            if (!jsonObjsAreEqual((JSONObject)val1, (JSONObject)val2)) {
                return false;

        if (val1 == null) {
            if (val2 != null) {
                return false;
        }  else if (!val1.equals(val2)) {
            return false;
    return true;

Since you mentioned optimizations :), if val1 is null you will get a NullPointerException from this code if (!val1.equals(val2)) {
It happens to the best of us also :). +1 for fixing it in your answer.
point taken :) Hope that it doesn't get too much votes though, otherwise it's gonna be lots of support.
You did not consider if js2 is null or not when js1 is not null
This code does not work for nested objects/sequences.
Gopi Vishwakarma

You can use zjsonpatch library, which presents the diff information in accordance with RFC 6902 (JSON Patch). Its very easy to use. Please visit its description page for its usage

Justin Ohms

I know it is usually considered only for testing but you could use the Hamcrest JSON comparitorSameJSONAs in Hamcrest JSON.

Hamcrest JSON SameJSONAs


I'd take the library at, and modify the equals method of JSONObject and JSONArray to do a deep equality test. To make sure that it works regradless of the order of the children, all you need to do is replace the inner map with a TreeMap, or use something like Collections.sort().

its not that great - it really should have come with code to do json comparison.
But imagine writing that code where JSON can be anything in any structure...write the compare on that! Its like writing a compare for all types HTML pages.

Try this:

public static boolean jsonsEqual(Object obj1, Object obj2) throws JSONException

        if (!obj1.getClass().equals(obj2.getClass()))
            return false;

        if (obj1 instanceof JSONObject)
            JSONObject jsonObj1 = (JSONObject) obj1;

            JSONObject jsonObj2 = (JSONObject) obj2;

            String[] names = JSONObject.getNames(jsonObj1);
            String[] names2 = JSONObject.getNames(jsonObj1);
            if (names.length != names2.length)
                return false;

            for (String fieldName:names)
                Object obj1FieldValue = jsonObj1.get(fieldName);

                Object obj2FieldValue = jsonObj2.get(fieldName);

                if (!jsonsEqual(obj1FieldValue, obj2FieldValue))
                    return false;
        else if (obj1 instanceof JSONArray)
            JSONArray obj1Array = (JSONArray) obj1;
            JSONArray obj2Array = (JSONArray) obj2;

            if (obj1Array.length() != obj2Array.length())
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < obj1Array.length(); i++)
                boolean matchFound = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < obj2Array.length(); j++)
                    if (jsonsEqual(obj1Array.get(i), obj2Array.get(j)))
                        matchFound = true;

                if (!matchFound)
                    return false;
            if (!obj1.equals(obj2))
                return false;

        return true;

within jsonArrays this returns true if some of the elements coincide, as opposed to all the elements coincide.
@matiasg - does the if (obj1Array.length() != obj2Array.length()) not ensure all elements coincide?
@kwah: nope. Consider this example: obj1Array = [1,1,1], obj2Array = [1,2,3]. This would return true. Also, even if elements coincide, they should be in the same order. This would return true for [1,2,3] and [2,3,1] too, which is wrong
Peter Thomas

Karate is exactly what you are looking for. Here is an example:

* def myJson = { foo: 'world', hey: 'ho', zee: [5], cat: { name: 'Billie' } }
* match myJson = { cat: { name: 'Billie' }, hey: 'ho', foo: 'world', zee: [5] }

(disclaimer: dev here)


What I did is converting the jsons into maps using gson and comparing the maps using assertj:

Map<Object, Object> resMap = gson.fromJson(res, new TypeToken<Map<Object, Object>>() {}.getType());
Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = gson.fromJson(expected, new TypeToken<Map<Object, Object>>() {}.getType());

The result is a nice comparison between all attributes, recursively!!!

Julian Cardenas

This may help those working with Spring Framework. You may reuse what is used internally for doing assertions on ResultActions (for controller testing):

Import: org.springframework.test.util.JsonExpectationsHelper

And you can write tests that break with verbose output:

java.lang.AssertionError: someObject.someArray[1].someInternalObject2.value
Expected: 456
     got: 4567

Test code:

void test() throws Exception {

    final String json1 =
        "{" +
        "  'someObject': {" +
        "    'someArray': [" +
        "      {" +
        "        'someInternalObject': {" +
        "          'value': '123'" +
        "        }" +
        "      }," +
        "      {" +
        "        'someInternalObject2': {" +
        "          'value': '456'" +
        "        }" +
        "      }" +
        "    ]" +
        "  }" +

    final String json2 =
        "{" +
        "  'someObject': {" +
        "    'someArray': [" +
        "      {" +
        "        'someInternalObject': {" +
        "          'value': '123'" +
        "        }" +
        "      }," +
        "      {" +
        "        'someInternalObject2': {" +
        "          'value': '4567'" +
        "        }" +
        "      }" +
        "    ]" +
        "  }" +

    new JsonExpectationsHelper().assertJsonEqual(json1, json2, true);

Bhargav Rao

For comparing jsons I recommend using my library, JSONCompare:

// Compare by regex
String expected = "{\"a\":\".*me.*\"}";
String actual = "{\"a\":\"some text\"}";
JSONCompare.assertEquals(expected, actual);  // True

// Check expected array has no extra elements
String expected = "[1,\"test\",4,\"!.*\"]";
String actual = "[4,1,\"test\"]";
JSONCompare.assertEquals(expected, actual);  // True

// Check expected array has no numbers
String expected = "[\"\\\\\\d+\"]";
String actual = "[\"text\",\"test\"]";
JSONCompare.assertEquals(expected, actual);  // True

// Check expected array has no numbers
String expected = "[\"\\\\\\d+\"]";
String actual = "[2018]";
JSONCompare.assertNotEquals(expected, actual);  // True


For those like me wanting to do this with Jackson, you can use json-unit.

