

Collect submissions from your HTML form in 2 minutes
521 days ago

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The Developer Said

“ Hey ! 👋 This is Nusu, founder of Formcarry. I’m very excited to share with you our product 🤙 Collecting submissions from HTML forms, implementing file upload support, making sure that your forms work 99.9% of the time is a real hassle. Isn’t it? 🤔 Well… Formcarry fixes that, you can collect submissions from your own HTML form under 2 minutes with spam protection, file upload support and everything you need from a form. Formcarry doesn't involve in form styling like Jotform and Typeform, you design your form, we process it. @oguzyagizkara and I were working on the formcarry for the last year, and our aim was produce something so detailed and rock solid that people can enjoy while using i

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