JsonAssert.assertJsonEquals(jsonNode1, jsonNode2);

The errors give useful feedback on the type of mismatch:

java.lang.AssertionError: JSON documents have different values:
Different value found in node "heading.content[0].tag[0]". Expected 10209, got 10206.

Janez Kuhar

Do any of the major JSON libraries support this? The org.json library simply does a reference comparison.

But org.json does support this! Use similar() instead of equals().

Alex R

Nothing else seemed to work quite right, so I wrote this:

private boolean jsonEquals(JsonNode actualJson, JsonNode expectJson) {
    if(actualJson.getNodeType() != expectJson.getNodeType()) return false;

    switch(expectJson.getNodeType()) {
    case NUMBER:
        return actualJson.asDouble() == expectJson.asDouble();
    case STRING:
    case BOOLEAN:
        return actualJson.asText().equals(expectJson.asText());
    case OBJECT:
        if(actualJson.size() != expectJson.size()) return false;

        Iterator<String> fieldIterator = actualJson.fieldNames();
        while(fieldIterator.hasNext()) {
            String fieldName =;
            if(!jsonEquals(actualJson.get(fieldName), expectJson.get(fieldName))) {
                return false;
    case ARRAY:
        if(actualJson.size() != expectJson.size()) return false;
        List<JsonNode> remaining = new ArrayList<>();
        // O(N^2)   
        for(int i=0; i < actualJson.size(); ++i) {
            boolean oneEquals = false;
            for(int j=0; j < remaining.size(); ++j) {
                if(jsonEquals(actualJson.get(i), remaining.get(j))) {
                    oneEquals = true;
            if(!oneEquals) return false;
        throw new IllegalStateException();
    return true;

Radadiya Nikunj

Following code will be more helpful to compare two JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonPrimitive and JasonElements.

private boolean compareJson(JsonElement json1, JsonElement json2) {
        boolean isEqual = true;
        // Check whether both jsonElement are not null
        if (json1 != null && json2 != null) {

            // Check whether both jsonElement are objects
            if (json1.isJsonObject() && json2.isJsonObject()) {
                Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> ens1 = ((JsonObject) json1).entrySet();
                Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> ens2 = ((JsonObject) json2).entrySet();
                JsonObject json2obj = (JsonObject) json2;
                if (ens1 != null && ens2 != null) {
                    // (ens2.size() == ens1.size())
                    // Iterate JSON Elements with Key values
                    for (Entry<String, JsonElement> en : ens1) {
                        isEqual = isEqual && compareJson(en.getValue(), json2obj.get(en.getKey()));
                } else {
                    return false;

            // Check whether both jsonElement are arrays
            else if (json1.isJsonArray() && json2.isJsonArray()) {
                JsonArray jarr1 = json1.getAsJsonArray();
                JsonArray jarr2 = json2.getAsJsonArray();
                if (jarr1.size() != jarr2.size()) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    int i = 0;
                    // Iterate JSON Array to JSON Elements
                    for (JsonElement je : jarr1) {
                        isEqual = isEqual && compareJson(je, jarr2.get(i));

            // Check whether both jsonElement are null
            else if (json1.isJsonNull() && json2.isJsonNull()) {
                return true;

            // Check whether both jsonElement are primitives
            else if (json1.isJsonPrimitive() && json2.isJsonPrimitive()) {
                if (json1.equals(json2)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else if (json1 == null && json2 == null) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
        return isEqual;

Sanket Sarang
JSON.areEqual(json1, json2); //using BlobCity Java Commons


Looking at the answers, I tried JSONAssert but it failed. So I used Jackson with zjsonpatch. I posted details in the SO answer here.

Mattias Isegran Bergander

toMap() in JSONObject works fine with nested objects and arrays already.

As the java.util.Map interface specifies to check the mappings and not the order, comparing the Maps is fine and also recursive.

json1 = new JSONObject("{...}");
json2 = new JSONObject("{...}");

It will work fine with any order and nested elements.

It will NOT however work with extra/ignored elements. If those are known you can remove them before calling equals on the maps.


Here is the code using Jackson ObjectMapper. To know more read this article.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.*

boolean compareJsonPojo(Object pojo1, Object pojo2) {
        try {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            String str1 = mapper.writeValueAsString(pojo1);
            String str2 = mapper.writeValueAsString(pojo2);
            return mapper.readTree(str1).equals(mapper.readTree(str2));
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw new AssertionError("Error comparing JSON objects: " + e.getMessage());

Ashley Frieze

ModelAssert - does this. By default, it prefers the JSON to be in order, but it can use relaxed order of object keys and array elements:


This assertion is AssertJ style - i.e. using a fluent DSL. ModelAssert can also be used to build Hamcrest or Mockito matchers with the same DSL.

The Json can be a String, File, Jackson JsonNode, or even a POJO that is spontaneously converted to JSON for comparison.

There's also support for yml.